Me gustaría hacer el siguiente dibujo:
Hasta ahora, mi código es el siguiente:
% axes
\draw [->] (0,-1) --(0,1.5) node [left] {$\mathrm{Im}(p)$};
\draw [->] (-2,0) --(2,0) node [below] {$\mathrm{Re}(p)$};
% pole
\foreach \i/\j in {-0.3/c}{\node[circle, inner sep=1pt] (\j) at (0.9,\i) {$\times$};}
% line
\draw [thick] (-1.5,0) --(0.8,0);
\draw [thick] (1,0) --(1.5,0);
% C - bromwich contour
\node at (-1.2,0) [below right] {$C$};
% mathmode
\draw[<-,shorten <=2mm] (1,-0.3)-- ++ (-20:0.5) node[right] {$v_z=\frac{\mathrm{i}p}{k}$};
% vertical lines
\draw [thick] (0.8,0) -- (0.8,-0.1);
\draw [thick] (1,0) -- (1,-0.1);
% semi circle
\draw (1,-0.1) arc[radius=2mm, start angle=20, end angle=-250];
Mi problema es cómo dibujar el arco alrededor del poste. Lo he intentado muchas veces usando el comando.arcopero no he podido producir una imagen similar.
Entonces, me preguntaba si existe una forma más eficiente de hacer este tipo de arcos/curvas.
Gracias de antemano.
Las flechas sobre el círculo no son correctas y no sé si se puede considerar esta solución.eficientepero puede servir como punto de partida.
El código utiliza cross out
forma para los postes. Sobre cada polo se dibuja un nodo circular invisible. Este nodo se utiliza como referencia para el arco circundante que se dibuja en dos fragmentos.
\usetikzlibrary{calc, decorations.markings, shapes.misc}
pole/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=2mm}
% axes
\draw [->] (0,-1) --(0,1.5) node [left] {$\mathrm{Im}(p)$};
\draw [->] (-2,0) --(2,0) node [below] {$\mathrm{Re}(p)$};
% pole
\node[pole] (c) at (0.9,-.3) {};
\node[circle, minimum size=6mm] (aux) at (c) {};
% line
\draw [ultra thick,
mark=at position .05 with {\arrowreversed{stealth}},
mark=at position .40 with {\arrowreversed{stealth}},
mark=at position .75 with {\arrowreversed{stealth}}},
(aux.-90) arc(-90:-250:1.5mm)|- (-1.5,0);
\draw [ultra thick,
mark=at position .3 with {\arrow{stealth}},
mark=at position .80 with {\arrow{stealth}}},
(aux.-90) arc(-90:70:1.5mm)|- (1.5,0);
% C - bromwich contour
\node at (-1.2,0) [below right] {$C$};
% mathmode
\draw[<-,shorten <=2mm] (1,-0.3)-- ++ (-20:0.5) node[right] {$v_z=\frac{\mathrm{i}p}{k}$};
Aquí hay un esfuerzo alternativo enMetapostenvuelto en elluamplib
biblioteca. Compilar con lualatex
numeric u; % unit size
u = 1cm;
path xx, yy; % axes and labels
xx = (3 left -- 6 right) scaled u;
yy = (2 down -- 2 up) scaled u;
draw xx withcolor .7 white;
draw yy withcolor .7 white;"$\Re\{v_1\}$", point 1 of xx);
label.lft("$\Im\{v_2\}$", point 1 of yy);
% position the pole
z1 = (2.7u,-1u);
% label it with a cross
% parameters for the pole marker
numeric gap, radius;
gap = 1/8 u;
radius = 1/3 u;
path arc, cc;
% the arc is most of a circle drawn round the pole
arc = fullcircle rotated 90 % rotate it so point 0 is at top
scaled 2 radius % scale it
shifted z1 % move it to the pole
cutbefore yy shifted (x1-gap,0) % cut off the beginning
cutafter yy shifted (x1+gap,0); % and the end
% join the arc up with some straight segments to make the contour
cc = (-2u,0) -- (x1-gap, 0) -- arc -- (x1+gap,0) -- (5u,0);
% set some drawing options for the arrows
interim linecap := 0; % sharp ends
interim linejoin := 0; % sharp joins & arrowhead
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 3/2 withcolor 2/3 red);
% how many subarrow to show
subarrows = 4;
% draw subarrows along cc
arrowlength = arclength(cc)/subarrows;
numeric a,b;
for i = 1 upto subarrows:
a := arctime (i-1)*arrowlength of cc;
b := arctime i*arrowlength of cc;
drawarrow subpath (a,b) of cc;