Centrado de imágenes Tikz dentro de un tcolorbox

Centrado de imágenes Tikz dentro de un tcolorbox

Esta pregunta es una extensión de miúltima preguntayuna respuestapor @frougon.

He editado un poco el código de la respuesta para adaptarlo a mis necesidades, pero las partes importantes permanecen intactas (eso espero).

Creé imagesAlty questionpictureAlt, que elimina el enumerateentorno y me permite colocar mis Tikzpictures directamente en mi documento sin necesidad de ninguna enumeración. Está funcionando bastante bien hasta ahora.

El problema que tengo es que las imágenes de Tikz no están del todo centradas en la página. No estoy seguro si esto se debe a las ediciones que hice en las respuestas de frougon, o si tiene algo que ver con el tcolorboxpaquete que estoy usando (no creo que este sea el caso), o algo más.

A continuación se muestra mi código/salida, donde he incluido líneas de colores, donde cada línea de color tiene la misma longitud para mostrar que las cosas no están centradas adecuadamente.

\usepackage{calc} % for \settototalheight (used for convenience)

% Frame dimensions


% l3keys supports a key/value-style interface for the optional argument of the 'images' environment.

\msg_new:nnn { form } { duplicate-figure-id }
  { duplicate~figure~identifier:~'\exp_not:n {#1}'. }

% Whether to perform the \scalebox-based autoscaling for a given figure
\bool_new:N \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool
% Sequence recording all figure identifiers (for the 'scale to max size' TikZ style) found so far
\seq_new:N \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq
% Counter used when generating automatic figure identifiers for 'form autoscale'
\int_new:N \g_form_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int

% Define the options supported in the optional argument of the 'images' environment
\keys_define:nn { form }
    autoscale .bool_set:N = \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool,
    % Value used when the 'autoscale' key is passed with no value
    autoscale .default:n = { true },
    autoscale .initial:n = { false }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_set_keys:n #1
  { \keys_set:nn { form } {#1} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_check_unique_id:n #1
    \seq_if_in:NnTF \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1}
      { \msg_error:nnn { form } { duplicate-figure-id } {#1} }
      { \seq_gput_right:Nn \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_form_autoscale:n #1
    \pgfkeys { /tikz/.cd, form~autoscale={#1} }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__form_form_autoscale:n { V }

% Automatic construction of generated ids (the pattern is defined here)
\cs_new:Npn \__form_autogenerated_id:n #1
  { form~autogenerated~id~#1 }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__form_autogenerated_id:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_form_autoscale_autoid:
    % Increment the counter
    \int_gincr:N \g_form_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int
    \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl       % generate an ID based on the counter value
    % Call the 'form autoscale' style with the new ID
    \__form_form_autoscale:V \l_tmpa_tl

% Set up aliases using LaTeX2e naming style
\cs_set_eq:NN \formsetup \__form_set_keys:n
\cs_set_eq:NN \form@check@unique@id \__form_check_unique_id:n
\cs_set_eq:NN \form@form@autscale@autoid \__form_form_autoscale_autoid:

% If-then-else command using the boolean
% \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool to choose the branch
\NewDocumentCommand \form@ifautoscale@enabled { }
    \bool_if:NTF \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool


\newsavebox{\form@box}     % will be set with \global

  % 'form autoscale autoid' should turned on for every picture framed by the 'images' environment
  \tikzset{every picture/.style=form autoscale autoid}%

  \enumerate[label=(\Alph*), ref=\Alph*, align=left, itemsep=7pt]

%% questionpictureAlt is equivalent to questionpicture, without the enumerate environment. It is used for direct placement of an image.

  \tikzset{every picture/.style=form autoscale autoid}%


  \errmessage{The 'questionpicture' environment must be used at the start of a
    'images' environment}%
% Generate an error message unless \questionpicture is used where expected

  \errmessage{The 'questionpictureAlt' environment must be used at the start of a
    'images' environment}%
% Generate an error message unless \questionpictureAlt is used where expected

  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@x@ratio}{\the\mywidth / \wd\form@box}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@y@ratio}{\the\myheight / \form@total@height}%

%% imagesAlt is equivalent to images, without the enumeration environment. It is used for the direct placement of an image.
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@x@ratio}{\the\mywidth / \wd\form@box}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@y@ratio}{\the\myheight / \form@total@height}%

% Autoscaling technique that doesn't affect font sizes in TikZ pictures.
% (based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>)
% #1: unique per-picture id allowing several pictures to use this mechanism
%     in a given document (it should contain no control sequence token nor
%     active character)
% #2: width of the reference rectangle
% #3: height of the reference rectangle
 \path let
   \p1=($(current bounding box.north east)-(current bounding box.south west)$),
 in \pgfextra{\pgfmathsetmacro{\form@figscale}{min(\n1,\n2)}%
              \expandafter\xdef\csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{%
   \gdef\string\csname\space form@auto@figscale@#1\string\endcsname{%
     \csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}}}

