
Aquí está elplantillaYo uso para lo siguiente diario. Tengo problemas con todas las tablas que quedan perfectas en un documento de látex normal. Aquí está la página con todas las tablas:
Aquí están los paquetes que agregué y las tablas:
\begin{tabularx}{0.6\columnwidth}{@{}c L S[table-format=7.0]*{2}{S[table-format=2.0]}@{}}
\thead{ID} & \thead{UCI Dataset Name}
& {\thead{Samples}}
& {\thead{Attributes}}
& {\thead{Classes}} \\
DS2 & \textbf {Pfsddfs}- cdfsads dfsdffdss & 2222222 & 22 & 5 \\
DS2 & \textbf {ESSSS} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss
& 45555 & 9 & 2 \\
DS3 & \textbf {AAAA} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss & 22222 & 54 & 7 \\
DS4 & \textbf {ABBB} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss & 539383 & 28 & 2 \\
DS5 & \textbf {SSSS} & 60000 & 3 & 3 \\
\caption{Ssdfsdfsddgs dgfgdsg gsdgsfggdfsfgd sdfgfgsd}
\sisetup{table-format=2.3, table-number-alignment=center, tight-spacing,}% table-column-width =2.5cm
% abbreviation
% shorten the intercolumn spaces
\thead {Dataset \\ Name} & {\thead{No. of processed \\ records} }& {\thead{fsad fsd Trfsdee\\ Acc }} & {\thead{fsdd\\ Acc} }
& {\thead{dfsadf Alg\\Acc} } & {\thead{dfsfds fsd\\ J48}} \\ [0.5ex]
Pfds fssdf & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & 0.504 & \B 0.504 & 0.504 \\
Pfds fssd & 200K to 900K & 0.524 & \B 0.546 & \B 0.546 & 0.498\\
dfsfs & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & \B0.832 & \B 0.504 & 0.504 \\
fssdf & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & \B0.754 & \B 0.754& 0.702 \\
Codsffdspe & 200K to 900K & 0.622 & 0.504 & \B 0.504 & 0.676 \\
Codsffdspe & 200K to 900K & 0.563 & \B0.674 & 0.665 & 0.686 \\
sdfdf & 200K to 900K & 0.956 & \B 0.957 & 0.956 & 0.945\\
sdfdf & 200K to 900K & 0.949 & \B0.504 & \B 0.955 & 0.952\\
dsa & 20K to 90K & 0.895 & 0.798 & \B 0.504 & 0.853\\
dsa & 20K to 90K & 0.924 & 0.834 & \B 0.932
& 0.927\\
dsa-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.899 & 0.906 & \B 0.943 & 0.942\\
SdsaA-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.892 & \B0.947 & \B 0.947 & 0.942\\
SEdsaA-3 & 20K to 90K & 0.884 & 0.832 & \B 0.897 & 0.846\\
\caption{Csdfdfsdfs CsdfdfsdfsCsdfdfsdfsCsdfdfsdfsCsdfdfsdfs)}
\sisetup{table-format=2.3, table-number-alignment=center, tight-spacing,}% table-column-width =2.5cm
% abbreviation
% shorten the intercolumn spaces
\thead {Dataset \\ Name} & {\thead{fsddsf \\ records} }& {\thead{Hsfd\\ Acc }} & {\thead{fsdsf\\ Acc} }
& {\thead{sfdfsd sfdf\\Acc} } & {\thead{fsd fs\\ fsd}} \\ [0.5ex]
fsdfs fsd & 100K to 900K & 0.504 & 0.547 & \B 0.548 & 0.503 \\
fsdfs fsd & 200K to 900K & 0.524 & 0.548 & \B 0.550 & 0.498\\
sfddfs& 200K to 900K & 0.788 & \B0.833 & 0.832 & 0.824 \\
fddfs& 200K to 900K & 0.680 & 0.757 & \B 0.758& 0.702 \\
