El entorno de piezas en la clase de examen no se muestra correctamente

El entorno de piezas en la clase de examen no se muestra correctamente

En el NQMWE (ejemplo de trabajo no del todo mínimo) a continuación, una pregunta tiene dos parts:




\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1]
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1]
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}

Cuando lo compilo, la partsprimera pregunta no aparece, pero todo lo demás funciona correctamente (ver imagen a continuación). (Es por eso que incluí el archivo completo: todas las opciones, etiquetas, etc. funcionan bien, excepto en el partsentorno). ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

¿Qué pasa aquí?


No proporcionó texto adicional para \parts [1]imprimir, por lo que las etiquetas de las piezas no se imprimen. Puede agregar mensajes de texto para cada pieza (por ejemplo, "Demostración 1") o puede crear una línea de espesor cero para que funcione como mensaje de texto para mostrar solo la etiqueta de la pieza. Agregué un ejemplo de cada uno a su código.




\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1] Demonstration 1: % Use a text prompt
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1] \rule{1em}{0pt}  % Use an 0 thickness line
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}

Salida de ejemplo


El problema es el solutionentorno dentro de \parts:


\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1]
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1]
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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