¿Dónde están el título, el autor y la fecha?

¿Dónde están el título, el autor y la fecha?

Tengo el siguiente código de ejemplo:






\title{Theorems And Proofs}
\author{Napoleone Bonaparte}
\date{May 2014}



Theorems can easily be defined

A fibration is a mapping between two topological spaces that has the homotopy lifting property for every space $X$.

Let $f$ be a function whose derivative exists in every point, then $f$ is 
a continuous function.

\begin{theorem}[Pythagorean theorem]
This is a theorema about right triangles and can be summarised in the next 
\[ x^2 + y^2 = z^2 \]

And a consequence of theorem \ref{pythagorean} is the statement in the next 

There's no right rectangle whose sides measure 3cm, 4cm, and 6cm.

You can reference theorems such as \ref{pythagorean} when a label is assigned.

Given two line segments whose lengths are $a$ and $b$ respectively there is a 
real number $r$ such that $b=ra$.
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statemenet is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

pero no entiendo porque no veo Título, Autor y Fecha.


Los metadatos se incluyen en el documento mediante el comando \maketitle. Por lo general, es lo primero que sigue \begin{document}.

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