Cómo definir un comando `\citejournal` en amsrefs

Cómo definir un comando `\citejournal` en amsrefs

Sé que existen \citeauthor{BibKey}y \citeyear{BibKey}en amsrefs, ¿alguien puede ayudarme a definir un nuevo comando que imprima el JOURNALcampo en el elemento BibTeX?


\usepackage[abbrev, alphabetic]{amsrefs}
@article {BHGE2017Bayesian,
    AUTHOR = {B\"{o}hm, Vanessa and Hilbert, Stefan and Greiner, Maksim and
              En\ss lin, Torsten A.},
     TITLE = {Bayesian weak lensing tomography: reconstructing the 3{D}
              large-scale distribution of matter with a lognormal prior},
   JOURNAL = {Phys. Rev. D},
  FJOURNAL = {Physical Review D},
     LABEL = {B\"{o}hm, 2017, Phys. Rev. D},
    VOLUME = {96},
      YEAR = {2017},
    NUMBER = {12},
     PAGES = {123510, 19},
      ISSN = {2470-0010},
   MRCLASS = {85A35 (83B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {3870877},
       DOI = {10.1103/physrevd.96.123510},
       URL = {https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.96.123510},
  (\citeauthor{#1}, \citeyear{#1}, \star@{\cite@a\citesel@journal{#1}}{})%
The citation should looks like \texttt{(B\"ohm et. al, 2017, Phys. Rev, D., Thm.~3)} for the citation \cite{BHGE2017Bayesian}*{Thm.~3}.


%      author={B\"{o}hm, Vanessa},
%      author={Hilbert, Stefan},
%      author={Greiner, Maksim},
%      author={En\ss~lin, Torsten~A.},
%       title={Bayesian weak lensing tomography: reconstructing the 3{D}
%  large-scale distribution of matter with a lognormal prior},
%        date={2017},
%        ISSN={2470-0010},
%     journal={Phys. Rev. D},
%      volume={96},
%      number={12},
%       pages={123510, 19},
%         url={https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.96.123510},
%      review={\MR{3870877}},

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