Incrustar una imagen tikz en un entorno de gráficos incluidos

Incrustar una imagen tikz en un entorno de gráficos incluidos

Quiero incluir un \tikzpicture de \includegraphicsesta manera puedo configurar mi imagen en la mitad de la página.

Alguien me puede ayudar ? Aquí está mi MWE:


        \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{%to fill 1/2 of the page and to see entierly my tikzpicture
            show background rectangle,
            background rectangle/.style={fill=gray!10}
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (1) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm] {Live functionnal OpenStack Cluster};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (2) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 1] {Configure Tempest};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (3) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 2] {Run Tempest Tests};            
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (4) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 3] {Collect test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (5) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 4] {Analyse test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (6) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 5] {Run Tempest cleanup};
            \draw[thick,->] (1) -- node[above]{} (2);
            \draw[thick,->] (2) -- node[above]{} (3);
            \draw[thick,->] (3) -- node[above]{} (4);
            \draw[thick,->] (4) -- node[above]{} (5);
            \draw[thick,->] (5) -- node[above]{} (6);
          %  \path[mycolor,->,thick] (root) edge  [loop left] node {Auto-signé} ();
        \caption{Chaînage des signatures pour Let's encrypt}


Gracias por la ayuda


creo que quieres unresizebox


        \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{%to fill 1/2 of the page and to see entierly my tikzpicture
            show background rectangle,
            background rectangle/.style={fill=gray!10}
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (1) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm] {Live functionnal OpenStack Cluster};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (2) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 1] {Configure Tempest};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (3) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 2] {Run Tempest Tests};            
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (4) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 3] {Collect test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (5) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 4] {Analyse test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (6) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 5] {Run Tempest cleanup};
            \draw[thick,->] (1) -- node[above]{} (2);
            \draw[thick,->] (2) -- node[above]{} (3);
            \draw[thick,->] (3) -- node[above]{} (4);
            \draw[thick,->] (4) -- node[above]{} (5);
            \draw[thick,->] (5) -- node[above]{} (6);
          %  \path[mycolor,->,thick] (root) edge  [loop left] node {Auto-signé} ();
        \caption{Chaînage des signatures pour Let's encrypt}

        \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{%to fill 1/2 of the page and to see entierly my tikzpicture
            show background rectangle,
            background rectangle/.style={fill=gray!10}
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (1) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm] {Live functionnal OpenStack Cluster};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (2) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 1] {Configure Tempest};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (3) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 2] {Run Tempest Tests};            
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (4) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 3] {Collect test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (5) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 4] {Analyse test results};
            \node[rounded corners=3mm, fill=mycolor!20] (6) [draw,minimum width=2.4cm,minimum height=2.4cm, right=1cm of 5] {Run Tempest cleanup};
            \draw[thick,->] (1) -- node[above]{} (2);
            \draw[thick,->] (2) -- node[above]{} (3);
            \draw[thick,->] (3) -- node[above]{} (4);
            \draw[thick,->] (4) -- node[above]{} (5);
            \draw[thick,->] (5) -- node[above]{} (6);
          %  \path[mycolor,->,thick] (root) edge  [loop left] node {Auto-signé} ();
        \caption{Chaînage des signatures pour Let's encrypt}

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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