¿Cómo dibujar este tipo de diagrama de bloques?

¿Cómo dibujar este tipo de diagrama de bloques?

Estoy intentando dibujar el diagrama de bloques como se adjunta en la figura. Intenté dibujar y no sé cómo agregar flechas y etiquetar el cuadro grande que usé. ¿Alguien puede ayudar a dibujar dicho diagrama de bloques, ya sea completándolo a partir del código existente o de una manera nueva?ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Intenté dibujar con el siguiente código:

\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

    \node[bigbox] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
    \node[bigbox] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


Aunque jakunya se ha proporcionado una solución, esta es una alternativa.

Sourcey Destinationse puede agregar como etiquetas de fitlos nodos más grandes:

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};

(he simplificadofit el parámetro para incluir solo los nodos importantes y no todos)

Y como alternativa jakun's transform canvas(que no sabía) podrías usar:

\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);

o con calctikzlibrary:

\draw[->] ($(O.north east)!.2!(O.south east)$) -- ($(Ad.north west)!.2!(Ad.south west)$);

El código completo podría ser:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, backgrounds, fit}


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45, font=\sffamily]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};     
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox, label=destination] (Ad) [fit = (Z) (Ac) (V)] {};
\path (M.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (N.south);
\path (V.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (W.south);

\draw[->] ([yshift=-8mm]O.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|Ad.west);
\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Actualizar:El código podría simplificarse con la ayuda de algunos matrixnodos:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, fit, matrix}


    shorten >=1pt,
    shorten <=1pt,
    block/.style = {rectangle, black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em},
    packet/.style={draw, thick, matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={block, draw}},
    bigbox/.style={rectangle, draw, thick}

\matrix (A1) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\matrix (B1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=3mm of A1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (C1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of B1]{ & & \\};
\node[bigbox, label=Source] (D1) [fit = (A1) (C1)] {};

\matrix (C2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=2cm of C1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (B2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of C2]{ & & \\};
\matrix (A2) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm, right=3mm of B2]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\node[bigbox, label=Destination] (D2) [fit = (A2) (C2)] {};

\path (B1.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C1.south);
\path (B2.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C2.south);

\draw[->, thick] ([yshift=-8mm]D1.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|D2.west);
\draw[<-, thick] ([yshift=8mm]D1.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|D2.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


Agregue lo siguiente a su código:

% arrows
\draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (O.north east) -- (Ad.north west);
\draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (O.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (Ad.south west);
% invisible coordinates to position the labels
\node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of O] {\strut};
\path (O) -- coordinate (channel-x-position) (Ad);
% labels
\node[above=0pt of O] {Source};
\node[above=0pt of Ad] {Destination};
\node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};

Yo usaría bucles:

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc}

\begin{tikzpicture}%[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
    \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
    \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
    \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
    \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
    \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
    \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
    \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
    %\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}


    % ------ source ------
    % vertical
    \node[block] (source-ver-1) {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (source-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of source-ver-\last] {}; 

    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=.1cm of source-ver-3] (source-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (source-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of source-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (source-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of source-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (source-hor-group-\group) [fit = (source-hor-\group-1) (source-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Source] (source) [fit = (source-ver-1) (source-ver-\numVer) (source-hor-group-\numHorGroups)] {};

    % ------ destination ------
    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=2cm of source-hor-\numHorGroups-\numHor] (dest-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of dest-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of dest-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (dest-hor-group-\group) [fit = (dest-hor-\group-1) (dest-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % vertical
    \coordinate[right=.3cm of dest-hor-group-\numHorGroups] (dest-ver-west);
    \node[block] (dest-ver-1) at (dest-ver-west |- source-ver-1) [anchor=west] {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (dest-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of dest-ver-\last] {}; 

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Destination] (dest) [fit = (dest-ver-1) (dest-ver-\numVer) (dest-hor-group-1)] {};

    % ------ arrows ------
    % arrows
    \draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (source.north east) -- (dest.north west);
    \draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (source.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (dest.south west);
    % invisible coordinates to position the labels
    \node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of source] {\strut};
    \coordinate (channel-x-position) at ($(source.east)!.5!(dest.west)$);
    % labels
    \node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};

captura de pantalla


Cambié algunas partes de su código, por ejemplo, para obtener más nodos cuadrados y alinear el búfer de entrada y salida en el centro de la lista de paquetes. Al usar calcla biblioteca y también -|, puedes manipular las coordenadas donde quieras. No me han importado mucho las fuentes.


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
  % \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
  \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum width=1em, minimum height=1em]
  % \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
  % \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
  % \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
  \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
  % \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
  % \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
  % \tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
  \node[block] (A) {};
  \node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
  \node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
  \node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
  \node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
  \node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
  \node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of {$(C.south east)!0.5!(D.north east)$}] {};
  \node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
  \node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
  \node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
  \node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
  \node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

  \node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
  \node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
  \node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
  \node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
  \node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
  \node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
  \node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of {U.east |- C}] {};
  \node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
  \node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
  \node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  % \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox,label=above:Source] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox,label=above:Destination] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
  % \end{pgfonlayer}
  \draw[->](O.30)--(Ad.180 |- O.30);
  \draw[<-](O.-30)--(Ad.180 |- O.-30)node[pos=0.5,below]{ACK};
  \node[below=1em] at ($(O.south east)!0.5!(Ad.south west)$){CHANNEL};
  \node[below] at ($(M.south)!0.5!(N.south)$){Packets};
  \node[below] at ($(V.south)!0.5!(W.south)$){Packets};


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

información relacionada