\tikzset{scale to max size/.style args={id #1 width #2height #3}{%
    execute at end picture={\form@ExportBB{#1}{#2}{#3}},
                 \ifcsname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname
                   \wlog{Found autoscale value for picture '#1'}%
                   \typeout{Automatically-scaled pictures: please recompile
                            for picture '#1'.}
                     \csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{1}
   scale=\csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname},
         form autoscale/.style={%
           scale to max size=id #1 width \mywidth height \myheight},
         % Same style except the id is automatically generated using a counter
         form autoscale autoid/.style={%
% End of the code based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>



    on line,
    box align = center,
    colback = gray!20,
    colframe = black,
    coltitle = black,
    boxed title style = {size = small, colback = gray!40},
    attach boxed title to top center = {yshift = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
    tcbox width = auto limited,
    before = \vspace{\baselineskip} \center,
    after = \endcenter \vspace{\baselineskip}


This Tikzpicture clearly doesn't start all the way to the left
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};

Even after adding the \emph{center} environment, the picture is still not quite centered on the page
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};

When placed inside a \emph{tcolorbox}, the picture is not centered within it, but the \emph{tcolorbox} is centered on the page.
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};


En particular, las líneas violetas muestran que la imagen no está centrada dentro del archivo tcolorbox, sino que ella tcolorboxmisma está centrada (líneas verdes).



Consulte los lugares que marqué <---en el código que figura a continuación. Introdujiste algunos espacios falsos, configurados \fboxrulepara0pt despuésse había utilizado para un cálculo con un valor diferente (cálculo en \AfterEndEnvironment{questionpictureAlt}{...}). No estoy de acuerdo con el cambio de nombre del “paquete” a solo form, porque claramente tiene muchas posibilidades de entrar en conflicto con algún otro paquete ahora o en el futuro (en el código que proporcioné, llamé al “paquete” ryanjformprecisamente para protegerte contra tales conflictos). ). Además, uno de los \letque destruiste \form@start@question@picture... es por eso que tuviste que hacer el desordenado \let\questionpictureAlt\form@start@question@picture(nota lo que falta Alt) en \newenvironment{imagesAlt}{...}{...}.

Otro punto es que me parece muy antinatural usarlo imagesAltcon un valor vacío minipage, porque esta es la única situación en la que minipageno ocupa el ancho indicado en su argumento. El minipageancho en mi choicesentorno se calculó de modo que minipagemás la imagen en \fcolorboxocupación ocupa exactamente \linewidth, por lo que usar esto con un vacío minipageque desencadena un caso especial que destruye su ancho va en contra del uso esperado del choicesentorno en el que imagesAltse basa. Si no quieres minipage, ¿por qué hacer los cálculos de ancho? No sirven para nada cuando no hay minipage. En tal caso, simplemente elimine minipagede la definición del entorno, los cálculos de ancho no utilizados, coloque el \fcolorboxy listo.

De manera similar, dado que imagesAltocupa un ancho de línea completo por diseño tan pronto como agrega un carácter imprimible entre \end{questionpictureAlt}y lo siguiente \end{imagesAlt}, se envuelve imagesAltdentro de un centerentorno para centrar elimagenque normalmente debería estar al ras del margen derecho, es una técnica muy extraña. Si imagesAltsolo contuviera el \fcolorbox, sería mucho más natural, en mi humilde opinión.

Perdón si sueno negativo, pero releer todo esto fue largo, se está haciendo tarde y estas formas extrañas de usar el código derivado de mi choicesentorno me molestan, por así decirlo (me faltan las palabras adecuadas en inglés: “mataste” yo :-) El siguiente código soluciona los problemas mencionados en el primer párrafo de esta respuesta, así como en su documententorno (comience en el margen izquierdo, centrado, etc.):

\usepackage{calc} % for \settototalheight (used for convenience)

% Frame dimensions


% l3keys supports a key/value-style interface for the optional argument of the 'images' environment.

\msg_new:nnn { form } { duplicate-figure-id }
  { duplicate~figure~identifier:~'\exp_not:n {#1}'. }

% Whether to perform the \scalebox-based autoscaling for a given figure
\bool_new:N \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool
% Sequence recording all figure identifiers (for the 'scale to max size' TikZ style) found so far
\seq_new:N \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq
% Counter used when generating automatic figure identifiers for 'form autoscale'
\int_new:N \g_form_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int

% Define the options supported in the optional argument of the 'images' environment
\keys_define:nn { form }
    autoscale .bool_set:N = \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool,
    % Value used when the 'autoscale' key is passed with no value
    autoscale .default:n = { true },
    autoscale .initial:n = { false }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_set_keys:n #1
  { \keys_set:nn { form } {#1} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_check_unique_id:n #1
    \seq_if_in:NnTF \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1}
      { \msg_error:nnn { form } { duplicate-figure-id } {#1} }
      { \seq_gput_right:Nn \g__form_scale_to_max_style_figure_ids_seq {#1} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_form_autoscale:n #1
    \pgfkeys { /tikz/.cd, form~autoscale={#1} }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__form_form_autoscale:n { V }

