Secuencia de control Indefinido. \end Biblatex

Secuencia de control Indefinido. \end Biblatex

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Secuencia de control Indefinido. \end Actualicé todos los paquetes en MikTeX pero nada cambió. Cambié la configuración de Biber a Bibtex pero luego genera errores diferentes y solicita usar biber. Estoy usando un archivo bibtex generado por mendley como referencia.

A continuación se proporciona un ejemplo de trabajo mínimo:


The section is introduced by \cite{BCBS2016}. This section provides the necessary details of introduction \citep{}.


Aquí se colocan dos entradas proporcionadas en el archivo dorsal:

 address = {Basel},
author = {BCBS},
booktitle = {Basel III Document},
institution = {Basel Committee on Banking Supervision},
isbn = {9291313734},
 number = {July},
publisher = {Bank for International Settlements},
title = {{Revision to the secuitisation framework}},
url = {},
year = {2016}

author = {Chiesa, Gabriella},
doi = {10.1016/j.jfi.2008.07.003},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Ahmed Arif/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Chiesa - 2008 - Optimal credit risk transfer, monitored finance, and banks.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {1042-9573},
issn = {10429573},
journal = {Journal of Financial Intermediation},
keywords = {Credit risk transfer,Monitoring incentives,Prudential regulation},
number = {4},
pages = {464--477},
title = {{Optimal credit risk transfer, monitored finance, and banks}},
volume = {17},
year = {2008}


Te olvidas de cargar babel. Y el idioma debería llamarse american.

  address = {Basel},
  author = {BCBS},
  booktitle = {Basel III Document},
  institution = {Basel Committee on Banking Supervision},
  isbn = {9291313734},
  number = {July},
  publisher = {Bank for International Settlements},
  title = {{Revision to the secuitisation framework}},
  url = {},
  year = {2016}

  author = {Chiesa, Gabriella},
  doi = {10.1016/j.jfi.2008.07.003},
  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Ahmed Arif/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Chiesa - 2008 - Optimal credit risk transfer, monitored finance, and banks.pdf:pdf},
  isbn = {1042-9573},
  issn = {10429573},
  journal = {Journal of Financial Intermediation},
  keywords = {Credit risk transfer,Monitoring incentives,Prudential regulation},
  number = {4},
  pages = {464--477},
  title = {{Optimal credit risk transfer, monitored finance, and banks}},
  volume = {17},
  year = {2008}


The section is introduced by \cite{BCBS2016}. This section provides the 
necessary details of introduction \citep{Chiesa2008}.


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Solía filecontents*​​simplemente no dañar mis archivos y hacer un ejemplo autónomo. Utilice su propio library.bibarchivo para su documento.

Eliminé los paquetes que cargaste dos veces y reorganicé un poco el preámbulo.

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