Eliminar el fondo que no sea negro de la imagen

Eliminar el fondo que no sea negro de la imagen

Estoy usando un rectángulo de fondo negro para un diagrama, pero parece que no puedo eliminar todo el blanco restante, estoy usando principalmente el dorso para probar mi imagen.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, backgrounds, calc, shapes.misc, positioning}
% Finish off green box and then browser outline tmmr
    purpleBox/.style n args={3}{
        text centered, fill=purpleVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text width = #3,
        rounded corners
    redBox/.style n args={3}{
        text centered, fill=redVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text width = #3,
        rounded corners
    orangeBox/.style n args={3}{
        fill=orangeVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text centered,
        rounded corners
    greenCircle/.style n args={3}{
        fill=greenVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text centered,
        very thick, 
        shorten <=2pt,
        shorten >=2pt
        >=triangle 60,
        very thick, 


% Hardcoded positioning
\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=black}, show background rectangle]

% Browser Box that wraps around UI and Client Addons box
\node[rounded corners, draw,
double=redVue, %% here
double distance =1pt, minimum height= 9.5em, minimum width=27em, dashed] 
(Browser) {};

% Label for browser
\node[rounded corners,
text=redVue] at ([xshift=-3em, yshift=4em]
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/27843/level-of-boldness-changeable
Browser.west) (BrowserLabel) {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Browser};
% Green box in upper left
\node[rounded corners, fill=greenVue, text=white, minimum height= 7.5em, minimum width=10em, text centered, right = 0.75em of Browser.west] (UI) {User Interface};

% Purple box in upper right
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=15em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 7.5em,
text=purpleVue, right = 0.5 em of UI]  (CA){Client Addons};
% Hardcoded nodes
\node[purpleBox={6em}{1.5em}{6em}] at ([xshift=-3.5em] CA.center){Injection};
\node[purpleBox={6em}{1.5em}{6em}] at ([xshift=3.5em] CA.center) (Mix) {Mixins};
\node[purpleBox={6em}{1.5em}{6em}] at ([xshift=-3.5em, yshift=-2em] CA.center) (comp) {Components};
\node[purpleBox={6em}{1.5em}{6em}] at ([xshift=3.5em, yshift=-2em] CA.center) (routes) {Routes};

% Mix is used as an example node to use offset
% \node[rounded corners, fill=greenVue, text=white, minimum height= 7.5em, minimum width=10em, text centered, right = 0.75em of Mix] (UI2) {User Interface};

% Node Js Box
\node[rounded corners, draw,
double=redVue, %% here
double distance =1pt, minimum height= 45em, minimum width=27em, dashed, below = 5 em of Browser] 
(Nodejs) {};
% Label for browser
\node[rounded corners,
text=redVue] at ([yshift=-14em]
BrowserLabel.south){\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Node.Js};

\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=15em,
double=redVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 10.5em,
minimum width= 25em,
text=redVue] at ([yshift=-6.5em]
Nodejs.north) (BProcess){};

% Label Node, seperate node is used
% to have control over node positioning
\node[text=redVue] at ([yshift=-1.5em]
BProcess.north) {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Build Process};

\node[purpleBox={5.75em}{7em}{5em}] at ([xshift=3.25em, yshift=-0.5em] BProcess.west) (devStatic){DEV/Static Server};

% Sample label label={[anchor=north, draw=red, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.2em]north:Webpack}
\node[orangeBox={5.75em}{7em}{5em}, label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=white]north:Webpack}] at ([xshift=6.15em] devStatic.center) (webpack) {};

\node[purpleBox={4.5em}{3em}{4.5em}] at ([yshift=-0.5em] webpack.center) (webpackPlugin) {Webpack Plugin};

\node[orangeBox={6.75em}{7em}{5em},label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=white]north:markdown-it}] at ([xshift=6.75em] webpack.center) (markdownIt) {};

\node[purpleBox={5.25em}{3em}{5.25em}] at ([yshift=-0.5em] markdownIt.center) (webpackPlugin) {markdown-it plugin};