% Automatic construction of generated ids (the pattern is defined here)
\cs_new:Npn \__form_autogenerated_id:n #1
  { form~autogenerated~id~#1 }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__form_autogenerated_id:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__form_form_autoscale_autoid:
    % Increment the counter
    \int_gincr:N \g_form_last_autogenerated_figure_nb_int
    \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl       % generate an ID based on the counter value
    % Call the 'form autoscale' style with the new ID
    \__form_form_autoscale:V \l_tmpa_tl

% Set up aliases using LaTeX2e naming style
\cs_set_eq:NN \formsetup \__form_set_keys:n
\cs_set_eq:NN \form@check@unique@id \__form_check_unique_id:n
\cs_set_eq:NN \form@form@autoscale@autoid \__form_form_autoscale_autoid:

% If-then-else command using the boolean
% \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool to choose the branch
\NewDocumentCommand \form@ifautoscale@enabled { }
    \bool_if:NTF \l__form_do_autoscale_pic_in_images_bool


\newsavebox{\form@box}     % will be set with \global

  % 'form autoscale autoid' should be turned on for every picture framed by
  % the 'images' environment
  \tikzset{every picture/.style=form autoscale autoid}%

  \enumerate[label=(\Alph*), ref=\Alph*, align=left, itemsep=7pt]

%% questionpictureAlt is equivalent to questionpicture, without the enumerate environment. It is used for direct placement of an image.

  \tikzset{every picture/.style=form autoscale autoid}%

  \setlength{\fboxrule}{0pt}% <--- moved here and added % to remove space

  \errmessage{The 'questionpicture' environment must be used at the start of a
    'images' environment}%
% Generate an error message unless \questionpicture is used where expected

\let\form@start@question@pictureAlt\questionpictureAlt % <--- added Alt
  \errmessage{The 'questionpictureAlt' environment must be used at the start of a
    'images' environment}%
% Generate an error message unless \questionpictureAlt is used where expected

  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@x@ratio}{\the\mywidth / \wd\form@box}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@y@ratio}{\the\myheight / \form@total@height}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@scale}{min(\form@x@ratio, \form@y@ratio)}%
  % <--- You suppressed the \fcolorbox here! Less space is occupied.

%% imagesAlt is equivalent to images, without the enumeration environment. It is used for the direct placement of an image.
  \let\questionpictureAlt\form@start@question@pictureAlt % <--- added Alt
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@x@ratio}{\the\mywidth / \wd\form@box}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@y@ratio}{\the\myheight / \form@total@height}%
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\form@scale}{min(\form@x@ratio, \form@y@ratio)}%
  %\setlength{\fboxrule}{3pt}% <--- What was the purpose of this here?

% Autoscaling technique that doesn't affect font sizes in TikZ pictures.
% (based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>)
% #1: unique per-picture id allowing several pictures to use this mechanism
%     in a given document (it should contain no control sequence token nor
%     active character)
% #2: width of the reference rectangle
% #3: height of the reference rectangle
 \path let
   \p1=($(current bounding box.north east)-(current bounding box.south west)$),
 in \pgfextra{\pgfmathsetmacro{\form@figscale}{min(\n1,\n2)}%
              \expandafter\xdef\csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{%
   \gdef\string\csname\space form@auto@figscale@#1\string\endcsname{%
     \csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname}}}

\tikzset{scale to max size/.style args={id #1 width #2height #3}{%
    execute at end picture={\form@ExportBB{#1}{#2}{#3}},
                 \ifcsname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname
                   \wlog{Found autoscale value for picture '#1'}%
                   \typeout{Automatically-scaled pictures: please recompile
                            for picture '#1'.}
                     \csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname{1}
   scale=\csname form@auto@figscale@#1\endcsname},
         form autoscale/.style={%
           scale to max size=id #1 width \mywidth height \myheight},
         % Same style except the id is automatically generated using a counter
         form autoscale autoid/.style={%
% End of the code based on <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/497749/73317>



    on line,
    box align = center,
    colback = gray!20,
    colframe = black,
    coltitle = black,
    boxed title style = {size = small, colback = gray!40},
    attach boxed title to top center = {yshift = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
    tcbox width = auto limited,
    before = \vspace{\baselineskip}\center,
    after = \endcenter \vspace{\baselineskip}


This Tikzpicture clearly starts all the way to the left:
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};

After adding the \emph{center} environment, the picture is perfectly centered
on the page:\\*
\rule{\dimexpr 0.5\linewidth-0.5\mywidth-5pt\relax}{0.4pt}\hfill
\rule{\dimexpr 0.5\linewidth-0.5\mywidth-5pt\relax}{0.4pt}\vspace{-1.6ex}%
\begin{center} % <--- It doesn't make sense to use imagesAlt inside center
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};

When placed inside a \emph{tcolorbox}, the picture is centered within it, and
the \emph{tcolorbox} is centered on the page.
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(15,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(0,15);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,0);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(20,5);
        \draw[thick] (10,10)--(5,20);
        \draw (10.5,12) node {$1$};
        \draw (7.5,12.5) node {$2$};
        \draw (8,9.5) node {$3$};
        \draw (10,7.5) node {$4$};
        \draw (12.5,7.5) node {$5$};
        \draw (12.5,10) node {$6$};


Captura de pantalla

información relacionada