Uso de la fuente Bera Mono con \mlttfamily descrito por matlab-prettifier

Uso de la fuente Bera Mono con \mlttfamily descrito por matlab-prettifier

Estoy usando látex con pdftex e intento usar la fuente Bera Mono con la \mlttfamilydescripción descrita en matlab-prettifierla documentación. Sin embargo, ¿la salida generada parece ignorar mi \lstset basicstyle = \mlttfamilyconfiguración y en su lugar utiliza la predeterminada \ttfamily? A continuación se muestra la imagen de mi salida.




  style              = Matlab-editor,
  basicstyle         = \mlttfamily, %\ttfamily
  escapechar         = ",
  mlshowsectionrules = true,


%% Code sections are highlighted.
% System command are supported...
!gzip sample.m
% ... as is line continuation.
A = [1, 2, 3,... % (mimicking the ouput is good)
 4, 5, 6]
fid = fopen('testFile.text', 'w')
for i=1:10
  fprintf(fid,'%6.2f \n', i);
x=1; %% this is just a comment, though
% Context-sensitive keywords get highlighted correctly...
p = properties(mydate); %(here, properties is a function)
x = linspace(0,1,101);
y = x(end:-1:1)
% ... even in nonsensical code.
]end()()(((end end)end ))))end (function end
    block comments are supported
%} even
runaway block comments


imagen de salida


Esto soluciona el problema, \lstsetdefine la configuración predeterminada \lstlistingy antes estaba sobrescribiendo esta configuración de estilo sin cambiar la fuente.
El siguiente código ahora cambia correctamente la fuente a Bera Mono.




  style              = Matlab-editor,
  basicstyle         = \mlttfamily, %\ttfamily
  escapechar         = ",
  mlshowsectionrules = true,


%% Code sections are highlighted.
% System command are supported...
!gzip sample.m
% ... as is line continuation.
A = [1, 2, 3,... % (mimicking the ouput is good)
     4, 5, 6]
fid = fopen('testFile.text', 'w')
for i=1:10
  fprintf(fid,'%6.2f \n', i);
x=1; %% this is just a comment, though
% Context-sensitive keywords get highlighted correctly...
p = properties(mydate); %(here, properties is a function)
x = linspace(0,1,101);
y = x(end:-1:1)
% ... even in nonsensical code.
]end()()(((end end)end ))))end (function end
    block comments are supported
%} even
runaway block comments



Ahora veo en la descripción general de matlab-prettier que lo siguiente funciona.





              style      = Matlab-editor,
              basicstyle = \mlttfamily,

            %% Code sections are highlighted.
            % System command are supported...
            !gzip sample.m
            % ... as is line continuation.
            A = [1, 2, 3,... % (mimicking the ouput is good)
                 4, 5, 6]
            fid = fopen('testFile.text', 'w')
            for i=1:10
              fprintf(fid,'%6.2f \n', i);
            x=1; %% this is just a comment, though
            % Context-sensitive keywords get highlighted correctly...
            p = properties(mydate); %(here, properties is a function)
            x = linspace(0,1,101);
            y = x(end:-1:1)
            % ... even in nonsensical code.
            ]end()()(((end end)end ))))end (function end
                block comments are supported
            %} even
            runaway block comments




información relacionada