BibLaTeX imprime la entrada que no se cita

BibLaTeX imprime la entrada que no se cita

El siguiente MWE termina con tres entradas bibliográficas, aunque sólo se citan dos. ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?





%%%     Biblatex-Einstellungen                                      %%%



% this is tricky, we want to merge the round brackets around
% the "ed."/"eds." and the year
% the idea is to only open the brackets in the editor string
% and the close it in the labelyear
% since editortype might also be used for editors of @in...
% types where this can't happen, we need a test
    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}


    {\bibopenparen #1}
%% tricky bit END






%%% Titel kursiv





  % with default inheritance 'related' is not inherited,
  % so the test is not actually necessary
  \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:related} and not test {\iffieldxref{related}}}

  author   = {Fowler, D. P.},
  year     = {2000},
  title    = {First thoughts on closure: problems and prospects},
  pages    = {239–83},
  crossref = {Fowler:2000},

  author   = {Fowler, D. P.},
  year     = {2000},
  title    = {Second thoughts on closure},
  pages    = {284–307},
  crossref = {Fowler:2000},

  editor    = {Fowler, D. P.},
  year      = {2000},
  title     = {Roman constructions. Readings in postmodern Latin},
  publisher = {Oxford},
  booktitle = {Roman constructions. Readings in postmodern Latin},





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Tienes referencias cruzadas en las entradas del dorsal.

De la documentación:

Si el número de entradas secundarias que hacen referencia a una entrada principal específica alcanza un cierto umbral, la entrada principal se agrega automáticamente a la bibliografía incluso si no se ha citado explícitamente. El umbral se puede configurar con la mincrossrefsopción de paquete...

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