Errores de algoritmo y delimitador de entorno matemático incorrecto

Errores de algoritmo y delimitador de entorno matemático incorrecto

Me cuesta mucho escribir los pseudocódigos en látex. Revise a continuación dos algoritmos. En el documento, los algoritmos se ven bien aparte de la parte resaltada en la imagen.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

\caption{Incident Description and Text Separation}
\KwIn{Text file T of all the Incidents}
\KwOut{Short description and Updates of each Incident as a .CSV fIle \(c\).}
split T if line in T begins with `Incident:'\\
\For{\textup{each split of} \(e\) in T}
     Short description \Leftarrow \( \) Line starting with 'short\textunderscore description:'\\
     Updates \Leftarrow \( \) Line starting with 'sys\textunderscore mod\textunderscore count:'\\
\caption{Preprocessing the description field of each incident   \(i\)}
\KwIn{Short description of each incident \(i\)}
\KwOut{Preprocessed short descriptions to single strings.}
convert description of each incident \(i\) to lowercase\\
stopwords \Leftarrow \( \) repeatedly occurring words and person names\\
\For{\textup{each incident} i}
  \If{\textup{\textit{word }in short description} \in stopwords}{\textup{replace \(word\) with nothing}}
\textup{remove all special symbols \& characters}\\
\textup{remove all extra line \& word spaces}\\


Supongo que estás usando algorithm2epara insertar algoritmos.

Además, debe insertar símbolos matemáticos en modo matemático, por ejemplo, $\Leftarrow$.

Finalmente, elimine el Endif.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



\caption{Preprocessing the description field of each incident $i$}
\KwIn{Short description of each incident $i$.}
\KwOut{Preprocessed short descriptions to single strings.}
convert description of each incident $i$ to lowercase\\
stopwords $\Leftarrow$ repeatedly occurring words and person names\\
\For{\textup{each incident} $i$}
  \If{\textup{\textit{word} in short description $\in$ \textit{stopwords}}}{\textup{replace \textit{word} with nothing}}
  \textup{remove all special symbols \& characters}\\
  \textup{remove all extra line \& word spaces}\\

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