TikZ: índice Z con esfera Bloch

TikZ: índice Z con esfera Bloch

Esta es una pregunta de seguimiento sobreeste. He mejorado la respuesta publicada pero aún no estoy completamente satisfecho. Mi salida ahora se parece a la siguiente:

Salida de corriente

El resultado deseado (retopado con Photoshop) es:

Salida deseada

¡Gracias de antemano!

\documentclass[border= 5pt]{standalone}
\usepackage{blochsphere} % also loads tikz package
  \begin{blochsphere}[ radius = 1.5 cm, tilt = 15, rotation = -45, opacity = 0.20]
    % Drawing the equatorial plane
    % Red half (the problem is here)
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,canvas is xy plane at z=0,on layer=back]
    % Draw the sphere and grid
    \drawBallGrid[style={opacity=0.5, color = blue, loosely dashed}]{180}{180}
    % Axes (X, Y, Z)
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.50]{x}{90}{90}
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.50]{y}{90}{00}
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.15]{z}{00}{00}
    % Blue half
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,canvas is xy plane at z=0,on layer=front]


Puedes usarreverseclip desdeaquíy no distorsionaría el cuadrado sino que simplemente cambiaría las coordenadas.

\documentclass[border= 5pt]{standalone}
\usepackage{blochsphere} % also loads tikz package
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.south west) rectangle 
                (current bounding box.north east)} }}
  \begin{blochsphere}[ radius = 1.5 cm, tilt = 15, rotation = -45, opacity = 0.20]
    % Drawing the equatorial plane
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,canvas is xy plane at z=0]
        \path (-3.5,-3.5) rectangle (3.5,3.5);
    \clip (0,0) circle[radius=1.5cm] [reverseclip];
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,canvas is xy plane at z=0]
      \fill[red!40,opacity=0.5](-3.5,-3.5)--(3.5,3.5) -- (3.5,-3.5);
    % Draw the sphere and grid
    \drawBallGrid[style={opacity=0.5, color = blue, loosely dashed}]{180}{180}
    % Axes (X, Y, Z)
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.50]{x}{90}{90}
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.50]{y}{90}{00}
    \drawStatePolar[axisarrow = true, statewidth = 0.5, scale = 1.15]{z}{00}{00}
    % Blue half
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,canvas is xy plane at z=0,on layer=front]
      -- (-3.5,3.5);

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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