Cosdfype & 200K to 900K & 0.622 & 0.735 & \B 0.735 & 0.676 \\
Cdfspe & 200K to 900K & 0.563 & 0.677 & \B 0.678 & 0.686 \\
Airfsd & 200K to 900K & 0.956 & 0.959 & \B 0.962 & 0.945\\
dfsf & 200K to 500K & 0.949 & \B0.958 & \B 0.958 & 0.952\\
SfdsEA & 20K to 90K & 0.895 & 0.802 & \B 0.899 & 0.853\\
SEfdsA & 20K to 90K & 0.924 & 0.836 & \B 0.934 & 0.927\\
fds-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.899 & 0.935 & \B 0.943 & 0.942\\
fds-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.892 & 0.952 & \B 0.954 & 0.942\\
Sfds3 & 20K to 90K & 0.884 & 0.853 & \B 0.897 & 0.846\\
\caption{fgdfgdsgsf (In \textbf{Bold} thedfgsdfggf)}
\sisetup{table-format=2.3, table-number-alignment=center, tight-spacing,}% table-column-width =2.5cm
% abbreviation
% shorten the intercolumn spaces
\begin{tabular} {l c c} %{l>{\centering}lSSSS}
\thead {Dataset \\ Name} & {\thead{dsaasd add dada (sec) \\ 1000 dsad} } & {\thead{adsdas das ddsa Time (sec) \\ 2000 fdsfds}} \\ [0.5ex]
dfg gdfs & 22.222 & 4.4222\\
sdfgg& 22.222 & 4.0222 \\
sdfggsd & 22.222 & 22.2226\\
dsfggfd & 32.355 & 2.277 \\
dfd & 20.254 & 2.238 \\
% \end{tabular}
Fuera de contexto:
- En su MWE falta la clase de documento. Para mi MWE uso
. - Desde su preámbulo, consideré solo los paquetes relevantes para sus tablas (otros los elimino de mi MWE, sin embargo, verifique nuevamente si realmente necesita todos esos paquetes y si algunos de ellos se cargan dos veces).
- Si el artículo está destinado a alguna revista IEEE, no vuelva a formatear su configuración predeterminada para subtítulos, etc.
- Sugiero mover todas las definiciones de comandos nuevas de las tablas al preámbulo (por ejemplo
. - Elimine todas las configuraciones repetidas de la tabla (por ejemplo
etc.). - No está claro por qué el ancho de la primera tabla seleccionada es mucho menor que el ancho de la columna.
- En MWE a continuación, limpio los códigos de la tabla y traté de diseñarlos de manera uniforme.
Tu problema:
- No está claro (para mí) cuál es tu problema. ¿Diseño de mesa?
%\usepackage{amsmath} is supersede by mathtools,
\caption{Ssdfsdfsddgs dgfgdsg gsdgsfggdfsfgd sdfgfgsd}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} c L S[table-format=7.0]*{2}{S[table-format=2.0]} @{}}
\thead{ID} & \thead{UCI Dataset Name} & {\thead{Samples}} & {\thead{Attributes}} & {\thead{Classes}}\\
DS2 & \textbf{Pfsddfs}- cdfsads dfsdffdss & 2222222 & 22 & 5 \\
DS2 & \textbf{ESSSS} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss
& 45555 & 9 & 2 \\
DS3 & \textbf{AAAA} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss & 22222 & 54 & 7 \\
DS4 & \textbf{ABBB} - cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss cdfsads dfsdffdss & 539383 & 28 & 2 \\
DS5 & \textbf{SSSS} & 60000 & 3 & 3 \\
