¿Cómo evitar que los enlaces de citas coloreados (hyperref) dentro del nodo tikz [fill=black, text=white] restablezcan el color del texto a negro?

¿Cómo evitar que los enlaces de citas coloreados (hyperref) dentro del nodo tikz [fill=black, text=white] restablezcan el color del texto a negro?

El siguiente MWE debería demostrar el problema:


        author       = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and Samarin, Alexander},
        title        = {The {LaTeX} Companion},
        date         = 1994,
        edition      = 1,
        publisher    = {Addison-Wesley},
        location     = {Reading, Mass.},
        pagetotal    = 528,
        langid       = {english},
        langidopts   = {variant=american},
        sorttitle    = {LaTeX Companion},
        indextitle   = {LaTeX Companion, The},
        shorttitle   = {LaTeX Companion},



%   linkcolor=blue,
%   anchorcolor=purple,
%   urlcolor=green,

    \node[draw, rectangle,
        minimum height=100mm,
        text width=10cm,
        text=white,] {\huge 
            Hello World!
            \cite[p. 100]{companion}

            Where am I? %you are there, but invisible due to wrong text color

            \textcolor{white}{Ahh, hello again!}

I have two problems:
Manually resetting the textcolor is inefficient and

even if the textcolor is reset right after the cite command the text until the cite's closing bracket ', p. 100]' is not affected (it remains invisible).

Question: Is there a comfortable solution to get the cite mark colored?


¿Qué estoy haciendo mal? Mi entorno de compilación: Win7-64, Texlive 2017, luaLaTeX


Los enlaces de colores OCG generados con el ocgx2paquete (TeXLive-2017, MiKTeX) parecen solucionar ambos problemas informados, con la ventaja de que los enlaces de colores OCG se imprimen en papel en el color del texto actual, whiteaquí.


        author       = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and Samarin, Alexander},
        title        = {The {LaTeX} Companion},
        date         = 1994,
        edition      = 1,
        publisher    = {Addison-Wesley},
        location     = {Reading, Mass.},
        pagetotal    = 528,
        langid       = {english},
        langidopts   = {variant=american},
        sorttitle    = {LaTeX Companion},
        indextitle   = {LaTeX Companion, The},
        shorttitle   = {LaTeX Companion},



%    colorlinks=true,
%   linkcolor=blue,
%   anchorcolor=purple,
%   urlcolor=green,

    \node[draw, rectangle,
        minimum height=100mm,
        text width=10cm,
        text=white,] {\huge 
            Hello World!
            \cite[p. 100]{companion}

            Where am I?

            %\textcolor{white}{Ahh, hello again!}
            Ahh, hello again!

%I have two problems:
%Manually resetting the textcolor is inefficient and
%even if the textcolor is reset right after the cite command the text until the cite's closing bracket ', p. 100]' is not affected (it remains invisible).
%Question: Is there a comfortable solution to get the cite mark colored?


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