Cómo construir un cilindro en tikz como se muestra en este ejemplo

Cómo construir un cilindro en tikz como se muestra en este ejemplo

Me gustaría hacer un gráfico similar al que se muestra a continuación, pero con texto diferente:


Ya que acabo de hacer gráficos 2D, ¿puedes darme un consejo inicial sobre cómo hacer esto en Ti?k¿Z?

Ese es mi MWE incompleto hasta ahora:

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes}


        ,minimum size=10mm
        %node section
        \node (question) {Identify the issue and determine the question};
        \node (plan) [below = of question] {Write plan for the review (protocol)};
        \node (studies)  [below = of plan] {Search for studies};

        \fill[red] (0,-4) circle (0.25);
        \fill[red] (1,-4.5) circle (0.25);
        \fill[red] (-1.5,-4.5) circle (0.25);
        \fill[green] (1,-5.5) circle (0.25);        
        \fill[green] (-1.5,-5.7) circle (0.25);
        \fill[green] (-0.5,-5.8) circle (0.25);     

        \clip[draw] (0,-6) ellipse (2cm and 1cm);
        \draw[step=0.3cm, black] (-2cm,-7cm) grid (2cm,1cm);

        %arrow section
        \draw [->](question) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (plan);
        \draw [->](plan) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (studies);




Esta respuesta se centrará en el funnelobjeto, al menos por el momento.


  • Formas de embudo fijas.
  • Se eliminó una \foreachdeclaración y la incluyó en la anterior.
  • Mejor posicionamiento de los nodos.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí




        line width=.05pt, 
    \draw[black,bottom color=#2, top color=#2] (-\mwid,0) -- (-\mwid+.4,-1) arc (190:350:\marc cm and 5mm) -- (\mwid,0);
    \draw[black,fill=#3] (0,0) ellipse (\mwid cm and 5mm);
    \path (-\mwid,0) -- (-\mwid+.4,-1) coordinate[midway] (a\xi);

        ,minimum size=10mm
        %node section
    \node (question) {Identify the issue and determine the question};
    \node (plan) [below = of question] {Write plan for the review (protocol)};
    \node (studies)  [below = of plan] {Search for studies};

    \clip[preaction={draw, green!40!black, very thick}] (0,-6) ellipse (2 and .5);
    \draw[step=0.3cm, black] (-2cm,-7cm) grid (2cm,1cm);

    \fill[red] (0,-4) circle (0.25);
    \fill[red] (1,-4.5) circle (0.25);
    \fill[red] (-1.5,-4.5) circle (0.25);
    \fill[green] (1,-5.5) circle (0.25);        
    \fill[green] (-1.5,-5.7) circle (0.25);
    \fill[green] (-0.5,-5.8) circle (0.25);     

    %arrow section
    \draw [->](question) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (plan);
    \draw [->](plan) to node[below] {} node[above] {} (studies);

\foreach \text
        count=\xi starting from 0, 
        evaluate=\xi as \shadecolor using int(25*\xi),
        evaluate=\xi as \coord using int(\xi-12)
    in {%
        Discuss and conclude\\overall findings,
        Combine the data\\\tiny\itshape (synthesis or meta-analysis),
        Assess the quality\\of the studies,
        Extract data from the studies
        \funnel{\coord}{mgreen!\shadecolor !myellow}{mgreen!\shadecolor !myellow}
        \node[align=right, anchor=east, inner sep=10pt, font=\scriptsize, text width=2cm] at (a\xi) {\text};


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