Cambiar la familia de fuentes de configuración de subtítulos en tablas.

Cambiar la familia de fuentes de configuración de subtítulos en tablas.

Me gustaría cambiar la familia de fuentes de los subtítulos a ptm. Estoy usando metropolisuna plantilla para proyector.

¿Hay alguna forma de cambiar el título a la familia de fuentes ptm?

\begin{frame}{Results: DiD - Development Policy}
                \caption{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for Self-Employed Workers}}
                \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5cm} cccc}
                    \toprule \toprule
                    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Model}                                                                 \\ \cmidrule{2-5} 
                    Variables                           & (i)                  & (ii)                 & (iii)                & (iv)                 \\ \midrule
                    Time                                & 0.34***              & 0.35***              & 0.22***              & 0.30***              \\
                    & (0.03)               & (0.03)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Treatment                           & -0.03                & 0.03                 & -0.07                & -0.06                \\
                    & (0.05)               & (0.04)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Time $\cdot$ Treatment              &  0.08                & 0.13**               & 0.20**               & 0.21***              \\
                    & (0.07)               & (0.06)               & (0.08)               & (0.07)               \\
                    Matched                             &  No                  & No                   & Yes                  & Yes                  \\
                    Controls                            &  No                  & Yes                  & No                   & Yes                  \\
                    Standard error of the regression    &  1.170               & 1.033                & 1.067                & 0.937                \\
                    Observations                        &  8,085               & 8,085                & 2,584                & 2,584                \\ \bottomrule
                    \item \textit{Notes}: Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1, 5 and 10\% levels is indicated by ***,** and *, respectively.

Este es mi resultado: ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Encontré dos soluciones. Uno es configurarlo \captionfontdirectamente. La otra es configurar la fuente de título predeterminada usando \setbeamerfont{caption}{...}.

Nota: threeepartableno tiene que estar dentro de un entorno de mesa.

%\usepackage{tikz}% redundant


\begin{frame}{Results: DiD - Development Policy}
        \scalebox{0.8}{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for}} %comparison
                \caption{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for Self-Employed Workers}}
                \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5cm} cccc}
                    \toprule \toprule
                    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Model}                                                                 \\ \cmidrule{2-5} 
                    Variables                           & (i)                  & (ii)                 & (iii)                & (iv)                 \\ \midrule
                    Time                                & 0.34***              & 0.35***              & 0.22***              & 0.30***              \\
                    & (0.03)               & (0.03)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Treatment                           & -0.03                & 0.03                 & -0.07                & -0.06                \\
                    & (0.05)               & (0.04)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Time $\cdot$ Treatment              &  0.08                & 0.13**               & 0.20**               & 0.21***              \\
                    & (0.07)               & (0.06)               & (0.08)               & (0.07)               \\
                    Matched                             &  No                  & No                   & Yes                  & Yes                  \\
                    Controls                            &  No                  & Yes                  & No                   & Yes                  \\
                    Standard error of the regression    &  1.170               & 1.033                & 1.067                & 0.937                \\
                    Observations                        &  8,085               & 8,085                & 2,584                & 2,584                \\ \bottomrule
                    \item \textit{Notes}: Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1, 5 and 10\% levels is indicated by ***,** and *, respectively.


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