Editando para que el código sea compilable: enumero todos los paquetes para verificar si hay conflictos (pero no creo que deba haber ninguno) y también omito las referencias para que pueda compilar sin mi archivo .bib. lo cual no debería afectar nada. Comenté fontspec porque está ahí, pero arrojó un error con fuentes específicas, y es poco probable que tengas las mías o pueden guardarse como algo diferente.
Probé varias soluciones, sin suerte. Es una tabla muy simple (aunque tengo otras más complicadas en otros lugares; hice que las cosas funcionaran antes, pero parece que eliminé el documento para otra tarea).
%! TEX program = xelatex
\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage]{book}
\usepackage[overlap, CJK]{ruby}
\usepackage[bibencoding=utf8, backend=biber, style=authoryear-icomp, language=british]{biblatex}
\usepackage{booktabs, siunitx}
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\usepackage{gb4e} %Ensure this is the last \usepackage
\caption{Some of the events reported during muscular paralysis caused by curare injection.}
2:11 PM: & Curare injection administered over 15 minutes.\marginpar{All events are direct quotes or paraphrases of the original report.} \\
2:20: & Speech no longer possible. Can hear distinctly. Still able to nod head and move hands. \\
2:22: & Subject reports by movement of head that the experience is not unpleasant. \\
2:26: & Ability to comprehend and answer questions accurately is indicated by correctness of replies when inquiries are restated in the negative or double negative. \\
2:45: & Subject now unable to signal response to inquiries due to complete paralysis. \\
2:48: & Eyelids manually opened. Subject stated upon recovery that he was `clear as a bell' all this period. \\
4:50: & Subjects is able to sit up on edge of bed. Complete subjective report dictated. \\ \bottomrule
requiere una columna LC o R para hacer algo útil, l
las columnas siempre son de una sola línea y tampoco puede tener una \marginpar
tabla dentro de una tabla.
\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage]{book}
\caption{Some of the events reported during muscular paralysis caused by curare injection.}
2:11 PM: & Curare injection administered over 15 minutes. \\
2:20: & Speech no longer possible. Can hear distinctly. Still able to nod head and move hands. \\
2:22: & Subject reports by movement of head that the experience is not unpleasant. \\
2:26: & Ability to comprehend and answer questions accurately is indicated by correctness of replies when inquiries are restated in the negative or double negative. \\
2:45: & Subject now unable to signal response to inquiries due to complete paralysis. \\
2:48: & Eyelids manually opened. Subject stated upon recovery that he was `clear as a bell' all this period. \\
4:50: & Subjects is able to sit up on edge of bed. Complete subjective report dictated. \\ \bottomrule