\caption{Csdfdfsdfs Csdfdf sdfsCsdf dfsdfs CsdfdfsdfsCs dfdfsdfs)}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l c SSSS}
\thead[b]{Dataset \\ Name}
& {\thead[b]{No. of\\ processed \\ records} }
& {\thead[b]{fsad fsd\\ Trfsdee\\ Acc }}
& {\thead[b]{fsdd\\ Acc} }
& {\thead[b]{dfsadf\\ Alg\\Acc} }
& {\thead[b]{dfsfds fsd\\ J48}} \\
Pfds fssdf & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & 0.504 & \B 0.504 & 0.504 \\
Pfds fssd & 200K to 900K & 0.524 & \B 0.546 & \B 0.546 & 0.498 \\
dfsfs & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & \B 0.832 & \B 0.504 & 0.504 \\
fssdf & 200K to 900K & 0.504 & \B 0.754 & \B 0.754 & 0.702 \\
Codsffdspe & 200K to 900K & 0.622 & 0.504 & \B 0.504 & 0.676 \\
Codsffdspe & 200K to 900K & 0.563 & \B 0.674 & 0.665 & 0.686 \\
sdfdf & 200K to 900K & 0.956 & \B 0.957 & 0.956 & 0.945 \\
sdfdf & 200K to 900K & 0.949 & \B 0.504 & \B 0.955 & 0.952 \\
dsa & 20K to 90K & 0.895 & 0.798 & \B 0.504 & 0.853 \\
dsa & 20K to 90K & 0.924 & 0.834 & \B 0.932 & 0.927 \\
dsa-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.899 & 0.906 & \B 0.943 & 0.942 \\
SdsaA-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.892 & \B 0.947 & \B 0.947 & 0.942 \\
SEdsaA-3 & 20K to 90K & 0.884 & 0.832 & \B 0.897 & 0.846 \\
mode=text}% table-column-width =2.5cm
\caption{fgdfgdsgsf (In \textbf{Bold} thedfgsdfggf)}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}l c SSSS}
\thead {Dataset \\ Name}
& {\thead{fsddsf \\ records} }
& {\thead{Hsfd\\ Acc }}
& {\thead{fsdsf\\ Acc} }
& {\thead{sfdfsd sfdf\\Acc} }
& {\thead{fsd fs\\ fsd}} \\ [0.5ex]
fsdfs fsd & 100K to 900K & 0.504 & 0.547 & \B 0.548 & 0.503 \\
fsdfs fsd & 200K to 900K & 0.524 & 0.548 & \B 0.550 & 0.498 \\
sfddfs & 200K to 900K & 0.788 & \B 0.833 & 0.832 & 0.824 \\
fddfs & 200K to 900K & 0.680 & 0.757 & \B 0.758 & 0.702 \\
Cosdfype & 200K to 900K & 0.622 & 0.735 & \B 0.735 & 0.676 \\
Cdfspe & 200K to 900K & 0.563 & 0.677 & \B 0.678 & 0.686 \\
Airfsd & 200K to 900K & 0.956 & 0.959 & \B 0.962 & 0.945 \\
dfsf & 200K to 500K & 0.949 & \B 0.958 & \B 0.958 & 0.952 \\
SfdsEA & 20K to 90K & 0.895 & 0.802 & \B 0.899 & 0.853 \\
SEfdsA & 20K to 90K & 0.924 & 0.836 & \B 0.934 & 0.927 \\
fds-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.899 & 0.935 & \B 0.943 & 0.942 \\
fds-2 & 20K to 90K & 0.892 & 0.952 & \B 0.954 & 0.942 \\
Sfds3 & 20K to 90K & 0.884 & 0.853 & \B 0.897 & 0.846 \\
\sisetup{table-format=2.4}% table-column-width =2.5cm
\begin{tabular} {l S S }
\thead {Dataset \\ Name}
& {\thead{dsaasd add dada (sec) \\ 1000 dsad} }
& {\thead{adsdas das ddsa Time (sec) \\ 2000 fdsfds}} \\
dfg gdfs & 22.222 & 4.4222 \\
sdfgg & 22.222 & 4.0222 \\
sdfggsd & 22.222 & 22.2226 \\
dsfggfd & 32.355 & 2.277 \\
dfd & 20.254 & 2.238 \\