Error de Matplotlib: No existe tal archivo o directorio: 'latex': 'latex'

Error de Matplotlib: No existe tal archivo o directorio: 'latex': 'latex'

Estoy ejecutando un código público descargado de GitHub, pero tengo un problema cuando llega al final y tiene que trazar los resultados usando LaTeX. Obtuve el siguiente error:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No existe tal archivo o directorio: 'latex': 'latex'.

Tengo instalado Anaconda con Python 3.6. Instalé LaTeX en mi Mac usando el paquete de distribución MacTex-2018. Analizando el código he visto que el problema está en el principal cuando traza los resultados. Utiliza una utilidad llamada plottingque se importa al principio del código. Intenté cambiar el plotting.pyarchivo y logré ejecutar el código con éxito, mostrando los gráficos finales. La clave es eliminar del plotting.pycódigo la parte que se usa para decirle a matplotlib que use LaTeX en los gráficos. Ahora publicaré todos los códigos para que puedas comprender mejor mi problema.

Aquí está el código principal:

@author: Maziar Raissi

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../Utilities/')

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from pyDOE import lhs
from plotting import newfig, savefig
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import time
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable


class PhysicsInformedNN:
    # Initialize the class
    def __init__(self, X_u, u, X_f, layers, lb, ub, nu): = lb
        self.ub = ub

        self.x_u = X_u[:,0:1]
        self.t_u = X_u[:,1:2]

        self.x_f = X_f[:,0:1]
        self.t_f = X_f[:,1:2]

        self.u = u

        self.layers = layers = nu

        # Initialize NNs
        self.weights, self.biases = self.initialize_NN(layers)

        # tf placeholders and graph
        self.sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,

        self.x_u_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.x_u.shape[1]])
        self.t_u_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.t_u.shape[1]])        
        self.u_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.u.shape[1]])

        self.x_f_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.x_f.shape[1]])
        self.t_f_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.t_f.shape[1]])        

        self.u_pred = self.net_u(self.x_u_tf, self.t_u_tf) 
        self.f_pred = self.net_f(self.x_f_tf, self.t_f_tf)         

        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.u_tf - self.u_pred)) + \

        self.optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(self.loss, 
                                                                method = 'L-BFGS-B', 
                                                                options = {'maxiter': 50000,
                                                                           'maxfun': 50000,
                                                                           'maxcor': 50,
                                                                           'maxls': 50,
                                                                           'ftol' : 1.0 * np.finfo(float).eps})

        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    def initialize_NN(self, layers):        
        weights = []
        biases = []
        num_layers = len(layers) 
        for l in range(0,num_layers-1):
            W = self.xavier_init(size=[layers[l], layers[l+1]])
            b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1,layers[l+1]], dtype=tf.float32), dtype=tf.float32)
        return weights, biases

    def xavier_init(self, size):
        in_dim = size[0]
        out_dim = size[1]        
        xavier_stddev = np.sqrt(2/(in_dim + out_dim))
        return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([in_dim, out_dim], stddev=xavier_stddev), dtype=tf.float32)

    def neural_net(self, X, weights, biases):
        num_layers = len(weights) + 1

        H = 2.0*(X - - - 1.0
        for l in range(0,num_layers-2):
            W = weights[l]
            b = biases[l]
            H = tf.tanh(tf.add(tf.matmul(H, W), b))
        W = weights[-1]
        b = biases[-1]
        Y = tf.add(tf.matmul(H, W), b)
        return Y

    def net_u(self, x, t):
        u = self.neural_net(tf.concat([x,t],1), self.weights, self.biases)
        return u

    def net_f(self, x,t):
        u = self.net_u(x,t)
        u_t = tf.gradients(u, t)[0]
        u_x = tf.gradients(u, x)[0]
        u_xx = tf.gradients(u_x, x)[0]
        f = u_t + u*u_x -*u_xx

        return f

    def callback(self, loss):
        print('Loss:', loss)

    def train(self):

        tf_dict = {self.x_u_tf: self.x_u, self.t_u_tf: self.t_u, self.u_tf: self.u,
                   self.x_f_tf: self.x_f, self.t_f_tf: self.t_f}

