Ajuste del tamaño del nodo de relación del diagrama ER

Ajuste del tamaño del nodo de relación del diagrama ER

Estoy intentando (sin éxito) reducir el tamaño de la CONTRACTED_Byrelación en este modelo ER utilizando eltikz-er2paquete. Naturalmente, escala la altura con el ancho, pero preferiría que la altura fuera más corta. ¿Hay alguna manera de lograr eso? (Lo siento, esto no es tan mínimo como podría ser, pero decidí replicar la figura que tengo).



\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\tikzset={every entity/.style = {minimum width=1cm,minimum height=0.8cm, text width=1cm,inner sep=1pt},
every attribute/.style = {minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=0.5cm, text width=1.2cm,inner sep=1pt},
every relationship/.style = {minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=0.5cm, text width=1.2cm,inner sep=1pt},
every edge/.style = {link}

\node[entity] (worker) {WORKER};
\node[attribute] (w1) [above left=1cm of worker,xshift=1cm] {\uline{Number}} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w2) [above right=1cm of worker,xshift=-1cm] {Name} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w3) [below left=1cm of worker,xshift=1cm] {Title} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w4) [below right=1cm of worker,xshift=-1cm] {Salary} edge (worker);

\node[relationship] (worksin) [right=of worker] {WORKS\_IN} edge node[above right] {N} (worker);
\node[attribute] (wn1) [above=of worksin,yshift=-0.5cm] {Responsibility} edge (worksin);
\node[attribute] (wn2) [below=of worksin,yshift=0.5cm] {Duration} edge (worksin);

\node[entity] (project) [right=of worksin] {PROJECT} edge node[above left] {1} (worksin);
\node[attribute] (p1) [above left=1cm of project,xshift=1cm] {\uline{Number}} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p2) [above=of project] {Project\\Name} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p3) [above right=1cm of project,xshift=-1cm] {Budget} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p4) [right= of project] {Location} edge (project);

\node[relationship] (contract) [below=of project] {CONTRACTED\_BY} edge node[above right] {N} (project);
\node[attribute] (c1) [below left=of contract] {Contract\\number} edge (contract);

\node[entity] (client) [below=of contract] {CLIENT} edge node[above right] {1} (contract);
\node[attribute] (cl1) [below left=1cm of client, xshift=1cm] {\uline{Client name}} edge (client);
\node[attribute] (cl2) [below right=1cm of client, xshift=-1cm] {Address} edge (client);



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Puede cambiar la aspectproporción de ese nodo con la aspecttecla. De forma predeterminada, en el estilo está configurado 1. Aquí lo he cambiado a 2.



\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\tikzset={every entity/.style = {minimum width=1cm,minimum height=0.8cm, text width=1cm,inner sep=1pt},
every attribute/.style = {minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=0.5cm, text width=1.2cm,inner sep=1pt},
every relationship/.style = {minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=0.5cm, text width=1.2cm,inner sep=1pt},
every edge/.style = {link}

\node[entity] (worker) {WORKER};
\node[attribute] (w1) [above left=1cm of worker,xshift=1cm] {\uline{Number}} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w2) [above right=1cm of worker,xshift=-1cm] {Name} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w3) [below left=1cm of worker,xshift=1cm] {Title} edge (worker);
\node[attribute] (w4) [below right=1cm of worker,xshift=-1cm] {Salary} edge (worker);

\node[relationship] (worksin) [right=of worker] {WORKS\_IN} edge node[above right] {N} (worker);
\node[attribute] (wn1) [above=of worksin,yshift=-0.5cm] {Responsibility} edge (worksin);
\node[attribute] (wn2) [below=of worksin,yshift=0.5cm] {Duration} edge (worksin);

\node[entity] (project) [right=of worksin] {PROJECT} edge node[above left] {1} (worksin);
\node[attribute] (p1) [above left=1cm of project,xshift=1cm] {\uline{Number}} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p2) [above=of project] {Project\\Name} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p3) [above right=1cm of project,xshift=-1cm] {Budget} edge (project);
\node[attribute] (p4) [right= of project] {Location} edge (project);

\node[relationship,aspect=2] (contract) [below=of project,] {CONTRACTED\_BY} edge node[above right] {N} (project);
\node[attribute] (c1) [below left=of contract] {Contract\\number} edge (contract);

\node[entity] (client) [below=of contract] {CLIENT} edge node[above right] {1} (contract);
\node[attribute] (cl1) [below left=1cm of client, xshift=1cm] {\uline{Client name}} edge (client);
\node[attribute] (cl2) [below right=1cm of client, xshift=-1cm] {Address} edge (client);



salida de código


No puedo compilar tu código porque me falta tikz-er2, pero al mirar tu código, el cuadro de "CONTRACTED_BY" es más grande debido a la longitud del texto. Supongo que si redujeras el tamaño del texto, el cuadro también sería más pequeño. Puedes probar lo siguiente:

\node[relationship] (contract) [below=of project] {\small CONTRACTED\_BY} edge node[above right] {N} (project);

información relacionada