Quiero dos glosarios: 1) Nomenclatura 2) Abreviaturas
En nomenclatura hay cuatro columnas y en abreviaturas tres.
Todo funciona bien, excepto que las abreviaturas no aparecen a partir del segundo uso.
¿Cuál es el problema en el código que estoy usando?
Archivo de nomenclatura: INP-00-glossary.tex
Archivo de abreviaturas: INP-01-glossary.tex
description={Monte Carlo},
first={\glsentrydesc{MC} (\glsentrytext{MC})}
\usepackage{hhline}%double line in table
%\usepackage[backref=page]{hyperref}%creates a reference with additional text corresponding to the target's type
bookmarks=true, % show bookmarks bar?
unicode=false, % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
pdftoolbar=true, % show Acrobat’s toolbar?
pdfmenubar=true, % show Acrobat’s menu?
pdffitwindow=false, % window fit to page when opened
pdfstartview={FitH}, % fits the width of the page to the window
pdftitle={My title}, % title
pdfauthor={Author}, % author
pdfsubject={Subject}, % subject of the document
pdfcreator={Creator}, % creator of the document
pdfproducer={Producer}, % producer of the document
pdfkeywords={keyword1} {key2} {key3}, % list of keywords
pdfnewwindow=true, % links in new window
colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links
linkcolor=black, % red,color of internal links
citecolor=black, % color of links to bibliography
filecolor=black, % color of file links
urlcolor=black, % color of external links
%glossaries and acronym
numberline,indexonlyfirst,nomain]{glossaries} %nomain, if you define glossaries in a file, and you use \include{INP-00-glossary}
%custom glossary style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & \bfseries Symbol &
\bfseries Units & \bfseries Dimensions & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}% Name
& \glossentrydesc{##1}% Description
& \glossentrysymbol{##1}% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##2% Page list
\tabularnewline % end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{\glossentryname{##2}}% Name
& \glossentrydesc{##2}% Description
& \glossentrysymbol{##2}% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##3% Page list
\tabularnewline % end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style
%custom glossary1 style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & &
& & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{##2}% Name
& ##3% Description
& ##4% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##5% Page list
\\% end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{##3}% Name
& ##4% Description
& ##5% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##6% Page list
\\% end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style
\renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{}%removes dot at end
\glssetwidest{AAAAAAA}% widest name
\gls{MC} used. another \gls{MC}
\gls{T} used , another \gls{T}
La forma más sencilla de solucionar este problema es eliminar algunas complejidades innecesarias.
Primero, cambie su INP-01-glossary.tex a:
\newacronym{MC}{MC}{Monte Carlo}
Ahora \newacronym
se usa \newglossaryentry
en segundo plano y puedes usarlo \newglossaryentry
para hacer esto, pero como tus abreviaturas son esencialmente acrónimos, yo simplemente usaría \newacronym
En segundo lugar, elimine parte del código que comienza con su redefinición de \gls
. Esa es esta parte:
también funciona como usted lo desea y le permitirá utilizar otras macros de glosario sin inconsistencias.
Además, puedes eliminar tus \acronymtype
modificaciones haciendo esta parte:
Con este cambio también necesita eliminar la acronym
opción de las opciones del paquete de glosarios o cuando ejecute makeglossaries obtendrá un error.
Todo el MWE combinado para su documento ahora es:
\usepackage{hhline}%double line in table
bookmarks=true, % show bookmarks bar?
unicode=false, % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
pdftoolbar=true, % show Acrobat’s toolbar?
pdfmenubar=true, % show Acrobat’s menu?
pdffitwindow=false, % window fit to page when opened
pdfstartview={FitH}, % fits the width of the page to the window
pdftitle={My title}, % title
pdfauthor={Author}, % author
pdfsubject={Subject}, % subject of the document
pdfcreator={Creator}, % creator of the document
pdfproducer={Producer}, % producer of the document
pdfkeywords={keyword1} {key2} {key3}, % list of keywords
pdfnewwindow=true, % links in new window
colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links
linkcolor=black, % red,color of internal links
citecolor=black, % color of links to bibliography
filecolor=black, % color of file links
urlcolor=black, % color of external links
%custom glossary style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & \bfseries Symbol &
\bfseries Units & \bfseries Dimensions & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}% Name
& \glossentrydesc{##1}% Description
& \glossentrysymbol{##1}% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##2% Page list
\tabularnewline % end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{\glossentryname{##2}}% Name
& \glossentrydesc{##2}% Description
& \glossentrysymbol{##2}% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##3% Page list
\tabularnewline % end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style
%custom glossary1 style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & &
& & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{##2}% Name
& ##3% Description
& ##4% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##5% Page list
\\% end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{##3}% Name
& ##4% Description
& ##5% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##6% Page list
\\% end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style
\renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{}%removes dot at end
\glssetwidest{AAAAAAA}% widest name
\gls{MC} used. another \gls{MC}
\gls{T} used , another \gls{T}
Produciendo (para la tercera página):