Haga que tikzpicture inserte automáticamente un salto de página en la parte inferior de la página

Haga que tikzpicture inserte automáticamente un salto de página en la parte inferior de la página

Soy bastante nuevo en Latex y estoy teniendo problemas con el paquete tikz. Estoy haciendo un generador de currículum automático, que imprime las habilidades de una persona junto con una barra de progreso. De hecho, este árbol de habilidades es un entorno en crecimiento dependiendo de cuántas habilidades una persona quiera incluir en su currículum.

El problema al que me enfrento es que el entorno tikzpicture no inserta automáticamente un salto de página cuando el árbol de habilidades llega al final de la página. Debido a esto, el árbol de habilidades no continúa automáticamente en la página siguiente.

En cambio, todas las imágenes de tikz debajo de la parte inferior de la página desaparecen. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que este creciente árbol de habilidades avance a la página siguiente?

mi MWE:

archivo de clase:







\newlength{\TotalSectionLength}                                     % Define a new length to hold the remaining line width after the section title is printed
\newlength{\SectionTitleLength}                                         % Define a new length to hold the width of the section title
    \setlength\TotalSectionLength{\linewidth}                           % Set the total line width
    \settowidth{\SectionTitleLength}{\huge #1 }                         % Calculate the width of the section title
    \addtolength\TotalSectionLength{-\SectionTitleLength}                   % Subtract the section title width from the total width
    \addtolength\TotalSectionLength{-2.22221pt}                         % Modifier to remove overfull box warning
    \vspace{8pt}                                            % Whitespace before the section title
    {\color{black!80} \huge #1 \rule[0.15\baselineskip]{\TotalSectionLength}{1pt}}      % Print the title and auto-width rule

% Command for printing skill progress bars
            \foreach [count=\i] \x/\y in {#1}{
                \draw[fill=barshade,barshade] (0,\i) rectangle (6,\i+0.4);
                \draw[fill=white,main](0,\i) rectangle (\y,\i+0.4);
                \node [above right] at (-0.15,\i+0.3) {\x};

% Command for printing skills text
            \foreach [count=\i] \x/\y in {#1}{ 
                \x$ \star $\y



    \begin{textblock}{6}(0.5, 0.2)





Archivo .tex:



            {Coaching/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {consulting/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {aerodynamics/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {python/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {matlab/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {flow/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {stress/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {engineering/3},                        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {ICT/5.5}}                          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>

        \makeprofile % Print the sidebar

¡Gracias! por favor notifíqueme si se requiere una aclaración adicional.


Esta es una solución parcial. Define un nuevo skillscomando que dibuja cada habilidad como diferente tikzpictureen una línea diferente y se divide al final de la página. No utiliza el .cls original.



    \foreach \i/\j in {#1}{%
        \draw[fill=barshade,barshade] (0,0) rectangle ++(6,.4);
        \draw[fill=white,main] (0,0) rectangle ++(\j,.4);
        \node[font=\large, above right] at (-.15,.3){\i};


            {Coaching/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {consulting/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {aerodynamics/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {python/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {matlab/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {flow/3},                       %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {stress/3},                     %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {engineering/3},                        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Business Strategy/4},              %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Outsourcing/4},                    %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Change Management/4.5},            %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Management Consulting/5},          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Interim Management/5.5},           %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {Operations Management/5.5},        %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>
            {ICT/5.5}}                          %{<Skill>/{<value between 0 and 6>


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

información relacionada