Estoy en proceso de escribir mi tesis con látex y tengo un problema con el encabezado en la sección de bibliografía. Utilizo el paquete titlesec para el encabezado y biblatex tanto para la bibliografía como para una lista de publicaciones que aparece más adelante en el texto.
Aquí hay un MWE de mi problema, los encabezados en las secciones de la lista de publicaciones están bien, pero se agrega "REFERENCIAS" en el encabezado y pie de página de la bibliografía y no encuentro cómo obtenerlo correctamente.
author = "Jane Doe",
title = "Matrix Computations",
edition = "4th Edition",
publisher = "The Johns Hopkins University Press",
address = "Baltimore, Maryland",
year = "2013",
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "First Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Previous Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Another Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Prequel to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Prequel to prequel to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Before Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Introduction to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
style=nature, %bibliography style
defernumbers, %Will put new reference number for publication list
sorting = none, %sort bibliography by in text citation number
firstinits=true, %turn first and middle names as intials
doi=false, %no doi
isbn=false, %no isbn field
url=false] % no url in bibliography
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{%change the name of the bibliography section to "References"
bibliography = {References},
\defbibheading{bibliography}[\refname]{% %should fix the heading but is inneficient
pagestyles] %option allow to change page header
\titleformat{\chapter}{\normalfont\huge}{\bf\thechapter.}{20pt}{\huge\bf} %change chapter N to N. chapter title
\newpagestyle{mystyle} %page style for whole document
{\sethead[\thepage][][\thechapter .~\chaptertitle]{\thesection~\sectiontitle}{}{\thepage}
\newpagestyle{bibstyle} %page style for bibliography
{\sethead[\thepage][][\thechapter .~\chaptertitle]{}{}{\thepage}
\chapter {First Chapter}
\pagestyle{bibstyle} %use the header style for the bibliography
\printbibheading[title = {References}, heading = bibnumbered] %print bibliography title
\printbibliography[heading=none] %print the bibligraphy
\pagestyle{mystyle} %recover document heading style
\begin{refsection} %new section for separated publication list
\printbibheading[title = {Publications list}, heading = bibnumbered]
\section {Articles}
\printbibliography[type=article, prefixnumbers={A.}, heading=none]
\section {Book}
\printbibliography[type=book, prefixnumbers={B.}, heading=none]
Este es el resultado resultante donde me gustaría que se eliminaran las "REFERENCIAS" encerradas en un círculo rojo:
Cambias la configuración del encabezado bibliography
, pero luego usas heading=bibnumbered
, por lo que tendrás que cambiarlo también. Probablemente a
Por cierto, no debería tener que utilizarlo vacío \markboth{}{}
, debería ser suficiente omitirlo por completo.