Secuencia de control indefinida \State \For \While

Secuencia de control indefinida \State \For \While

Estoy intentando escribir un pseudocódigo en MiKTeX. Lo he usado \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algorithmic}pero obtengo:

Secuencia de control indefinida para cada estructura (\State, \While, \For, \If).

\State Initialize a population of particles with random values positions and velocities from \textit{D} dimensions in the search space
\WHILE{Termination condition not reached} 
\For{ Each particle \textit{i}}
    \State Adapt velocity of the particle using Equation \ref{eq:1}
    \State Update the position of the particle using Equation \ref{eq:2}
    \State Evaluate the fitness {$f(\overrightarrow{X}_i)$}
    \If{\begin{equation}f(\overrightarrow{X}_i)<f(\overrightarrow{P}_i)\end    {equation} 
        \begin{equation}\overrightarrow{P}_i \gets \overrightarrow{X}_i\end{equation}
        \begin{equation}\overrightarrow{P}_g \gets \overrightarrow{X}_i\end{equation}


Estás cargando algorithmic, pero usando la sintaxis de algpseudocode.

\State Initialize a population of particles with random values positions
       and velocities from \textit{D} dimensions in the search space
\While{Termination condition not reached}
\For{Each particle $i$}
    \State Adapt velocity of the particle using Equation \ref{eq:1}
    \State Update the position of the particle using Equation \ref{eq:2}
    \State Evaluate the fitness {$f(\overrightarrow{X}_i)$}
       \State $\overrightarrow{P}_i \gets \overrightarrow{X}_i$
       \State $\overrightarrow{P}_g \gets \overrightarrow{X}_i$

No tiene mucho sentido usarlo equationdentro de un algoritmo, especialmente en el argumento de \If. Tenga en cuenta que \WHILEy \ENDWHILEdebería ser \Whiley \EndWhile.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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