Texto alineado correctamente con imágenes de figuras ajustadas para justificar la alineación; en el caso de texto alineado a la derecha, se produce un salto de primera línea con dos o tres palabras, incluso el espacio para llenar el espacio. Sugiera cómo solucionar este problema. Aquí adjunto capturas de pantalla de ambos tipos de casos.
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\subsection{Links with our times}
When a new pipes are installed to take away sewage and
stormwater. All these facilities are
usually in place before any homes are built,
and even the construction of the
houses is governed by strict building regulations.
The situation was very
different two hundred years ago.
When a new pipes are installed to take away sewage and
stormwater. All these facilities are
usually in place before any homes are built,
and even the construction of the
houses is governed by strict building regulations.
The situation was very
different two hundred years ago.
When a new pipes are installed to take away sewage and
stormwater. All these facilities are
usually in place before any homes are built,
and even the construction of the
houses is governed by strict building regulations.
The situation was very
different two hundred years ago.