Hola, soy nuevo en el látex y necesito ayuda para aclarar mis ecuaciones. Esto es lo que tengo.
- Necesito que la ecuación (3) esté alineada con el número (3)
- Las ecuaciones (5) y (6) deben centrarse y alinearse sólo entre sí.
Aquí está el mwe.https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/icml-2019-submission-template/vkqjjvzjvhdc
%%%%%%%% ICML 2019 EXAMPLE LATEX SUBMISSION FILE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Recommended, but optional, packages for figures and better typesetting:
\usepackage{booktabs} % for professional tables
% hyperref makes hyperlinks in the resulting PDF.
% If your build breaks (sometimes temporarily if a hyperlink spans a page)
% please comment out the following usepackage line and replace
% \usepackage{icml2019} with \usepackage[nohyperref]{icml2019} above.
% Attempt to make hyperref and algorithmic work together better:
% Use the following line for the initial blind version submitted for review:
% If accepted, instead use the following line for the camera-ready submission:
% The \icmltitle you define below is probably too long as a header.
% Therefore, a short form for the running title is supplied here:
\icmltitlerunning{Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2019}
\icmltitle{Submission and Formatting Instructions for \\
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019)}
% It is OKAY to include author information, even for blind
% submissions: the style file will automatically remove it for you
% unless you've provided the [accepted] option to the icml2019
% package.
% List of affiliations: The first argument should be a (short)
% identifier you will use later to specify author affiliations
% Academic affiliations should list Department, University, City, Region, Country
% Industry affiliations should list Company, City, Region, Country
% You can specify symbols, otherwise they are numbered in order.
% Ideally, you should not use this facility. Affiliations will be numbered
% in order of appearance and this is the preferred way.
\icmlauthor{Aeiau Zzzz}{equal,to}
\icmlauthor{Bauiu C.~Yyyy}{equal,to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Cieua Vvvvv}{goo}
\icmlauthor{Iaesut Saoeu}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Fiuea Rrrr}{to}
\icmlauthor{Tateu H.~Yasehe}{ed,to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Aaoeu Iasoh}{goo}
\icmlauthor{Buiui Eueu}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Aeuia Zzzz}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Bieea C.~Yyyy}{to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Teoau Xxxx}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Eee Pppp}{ed}
\icmlaffiliation{to}{Department of Computation, University of Torontoland, Torontoland, Canada}
\icmlaffiliation{goo}{Googol ShallowMind, New London, Michigan, USA}
\icmlaffiliation{ed}{School of Computation, University of Edenborrow, Edenborrow, United Kingdom}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Cieua Vvvvv}{[email protected]}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Eee Pppp}{[email protected]}
% You may provide any keywords that you
% find helpful for describing your paper; these are used to populate
% the "keywords" metadata in the PDF but will not be shown in the document
\icmlkeywords{Machine Learning, ICML}
\vskip 0.3in
% this must go after the closing bracket ] following \twocolumn[ ...
% This command actually creates the footnote in the first column
% listing the affiliations and the copyright notice.
% The command takes one argument, which is text to display at the start of the footnote.
% The \icmlEqualContribution command is standard text for equal contribution.
% Remove it (just {}) if you do not need this facility.
%\printAffiliationsAndNotice{} % leave blank if no need to mention equal contribution
\printAffiliationsAndNotice{\icmlEqualContribution} % otherwise use the standard text.
This document provides a basic paper template and submission guidelines.
Abstracts must be a single paragraph, ideally between 4--6 sentences long.
Gross violations will trigger corrections at the camera-ready phase.
\section{Electronic Submission}
\hspace*{-0.2cm} i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)\\
S_t &= o_t \circ \textnormal{tanh}(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
EDITAR: Gracias leandriis por la respuesta. Pero, ¿por qué al dorso se resalta todo como si fuera un error? Esto sucede cuando anido y alineo dentro de la reunión.
Combinando los comentarios y las respuestas a sus tres preguntas anteriores, termino con el siguiente MWE. En él he utilizado dos align
entornos dentro de un gather
entorno,como recomendé antes. Para la primera variante, he mantenido el \small
tamaño de fuente así como los \hspace*
comandos, mientras que en el segundo ejemplo, he dividido la tercera ecuación en dos líneas para evitar que el número de la ecuación se desplace hacia abajo. Esto eraya recomendado por Mico.
\section{Electronic Submission}
\hspace*{-0.2cm} i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} \notag\\
&+ i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
También usaría un par de align
entornos dentro de un gather
entorno. me gustaríanouse el \hspace*{-0.2cm}
, sin embargo. Para que las seis ecuaciones encajen, restablecería los valores de thinmuskip
, \medmuskip
y \thickmuskip
. Estos parámetros controlan la cantidad de espacios en blanco que se insertan a cada lado de los operadores matemáticos.
Ah, y no escribiría ||
, es decir, dos símbolos consecutivos |
para crear el delimitador "normativo". En su lugar, use \lVert
and \rVert
or, de manera más elegante, cargue el mathtools
paquete y cree una macro llamada \norm
con vallas de tamaño variable.
%\usepackage{subfigure} % this package is deprecated
\usepackage{mathtools} % superset of 'amsmath' package
\newcommand\vn[1]{\textit{#1}} % how to typeset variable names
\section{Electronic Submission}
\begingroup %localize the scope of the following instructions
\thickmuskip=2.5mu % choose values half as large as the defaults
i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xi}} * X_t +
W_{\vn{hi}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xf}} * X_t +
W_{\vn{hf}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_{\vn{f}})\\
C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ
\tanh(W_{\!\vn{xc}} * X_t +
W_{\!\vn{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xo}} * X_t +
W_{\!\vn{ho}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{\norm{S_{t,ij}^2}}{1+\norm{S_{t,ij}^2}}