Tabla simple que se sale de la página

Tabla simple que se sale de la página

Estoy intentando usar una tabla para mostrar información, pero el texto sale de la página. Echar un vistazo:





\item Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning (Hoe does your lesson target specific features of one or more of the five reform appraoches?)

\item Materials, Resources, Safety

 \item Battery
 \item Copper Wire 
 \item Screw/Bolt 
 \item Electrical Tape 
 \item Box Cutter 
 \item Wire Cutter 


\item NYS Learning Standards 

\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
Sequence & Performance Indicators\\
III.6 & A circuit is a closed path in which a current* can exist.\\
III.8 & Circuit components may be connected in series* or in parallel.* Schematic diagrams are used to represent circuits and circuit elements\\
III.9 & Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. The relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field may produce a potential difference in the conductor\\ 



¡Por favor ayuda!


El l,c,respecificador de columna es para celdas de una sola línea. Debe elegir tipos de columnas de párrafo que permitan ajustar el texto. Sugiero el tabularxentorno, para el cual puedes establecer el ancho total de la mesa. Aquí hay un código:




\item Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning (Hoe does your lesson target specific features of one or more of the five reform appraoches?)

\item Materials, Resources, Safety

 \item Battery
 \item Copper Wire
 \item Screw/Bolt
 \item Electrical Tape
 \item Box Cutter
 \item Wire Cutter

\item NYS Learning Standards

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| c | X |}
Sequence & Performance Indicators\\
III.6 & A circuit is a closed path in which a current* can exist.\\
III.8 & Circuit components may be connected in series* or in parallel.* Schematic diagrams are used to represent circuits and circuit elements\\
III.9 & Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. The relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field may produce a potential difference in the conductor\\



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