Posicionamiento de mesa larga rotada en apa6

Posicionamiento de mesa larga rotada en apa6

Estoy terminando un manuscrito con el paquete apa6 en LaTeX. Todo salió bien excepto una cosa: necesito colocar unmesa larga giradaal final del manuscrito. La tabla en sí funciona y no tiene problemas, pero no avanza al final del manuscrito cuando elimino la opción floatsintext(todas las demás tablas del documento, sin embargo, sí lo hacen). Creo que el problema es que la mesa larga está situada en un landscapeentorno que obviamente no es reconocido por apa6. Reemplazar landscapecon sidewaystablecosas similares o similares no funciona. Me alegra recibir sugerencias sobre cómo hacer que esta amplia mesa larga funcione en apa6.

Ejemplo mínimo:

               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode


%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}









\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\








Esto parece funcionar, pero sólo si sólo utiliza el paisaje para las tablas.

No estoy familiarizado con apa6, pero sospecho que muchos de los paquetes que estás agregando se cargan automáticamente. Puede intentar comentarlos uno por uno en su documento y ver si obtiene algún error.

               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode




%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}







\caption{this is actually a table}




\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\







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