Me estoy preparando para enviar mi artículo a una revista Springer por primera vez. Quiero insertar una tabla de dos columnas como se muestra en la siguiente imagen:
mientras mi código produce:
Mi código:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file template.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is a general template file for the LaTeX package SVJour3
% for Springer journals. Springer Heidelberg 2010/09/16
% Copy it to a new file with a new name and use it as the basis
% for your article. Delete % signs as needed.
% This template includes a few options for different layouts and
% content for various journals. Please consult a previous issue of
% your journal as needed.
% First comes an example EPS file -- just ignore it and
% proceed on the \documentclass line
% your LaTeX will extract the file if required
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
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%%CreationDate: Mon Sep 29 1997
%%Creator: programmed by hand (JK)
20 20 moveto
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2 setlinewidth
.4 setgray fill
%\documentclass{svjour3} % onecolumn (standard format)
%\documentclass[smallcondensed]{svjour3} % onecolumn (ditto)
%\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3} % onecolumn (second format)
\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % twocolumn
\smartqed % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof
% \usepackage{mathptmx} % use Times fonts if available on your TeX system
% insert here the call for the packages your document requires
% etc.
% please place your own definitions here and don't use \def but
% \newcommand{}{}
% Insert the name of "your journal" with
% \journalname{myjournal}
\title{Insert your title here%\thanks{Grants or other notes
%about the article that should go on the front page should be
%placed here. General acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the article.}
\subtitle{Do you have a subtitle?\\ If so, write it here}
%\titlerunning{Short form of title} % if too long for running head
\author{First Author \and
Second Author %etc.
%\authorrunning{Short form of author list} % if too long for running head
\institute{F. Author \at
first address \\
Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
Fax: +123-45-678910\\
\email{[email protected]} % \\
% \emph{Present address:} of F. Author % if needed
S. Author \at
second address
\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor
Insert your abstract here. Include keywords, PACS and mathematical
subject classification numbers as needed.
\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and More}
% \PACS{PACS code1 \and PACS code2 \and more}
% \subclass{MSC code1 \and MSC code2 \and more}
Your text comes here. Separate text sections with
\section{Section title}
Text with citations \cite{RefB} and \cite{RefJ}.
% table caption is above the table
\caption{Interpretation and values of the parameters used in the simulation}
\label{tab:ParamValues} % Give a unique label
% For LaTeX tables use
Parameter & Interpretation & Value \\
$\theta_1(a_ek_e)$ & Efficacy of glucose consumption response to excitation & 1 \\
$\theta_2(k_e)$ & Inverse of the time constant for glucose consumption response to excitation & 1.5 \\
$\theta_3(a_ik_i)$ & Efficacy of glucose consumption response to inhibition & 1 \\
$\theta_5(k_i)$ & Inverse of the time constant for glucose consumption response to inhibition & 1.5 \\
$\theta_6(c)$ & Steepness of the sigmoid function & 2.5 \\
$\theta_7(d)$ & Position of the threshold of the sigmoid function & 1.6 \\
$\theta_8(\gamma)$ & Baseline ratio of excitatory to inhibitory synaptic activity in the voxel & 5 \\
$\theta_9(\epsilon)$ & Efficacy of blood flow response to excitation & 0.5 \\
$\theta_{10}(\tau_0)$ & Inverse of the time constant for CBF response & 0.6 \\
$\theta_{11}(\tau)$ & Transit time through the balloon & 1 \\
$\theta_{12}(\alpha)$ & Time constant that controls how fast CBV adjusts to changes in CBF & 10 \\
$\theta_{13}(\sigma)$ & Coefficient of the steady state flow–volume relationship & 0.4 \\
$\theta_{14}(V_0)$ & Baseline blood volume & 0.03 \\
$\theta_{15}(a_1)$ & Weight for deoxyhemoglobin change & 3.4 \\
$\theta_{16}(a_2)$ & Weight for blood volume change & 1 \\
$\theta_{17}(\sigma_{obs})$ & Noise variance for the state variables & 0.001 \\
\subsection{Subsection title}
as required. Don't forget to give each section
and subsection a unique label (see Sect.~\ref{sec:1}).
\paragraph{Paragraph headings} Use paragraph headings as needed.
%If you'd like to thank anyone, place your comments here
%and remove the percent signs.
% BibTeX users please use one of
%\bibliographystyle{spbasic} % basic style, author-year citations
%\bibliographystyle{spmpsci} % mathematics and physical sciences
%\bibliographystyle{spphys} % APS-like style for physics
%\bibliography{} % name your BibTeX data base
% Non-BibTeX users please use
% and use \bibitem to create references. Consult the Instructions
% for authors for reference list style.
% Format for Journal Reference
Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)
% Format for books
Author, Book title, page numbers. Publisher, place (year)
% etc
% end of file template.tex
No estoy seguro de qué funciones desea cambiar:
- Si quieres que la columna del medio sea más amplia, úsala
y llenará todo el espacio disponible. - Si desea alinear los números en las columnas de la derecha, utilice, por ejemplo
. - Para el espacio alrededor de la línea superior,
podría ayudar. @{}
elimina las líneas que sobresalen
\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % twocolumn
\caption{Interpretation and values of the parameters used in the simulation}
Parameter & Interpretation & {Value} \\
$\theta_1(a_ek_e)$ & Efficacy of glucose consumption response to excitation & 1 \\
$\theta_2(k_e)$ & Inverse of the time constant for glucose consumption response to excitation & 1.5 \\
$\theta_3(a_ik_i)$ & Efficacy of glucose consumption response to inhibition & 1 \\
$\theta_5(k_i)$ & Inverse of the time constant for glucose consumption response to inhibition & 1.5 \\
$\theta_6(c)$ & Steepness of the sigmoid function & 2.5 \\
$\theta_7(d)$ & Position of the threshold of the sigmoid function & 1.6 \\
$\theta_8(\gamma)$ & Baseline ratio of excitatory to inhibitory synaptic activity in the voxel & 5 \\
$\theta_9(\epsilon)$ & Efficacy of blood flow response to excitation & 0.5 \\
$\theta_{10}(\tau_0)$ & Inverse of the time constant for CBF response & 0.6 \\
$\theta_{11}(\tau)$ & Transit time through the balloon & 1 \\
$\theta_{12}(\alpha)$ & Time constant that controls how fast CBV adjusts to changes in CBF & 10 \\
$\theta_{13}(\sigma)$ & Coefficient of the steady state flow–volume relationship & 0.4 \\
$\theta_{14}(V_0)$ & Baseline blood volume & 0.03 \\
$\theta_{15}(a_1)$ & Weight for deoxyhemoglobin change & 3.4 \\
$\theta_{16}(a_2)$ & Weight for blood volume change & 1 \\
$\theta_{17}(\sigma_{obs})$ & Noise variance for the state variables & 0.001 \\