¿Cómo agregar saltos de línea al formulario PDF (hiperreferencia) TextField?

¿Cómo agregar saltos de línea al formulario PDF (hiperreferencia) TextField?

Considere el siguiente formulario de comentarios sobre juguetes:


      You should write your feedback in a readable way, for example using bullet points:
      * Insert at least 1 positive comment (mandatory)
      * Insert at least 1 critical comment or question (mandatory)
      Use multiple paragraphs.
      Some examples of concrete, actionable feedback:
      * The first figure does not have a caption; please add it.
      * The derivation of Equation (7) became unclear around Equation (5). I think this is because you did not make the substitution of x explicit and feel doing so would make the argument clearer.%

Al compilar esto con pdflatex aparece la siguiente advertencia (dos veces, una para cada una \newline):

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref)                removing `\newline' on input line 20.

Esto no me sorprende en el sentido de que para la mayoría de los campos PDF creados y completados mediante Hyperref, no tiene sentido tener saltos de línea y probablemente no sea compatible. Sin embargo, al editar el formulario y guardar el archivo resultante (usando Okular en mi caso), puedopoderagregar saltos de línea. Al sacar los datos del formulario usandoPyPDF2El método de PdfFileReader.getFields, obtengo:

'You should write your feedback in a readable way, for example using bullet points:\n* Insert at least 1 positive comment (mandatory)\n* Insert at least 1 critical comment or question (mandatory)\n\nUse multiple paragraphs.\n\nSome examples of concrete, actionable feedback:\n* The first figure does not have a caption; please add it.\n* The derivation of Equation (7) became unclear around Equation (5). I think this is because you did not make the substitution of x explicit and feel doing so would make the argument clearer.'

Observe las nuevas líneas \n. Entonces parece posible. Me gustaría agregar esas nuevas líneas en mi archivo LaTeX. es posible? ¿Cómo puedo hacer esto?

Intenté ingenuamente agregar literal \nas \textbackslash{n}, pero falla:

'You should write your feedback in a readable way, for example using bullet points:\\n * Insert at least 1 positive comment (mandatory)\\n * Insert at least 1 critical comment or question (mandatory)\\n \\n Use multiple paragraphs.\\n \\n Some examples of concrete, actionable feedback:\\n * The first figure does not have a caption; please add it.\\n * The derivation of Equation (7) became unclear around Equation (5). I think this is because you did not make the substitution of x explicit and feel doing so would make the argument clearer.'


Actualizar: en realidad es mejor usar \textCRo \textLF. También funcionarán si cambia la codificación.

\string\nfunciona para mi:


      You should write your feedback in a readable way, for example using bullet points:\string\n
      * Insert at least 1 positive comment (mandatory)\string\n
      * Insert at least 1 critical comment or question (mandatory)\string\n
      Use multiple paragraphs.
      Some examples of concrete, actionable feedback:\string\n
      * The first figure does not have a caption; please add it.\string\n
      * The derivation of Equation (7) became unclear around Equation (5). I think this is because you did not make the substitution of x explicit and feel doing so would make the argument clearer.\string\n%

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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