¿Cómo puedo recrear estas dos tablas en LaTeX?

¿Cómo puedo recrear estas dos tablas en LaTeX?

En este caso, el texto real es irrelevante; el formato y el diseño es lo que me interesa. Todos mis intentos han resultado engañosos.

¡Estoy impaciente por estudiar tus ideas!. Gracias de antemano.

Tabla 1, sin fondo de color

Tabla 2, con fondo de color en filas alternas


Aquí hay un intento. Sin embargo, puedes ajustar los colores.


%% \arrayrulecolor{magenta}  %%% uncomment this to have all rules in this color
    \caption[Some table]{This is my table}\label{tab:mytab}
      \scshape Some text & \scshape Some text here & \scshape Some text & \multicolumn{1}{G}{\scshape
          And some more text here} \\\midrule
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\\bottomrule

    \caption[Some table]{This is my table}\label{tab:myothertab}
      \scshape Some text & \scshape Some text here & \scshape Some text & \scshape And some more text
           here \\\midrule
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
      Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\\bottomrule

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Aquí hay un código que reproduce lo más fielmente posible la primera tabla del OP. Requiere cargar principalmente captiony floatrow(para la posición del título), además microtype, xpatchy makecell.



        \usepackage[showframe, nomarginpar, textwidth = 15cm]{geometry}
        \usepackage[svgnames, x11names]{xcolor}
        \usepackage{array, booktabs, colortbl}
        \usepackage{caption, floatrow}


        \DeclareCaptionFormat{leftmargin}{\captionsetup{textfont={small, sf, md, up}, labelfont={small, sf, md, up}, labelsep=space, position = above, slc = off} \raggedright\textls*[150]{\MakeUppercase{#1 #2}}#3}%

        \floatsetup{captionskip = 4pt}%

        \renewcommand{\theadfont}{\SetTracking{encoding= *, shape= sc}{180}\color{black}\rmfamily\scshape}%


        \centering\arrayrulecolor{DeepPink3!50!DeepPink2}\captionsetup{format = leftmargin, font = {color ={DeepPink3!50!DeepPink2}} }
        \ttabbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Properties of everyday  -- or Galilean -- velocity.}}%
        \begin{tabular}{@{}*{3}{l} >{\color{SeaGreen2!45!Cyan4}\sffamily}l@{}}
        \thead{Velocities\\can} &   \thead{Physical \\ properties}  &  \thead{Mathematical \\ name} & \thead{Definition}\\
        Be distinguished  & distinguibility  & element of set  & Vol.  III,  page 242 \\
        Change gradually  & continuum & real vector space & \makecell[tl]{Page 77, Vol.  V,  \\ page 349} \\
        Point somewhere, direction & vector space,  dimensionality & Page 77 \\
        Be compared & measurability & metricity & Vol. V, page 340 \\
        Be added  & additivity & vector space  & Page 77 \\
        Have defined angles  &  direction & Euclidean vector space  & Page 77 \\
        Exceed any limit & infinity & unboundedness  & Vol.  III,  page 243 \\


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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