Tikz compensa el origen cuando se compila en XeLaTeX en comparación con PDFLaTeX

Tikz compensa el origen cuando se compila en XeLaTeX en comparación con PDFLaTeX

En el código que figura a continuación, si compilo usando WinEdt y XeLaTeX, mi ecuación sale así:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Sin embargo, cuando uso PFDLaTeX para compilar, la ecuación sale correctamente:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

¿Cómo hacer que la ecuación se muestre correctamente usando XeLaTeX?

Aquí está el código:


\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm}

\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,calc,arrows,shapes,fit,decorations.pathreplacing,pgfplots.groupplots, matrix}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={remember picture}}


\tikz{\node{\subnode{d4}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k+1)$} = \subnode{d5}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)$} + \subnode{d6} {$\mathbf{K_{B}}(k+1)$}\subnode{d7}{$\big(\underbrace{z(k+1)-\mathbf{h}'(k+1)\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)}\big)$}};}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d4) to [in=90,out=245] + (245:2.2cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {current estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d5) to [in=90,out=265] +(255:1.1cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {previous estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d6) to [in=90,out=265] +(279:2.0cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=3cm,align=center]
 {(gain)\\ The weight\\ of the adjustment};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d7) to [in=90,out=265] +(335:1.6cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=4cm,align=center]
 {residual prediction\\ how far the previous\\ estimation from the \\ current measurement};



Realmente no entiendo su enfoque, pero así es como lo haría. Funciona con xelatex y pdflatex.

El punto principal es definir una macro.


para marcar el contenido donde se originan las flechas. Para agregar flechas y texto, use

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  ... tikz code using the labels defined by \tikznode ...

Defina el comando \tikznodeen el preámbulo como

   {\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#2.base)]
      \node[minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,#1](#2){#3};%

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

   {\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#2.base)]
      \node[minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,#1](#2){#3};%

\tikznode{d4}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k+1)$} = \tikznode{d5}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)$}
+ \tikznode{d6}{$\mathbf{K_{B}}(k+1)$}\tikznode{d7}{$\big(\underbrace{z(k+1)-\mathbf{h}'(k+1)\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)}\big)$}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d4) to [in=90,out=245] + (245:2.2cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {current estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d5) to [in=90,out=265] +(255:1.1cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {previous estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d6) to [in=90,out=265] +(279:2.0cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=3cm,align=center]
 {(gain)\\ The weight\\ of the adjustment};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d7) to [in=90,out=265] +(335:1.6cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=4cm,align=center]
 {residual prediction\\ how far the previous\\ estimation from the \\ current measurement};



Para @gernot: es el mismo problema porque se aplica la solución


\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm}

\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,calc,arrows,shapes,fit,decorations.pathreplacing,pgfplots.groupplots, matrix}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={remember picture}}


        \special{pdf: content q}%
        \pgfsys@invoke{q -1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm}%
        \special{pdf: content -1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm q}% translate to original coordinate system
        \pgfsys@invoke{0 J [] 0 d}% reset line cap and dash
        \pgfsys@invoke{n Q Q Q}%

\tikz{\node{\subnode{d4}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k+1)$} = \subnode{d5}{$\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)$} + \subnode{d6} {$\mathbf{K_{B}}(k+1)$}\subnode{d7}{$\big(\underbrace{z(k+1)-\mathbf{h}'(k+1)\hat{{\theta}}_{BLU}(k)}\big)$}};}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d4) to [in=90,out=245] + (245:2.2cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {current estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d5) to [in=90,out=265] +(255:1.1cm) node[anchor=north,text = black] {previous estimate};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d6) to [in=90,out=265] +(279:2.0cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=3cm,align=center]
 {(gain)\\ The weight\\ of the adjustment};
\draw[blue,thick,->] (d7) to [in=90,out=265] +(335:1.6cm) node[anchor=north,text = black,text width=4cm,align=center]
 {residual prediction\\ how far the previous\\ estimation from the \\ current measurement};


El resultado es el mismo que el segundo complemento de OP.

información relacionada