Tengo un problema para obtener la posición correcta de las 2 flechas en el lado derecho. Quiero que estén "en el medio".
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Motor};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west] (a1);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a1] (a2);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a2] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6.5mm of a3] (a4);
\coordinate[above right= of System.east] (b1);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {2,...,5}
\coordinate[below=of b\xi] (b\i);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$u_\mathrm{a}$,$i_\mathrm{a}$,$u_\mathrm{f}$,$i_\mathrm{f}$}
\draw[-latex'] (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| System.west);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$n$,$M$}
\draw[-latex'] (System.east |- b\xi) -- (b\xi) node[right] {\i};
\caption{GSM als Motor}
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Generator};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west] (a1);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a1] (a2);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a2] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6.5mm of a3] (a4);
\coordinate[above right= of System.east] (b1);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {2,...,5}
\coordinate[below=of b\xi] (b\i);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$n$,$M$,$u_\mathrm{f}$,$i_\mathrm{f}$}
\draw[-latex'] (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| System.west);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$u_a$,$i_a$}
\draw[-latex'] (System.east |- b\xi) -- (b\xi) node[right] {\i};
\caption{GSM als Generator}
¿Cómo puedo centrar las flechas?
Residencia enmi respuesta:
node distance = 3mm and 12mm
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Motor};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west, label=left:$u_a$] (a2);
\coordinate[above = 6mm of a2, label=left:$i_a$] (a1);
\coordinate[below left = of System.west, label=left:$u_f$] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6mm of a3, label=left:$u_f$] (a4);
\coordinate[above right = of System.east, label=right:$n$] (b1);
\coordinate[below right = of System.east, label=right:$M$] (b2);
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}{\draw[-Latex] (a\i) -- (a\i -| System.west);}
\foreach \i in {1,2}{\draw[-Latex] (b\i -| System.east) -- (b\i);}
\caption{GSM als Motor}
node distance = 3mm and 12mm
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Generator};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west, label=left:$n$] (a2);
\coordinate[above = 6mm of a2, label=left:$M$] (a1);
\coordinate[below left = of System.west, label=left:$u_3$] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6mm of a3, label=left:$u_2$] (a4);
\coordinate[above right = of System.east, label=right:$u_a$] (b1);
\coordinate[below right = of System.east, label=right:$i_a$] (b2);
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}{\draw[-Latex] (a\i) -- (a\i -| System.west);}
\foreach \i in {1,2}{\draw[-Latex] (b\i -| System.east) -- (b\i);}
\caption{GSM als Generator}
No necesitas bibliotecas para eso, ni comandos complicados. Con pos=<fraction>
puede agregar una coordenada en alguna posición de facción de los bordes respectivos y luego agregar las flechas y los nodos. Todo esto es tan simple como decir
\path (System.south west) -- (System.north west)
foreach \X/\Z in {0.05/i_f,0.35/u_f,0.65/M,0.95/n}
{coordinate[pos=\X](aux) (aux) edge[latex-] ++ (-1,0)
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Motor};
\path (System.south west) -- (System.north west)
foreach \X/\Z in {0.05/i_f,0.35/u_f,0.65/M,0.95/n}
{coordinate[pos=\X](aux) (aux) edge[latex-] ++ (-1,0)
\path (System.south east) -- (System.north east)
foreach \X/\Z in {0.3/u_a,0.7/i_a}
{coordinate[pos=\X] (aux) (aux) edge[-latex] ++ (1,0) node[right=1cm]{$\Z$}};
\caption{GSM als Motor.}
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Motor};
\path (System.south west) -- (System.north west)
foreach \X/\Z in {0.05/i_f,0.35/u_f,0.65/M,0.95/n}
{coordinate[pos=\X](aux) (aux) edge[latex-] ++ (-1,0)
\path (System.south east) -- (System.north east)