\node[purpleBox={3.75em}{7em}{3.75em}] at ([xshift=2.7em] markdownIt.east) (dynMod){Dynamic Modules};

\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
double=redVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 13em,
minimum width= 15em,
text=redVue, label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-1.2em, text=redVue] north:{\fontseries{bx}\selectfont User Project}}] at ([xshift=-2cm, yshift=-10.5em]
BProcess.south) (UP){};

% Configuration Files and Plugin box
\node[purpleBox={8em}{3.75em}{8em}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=2em] UP.west) (confFiles){Configuration Files};

\node[greenCircle={2em}{2em}{2em}] at ([xshift=3em] confFiles.east) (CFP1){Plugin};

\node[redBox={8em}{3.75em}{8em}] at ([yshift=-3em] confFiles.south) (markFiles){Markdown Files};

\node[greenCircle={2em}{2em}{2em}] at ([xshift=3em] markFiles.east) (CFP2){Plugin};

\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
double=redVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 13em,
minimum width= 15em,
text=redVue, label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-1.2em, text=redVue] north:{\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Theme}}] at ([yshift=-7.5em]
UP.south) (theme){};

% Configuration Files and Plugin box
\node[purpleBox={8.75em}{3.75em}{7em}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=2em] theme.west) (tconfFiles){Configuration Files};

\node[greenCircle={2em}{2em}{2em}] at ([xshift=3em] tconfFiles.east) (tCFP1){Plugin};

% Figure out non hacky way
\node[redBox={8.75em}{3.75em}{7em}] at ([yshift=-3em] tconfFiles.south) (tLayoutComp){Layout Components};

\node[greenCircle={2em}{2em}{2em}] at ([xshift=3em] tLayoutComp.east) (tCFP2){Plugin};

% Plugin API
\node[purpleBox={5em}{25em}{5em}] at ([xshift=9.5em, yshift=-17.5em]
BProcess.south) (pluginAPI){Plugin API};

% Paths
% \path[color=white] (pluginAPI) -- (dynMod);
% Make path style
% latex'-
% \draw[->,>=latex,very thick, color=gray,dotted] (pluginAPI) -- (pluginAPI |- dynMod.south);
\draw[lineCustom] (pluginAPI) -- (pluginAPI |- dynMod.south);

\draw[lineCustom] (CFP1) -- (CFP1 -| pluginAPI.west);

\draw[lineCustom] (CFP2) -- (CFP2 -| pluginAPI.west);

\draw[lineCustom] (tCFP1) -- (tCFP1 -| pluginAPI.west);

\draw[lineCustom] (tCFP2) -- (tCFP2 -| pluginAPI.west);

\draw[arrowCustom] (devStatic) -- (devStatic |- UI.south) node [midway, left, yshift=2em] {Assets};

% Super advanced arrow

\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] (dynMod) |- ($(comp.south) + (0, -4.5em)$) node[above] {MetaData};

\draw[arrowCustom, rounded corners=5pt] ($(comp.south) + (0, -4.5em)$) -| ( $(UI.south) + (3em, 0)$);

\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] (devStatic.south) |- ($0.5*(dynMod.south)+0.5*(pluginAPI.north)$);

\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] ($0.5*(dynMod.south)+0.5*(pluginAPI.north)$) -| ($(routes.south) + (3.35em, -4.5em)$);

\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] ($(routes.south) + (3.35em, -4.85em)$) |- ($(routes.south) + (0, -3.23em)$);

\draw[arrowCustom, rounded corners=5pt] ($(routes.south) + (0.25em, -3.23em)$) -| (CA.south);

% Webpack to end line below
\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] (webpack.south) |- ($0.5*(dynMod.south)+0.5*(pluginAPI.north)$);

\draw[lineCustom, rounded corners=5pt] (markdownIt.south) |- ($0.5*(dynMod.south)+0.5*(pluginAPI.north)$);

Sé que es un poco difícil ver el blanco, pero definitivamente está ahí al dorso.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Nota:: también intenté recrear la imagen dehttps://v1.vuepress.vuejs.org/plugin/.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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