                                feed_dict = tf_dict,         
                                fetches = [self.loss], 
                                loss_callback = self.callback)        

    def predict(self, X_star):

        u_star =, {self.x_u_tf: X_star[:,0:1], self.t_u_tf: X_star[:,1:2]})  
        f_star =, {self.x_f_tf: X_star[:,0:1], self.t_f_tf: X_star[:,1:2]})

        return u_star, f_star

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    nu = 0.01/np.pi
    noise = 0.0        

    N_u = 100
    N_f = 10000
    layers = [2, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 1]

    data ='../Data/burgers_shock.mat')

    t = data['t'].flatten()[:,None]
    x = data['x'].flatten()[:,None]
    Exact = np.real(data['usol']).T

    X, T = np.meshgrid(x,t)

    X_star = np.hstack((X.flatten()[:,None], T.flatten()[:,None]))
    u_star = Exact.flatten()[:,None]              

    # Doman bounds
    lb = X_star.min(0)
    ub = X_star.max(0)    

    xx1 = np.hstack((X[0:1,:].T, T[0:1,:].T))
    uu1 = Exact[0:1,:].T
    xx2 = np.hstack((X[:,0:1], T[:,0:1]))
    uu2 = Exact[:,0:1]
    xx3 = np.hstack((X[:,-1:], T[:,-1:]))
    uu3 = Exact[:,-1:]

    X_u_train = np.vstack([xx1, xx2, xx3])
    X_f_train = lb + (ub-lb)*lhs(2, N_f)
    X_f_train = np.vstack((X_f_train, X_u_train))
    u_train = np.vstack([uu1, uu2, uu3])

    idx = np.random.choice(X_u_train.shape[0], N_u, replace=False)
    X_u_train = X_u_train[idx, :]
    u_train = u_train[idx,:]

    model = PhysicsInformedNN(X_u_train, u_train, X_f_train, layers, lb, ub, nu)

    start_time = time.time()                
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time                
    print('Training time: %.4f' % (elapsed))

    u_pred, f_pred = model.predict(X_star)

    error_u = np.linalg.norm(u_star-u_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(u_star,2)
    print('Error u: %e' % (error_u))                     

    U_pred = griddata(X_star, u_pred.flatten(), (X, T), method='cubic')
    Error = np.abs(Exact - U_pred)

    ############################# Plotting ###############################

    fig, ax = newfig(1.0, 1.1)

    ####### Row 0: u(t,x) ##################    
    gs0 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
    gs0.update(top=1-0.06, bottom=1-1/3, left=0.15, right=0.85, wspace=0)
    ax = plt.subplot(gs0[:, :])

    h = ax.imshow(U_pred.T, interpolation='nearest', cmap='rainbow', 
                  extent=[t.min(), t.max(), x.min(), x.max()], 
                  origin='lower', aspect='auto')
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    fig.colorbar(h, cax=cax)

    ax.plot(X_u_train[:,1], X_u_train[:,0], 'kx', label = 'Data (%d points)' % (u_train.shape[0]), markersize = 4, clip_on = False)

    line = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 2)[:,None]
    ax.plot(t[25]*np.ones((2,1)), line, 'w-', linewidth = 1)
    ax.plot(t[50]*np.ones((2,1)), line, 'w-', linewidth = 1)
    ax.plot(t[75]*np.ones((2,1)), line, 'w-', linewidth = 1)    

    ax.legend(frameon=False, loc = 'best')
    ax.set_title('$u(t,x)$', fontsize = 10)

    ####### Row 1: u(t,x) slices ##################    
    gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3)
    gs1.update(top=1-1/3, bottom=0, left=0.1, right=0.9, wspace=0.5)

    ax = plt.subplot(gs1[0, 0])
    ax.plot(x,Exact[25,:], 'b-', linewidth = 2, label = 'Exact')       
    ax.plot(x,U_pred[25,:], 'r--', linewidth = 2, label = 'Prediction')
    ax.set_title('$t = 0.25$', fontsize = 10)

    ax = plt.subplot(gs1[0, 1])
    ax.plot(x,Exact[50,:], 'b-', linewidth = 2, label = 'Exact')
    ax.plot(x,U_pred[50,:], 'r--', linewidth = 2, label = 'Prediction')
    ax.set_title('$t = 0.50$', fontsize = 10)
    ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.35), ncol=5, frameon=False)

    ax = plt.subplot(gs1[0, 2])
    ax.plot(x,Exact[75,:], 'b-', linewidth = 2, label = 'Exact')       
    ax.plot(x,U_pred[75,:], 'r--', linewidth = 2, label = 'Prediction')
    ax.set_title('$t = 0.75$', fontsize = 10)