foreach \X/\Z in {0.3/u_a,0.7/i_a}
{coordinate[pos=\X] (aux) (aux) edge[-latex] ++ (1,0) node[right=1cm]{$\Z$}};
\caption{GSM als Generator.}
Para colocar dos flechas en elmedio, consideré que querías(espero no equivocarme)estas dos flechas para señalar elterceroydos terciosdel lado. Para ello utilizo la
biblioteca, que me permite localizar a estos terceros con precisión:\coordinate (u) at ($(System.north east)!.3333!(System.south east)$); \coordinate (i) at ($(System.north east)!.6666!(System.south east)$);
Para colocar el
horizontalmente, primero coloco el texto alright
de cadatercerodel nodo Sistema, luego dibuje la flecha con laedge
sintaxis:\node[right =of u]{$n$}edge[<-](u); \node[right =of i]{$M$}edge[<-](i);
Me tomé la libertad de colocar las dos figuras al lado de TikZ. Para hacer esto, coloqué a cada uno de ellos en un
entorno y moví el segundo conxshift=7cm
. Le he dado un nombre a cada entorno de alcance:local bounding box=motor
ylocal bounding box=generator
, lo que me permite colocar el texto debajo con mucha facilidad.\begin{scope}[local bounding box=motor] % code for figure 1 % ... \end{scope} \node [anchor=north,text width=6cm]at (motor.south) {\captionof{figure}{GSM als Motor}}; % caption text
\begin{scope}[xshift=7cm,local bounding box=generator] % code for figure 2 % .... \end{scope} \node [anchor=north,text width=6cm]at (generator.south) {\captionof{figure}{GSM als Generator}}; % caption text
Para no numerar manualmente las cifras, como subrayaTorbjørn T.En mi primera solución, utilizo el
paquete que permite numerar objetos no flotantes.- Entonces, comenté todas las líneas de tu código que ya no uso (sin eliminarlas).
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=motor]
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Motor};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west] (a1);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a1] (a2);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a2] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6.5mm of a3] (a4);
\coordinate[above right= of System.east] (b1);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {2,...,5}
\coordinate[below=of b\xi] (b\i);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$u_\mathrm{a}$,$i_\mathrm{a}$,$u_\mathrm{f}$,$i_\mathrm{f}$}
\draw[-latex'] (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| System.west);
% \foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$n$,$M$}
% \draw[-latex'] (System.east |- b\xi) -- (b\xi) node[right] {\i};
\coordinate (u) at ($(System.north east)!.3333!(System.south east)$);
\coordinate (i) at ($(System.north east)!.6666!(System.south east)$);
\node[right =of u]{$n$}edge[<-](u);
\node[right =of i]{$M$}edge[<-](i);
%\node[anchor=north,yshift=-5mm] at (motor.south){Figure\,1: GSM als Motor};
\node [anchor=north,text width=6cm]at (motor.south) {\captionof{figure}{GSM als Motor}};
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \caption{GSM als Motor}
% \label{fig:gsmmotor}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
\begin{scope}[xshift=7cm,local bounding box=generator]
\node (System) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {Generator};
\coordinate[above left = of System.west] (a1);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a1] (a2);
\coordinate[below = 7mm of a2] (a3);
\coordinate[below = 6.5mm of a3] (a4);
\coordinate[above right= of System.east] (b1);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {2,...,5}
\coordinate[below=of b\xi] (b\i);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$n$,$M$,$u_\mathrm{f}$,$i_\mathrm{f}$}
\draw[-latex'] (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| System.west);
% \foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {$u_a$,$i_a$}
% \draw[-latex'] (System.east |- b\xi) -- (b\xi) node[right] {\i};
\coordinate (u) at ($(System.north east)!.3333!(System.south east)$);
\coordinate (i) at ($(System.north east)!.6666!(System.south east)$);
\node[right =of u]{$u_a$}edge[<-](u);
\node[right =of i]{$i_a$}edge[<-](i);
%\node[anchor=north,yshift=-5mm] at (generator.south){Figure\,2: GSM als Generator};
\node [anchor=north,text width=6cm]at (generator.south) {\captionof{figure}{GSM als Generator}};
% \caption{GSM als Generator}