He visto el cuadro que uno quería hacer así. Pero lo he probado en los diagramas inteligentes, pero el punto central no está junto con esas flechas. Estoy escribiendo mi tesis para la presentación final. Si alguien puede ayudarme, estaré feliz. Hasta ahora he probado:
\smartdiagram[circular diagram:anticlockwise]{
Set Mission, Actualize Goal , Respond to Changes, Sustain Commitment
Aquí hay una forma.
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em,
nodes={draw,rounded corners,align=center,blur shadow,
fill=white,minimum height=3em,minimum width=8em}]
\node (L){Leadership};
\node[above left=of L] (M) {Set Mission};
\node[above right=of L] (A) {Actualize\\ Goal};
\node[below right=of L] (S) {Sustain\\ Commitment};
\node[below left=of L] (R) {Respond to\\ Changes};
\def\LstAnchors{"south east","south west","north west","north east"}
\foreach \X [remember=\X as \Y (initially R),count=\Z] in {M,A,S,R}
{\draw[very thick,-{Stealth[bend]}] (\Y) to[bend left={40+20*pow(-1,\Z)}] (\X);
\draw[very thick,{Stealth}-{Stealth}] (L.\anchB) -- (\X.\anchA); }
O con elarcos siguiendo un círculo.
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em,
nodes={draw,rounded corners,align=center,blur shadow,
fill=white,minimum height=3em,minimum width=8em},
pics/circular arc/.style args={from #1 to #2}{code={
\path[name path=arc]
let \p1=(#1),\p2=(#2),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)},\n2={atan2(\y2,\x2)},
in (\n1:\r) arc(\n1:\n3:\r);
\draw[-{Stealth[bend]},pic actions,
name intersections={of=#1 and arc,by=arcstart},
name intersections={of=#2 and arc,by=arcend}]
let \p1=(arcstart),\p2=(arcend),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)},\n2={atan2(\y2,\x2)},
in (\n1:\r) arc(\n1:\n3:\r);
\node (L){Leadership};
\node[above left=of L,name path=M] (M) {Set Mission};
\node[above right=of L,name path=A] (A) {Actualize\\ Goal};
\node[below right=of L,name path=S] (S) {Sustain\\ Commitment};
\node[below left=of L,name path=R] (R) {Respond to\\ Changes};
\def\LstAnchors{"south east","south west","north west","north east"}
\foreach \X [remember=\X as \Y (initially R),count=\Z] in {M,A,S,R}
{\path[line width=0.5mm,gray,shorten >=1mm,shorten <=1mm] pic{circular arc=from {\Y} to \X};
\draw[line width=0.5mm,gray,{Stealth}-{Stealth}] (L.\anchB) -- (\X.\anchA); }