Aquí está el código

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Oct  9 20:11:57 2017

@author: mraissi

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl

def figsize(scale, nplots = 1):
    fig_width_pt = 390.0                            # Get this from LaTeX using \the\textwidth
    inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27                       # Convert pt to inch
    golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5.0)-1.0)/2.0            # Aesthetic ratio (you could change this)
    fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt*scale    # width in inches
    fig_height = nplots*fig_width*golden_mean       # height in inches
    fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height]
    return fig_size

pgf_with_latex = {                      # setup matplotlib to use latex for output
    "pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex",        # change this if using xetex or lautex
    "text.usetex": True,                # use LaTeX to write all text
    "": "serif",
    "font.serif": [],                   # blank entries should cause plots to inherit fonts from the document
    "font.sans-serif": [],
    "font.monospace": [],
    "axes.labelsize": 10,               # LaTeX default is 10pt font.
    "font.size": 10,
    "legend.fontsize": 8,               # Make the legend/label fonts a little smaller
    "xtick.labelsize": 8,
    "ytick.labelsize": 8,
    "figure.figsize": figsize(1.0),     # default fig size of 0.9 textwidth
    "pgf.preamble": [
        r"\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}",    # use utf8 fonts becasue your computer can handle it :)
        r"\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}",        # plots will be generated using this preamble

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# I make my own newfig and savefig functions
def newfig(width, nplots = 1):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize(width, nplots))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    return fig, ax

def savefig(filename, crop = True):
    if crop == True:
#        plt.savefig('{}.pgf'.format(filename), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
        plt.savefig('{}.pdf'.format(filename), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
        plt.savefig('{}.eps'.format(filename), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
#        plt.savefig('{}.pgf'.format(filename))

## Simple plot
#fig, ax  = newfig(1.0)
#def ema(y, a):
#    s = []
#    s.append(y[0])
#    for t in range(1, len(y)):
#        s.append(a * y[t] + (1-a) * s[t-1])
#    return np.array(s)
#y = [0]*200
#s = ema(y, 0.01)
#ax.set_xlabel('X Label')

Si cambio el código de trazado eliminando la parte que comienza, pgf_with_latexentonces todo funciona bien.

Aquí está el código que tengo que eliminar:

pgf_with_latex = {                      # setup matplotlib to use latex for output
    "pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex",        # change this if using xetex or lautex
    "text.usetex": True,                # use LaTeX to write all text
    "": "serif",
    "font.serif": [],                   # blank entries should cause plots to inherit fonts from the document
    "font.sans-serif": [],
    "font.monospace": [],
    "axes.labelsize": 10,               # LaTeX default is 10pt font.
    "font.size": 10,
    "legend.fontsize": 8,               # Make the legend/label fonts a little smaller
    "xtick.labelsize": 8,
    "ytick.labelsize": 8,
    "figure.figsize": figsize(1.0),     # default fig size of 0.9 textwidth
    "pgf.preamble": [
        r"\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}",    # use utf8 fonts becasue your computer can handle it :)
        r"\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}",        # plots will be generated using this preamble

Me gustaría usar mi código sin eliminar esta parte. ¿Qué debo hacer para que LaTeX funcione?


Primero verifique el látex en su sistema haciendo lo siguiente:

whereis latex

Si obtuvo una salida vacía, instale estos paquetes:

sudo apt install texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra

sudo apt install dvipng


Puedes hacer 2 cosas.

  1. #mpl.rcParams.update(pgf_with_latex)

    • savefig() no utilizará el formato LaTeX al guardar figuras.
  2. Instale LaTeX y agréguelo a la RUTA

    • Si desea utilizar el formato LaTeX.

información relacionada