¿Qué hay de malo en la composición del documento?

¿Qué hay de malo en la composición del documento?

Genero el documento automáticamente y aparece el error. ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.Conozco este error, pero no puedo entender el motivo en mi caso. Aquí hay un ejemplo mínimo:

        \usepackage[left=72pt,right=72pt, top=72pt,bottom=72pt,bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry}
        \newcolumntype{R}[2]{>{\raggedleft \arraybackslash \hspace{0pt}}{#2}{#1}}
    \item item
                Own party & &  Unscored \\ [10pt]
                Own parties & & & \\ [10pt]
            Entity that is contracting on our behalf \\{Which of our own parties is contracting on our behalf?}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\ {Reference name used to refer to the own party}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ [10pt] 
                Counterparty & & & \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt] 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt] 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]

El error desaparece cuando elimino parte del texto ( For example, you can hold a company...) o cuando elimino parbox del encabezado, o cuando elimino parbox de la primera tabla larga..... ¿No puedo entender por qué sucede? ¿Cómo solucionar el error sin eliminar partes del documento?

¿Puedes explicarme qué pasa en este caso?

Actualización (debido a comentarios): si la última tabla se ve así (sin el último \\), todavía no funciona después de pequeños cambios de TEXTO:

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ \\ 
                Counterparty & & & \\ \\
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ 


No utilice \\ \\. Si necesita más espacio, use algo como \\[10pt]que agregue 10 puntos después de la línea. Y, por supuesto, en la definición de su encabezado con \fancyheaduse tabulary _not_ longtable.

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