¿Por qué la figura no está en una sola columna?

¿Por qué la figura no está en una sola columna?

tengo el siguiente código. ¿Por qué mi figura aparece parcialmente en una columna y luego también se sale de la página? ¿Cómo lo hago de una sola columna?




%% [LianTze] The newspaper package also provides 
%% these commands to set various metadata:

%% The banner headline on the first page
%%   (The colon after s: is to get a more
%%   modern majuscule s in this font instead of 
%%   the medieval tall s. For anyone interested 
%%   in the history: 
%%  http://medievalwriting.50megs.com/scripts/letters/historys.htm)
\SetPaperName{The Report}

%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{The Report}

%% and also...

% [LianTze] times (the package not the font) is rather outdated now; use newtx (see later)
% \usepackage{times}
%uasage of picinpar:

%% [LianTze] Contains some modifications
%%... so now you can redefine the headline and byline style if you want to.
%% These can be issued just before any
%% byline or headline in the paper, to
%% individually style each article
% \renewcommand{\headlinestyle}{\itshape\Large\lsstyle}
% \renewcommand{\bylinestyle}{\bfseries\Large\raggedright}

%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%












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