Consistencia en distancias entre nodos en vértices a lo largo de segmentos de línea horizontales apilados en un diagrama "TikZ"

Consistencia en distancias entre nodos en vértices a lo largo de segmentos de línea horizontales apilados en un diagrama "TikZ"

En el siguiente TikZdiagrama, he representado un gráfico en expansión: una secuencia de gráficos simples. Una inconsistencia en este diagrama son las distancias entre pasos consecutivos en la expansión. Para los primeros cuatro pasos, simplemente disminuí la ycoordenada -by 3de cada uno de los vértices. Un nodo de varias líneas debajo de un vértice del cuarto gráfico impidió que eso sucediera. Simplemente puse el último gráfico 6 cmdebajo del cuarto gráfico. Es indecoroso.

¿Cómo defino una longitud entre (label_for_Vertex_b.south)y (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b.north)y uso esa distancia para colocar la fracción (2n+1)/2en el último gráfico y, desde este nodo, dibujar la última línea horizontal?




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,-3) -- (-2,-3);
\draw[fill] (-4,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
\draw (-4,-6) -- (-2,-6) -- (0,-6);
\draw[fill] (-4,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
\draw (-4,-9) -- (-2,-9) -- (0,-9) (2,-9) -- (5,-9);
\draw[fill] (-4,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-9){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
\draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,-9);
\path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
at ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-9.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,-9) -- (label_for_Edge);
\node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (actual_label_for_Edge) at (label_for_Edge)
{$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
&\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] (label_for_Edge.south) -- ($(label_for_Edge.south) +(0,-4)$);

%Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
\draw (-4,-15) -- (-2,-15) -- (0,-15) (2,-15) -- (5,-15);
\draw[fill] (-4,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-15){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},-15) -- ({(2+5)/2},-16);
\node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-16){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
\node[anchor=south] (Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram) at ($({(2+5)/2},-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};

%Extra code to display distances I want between graphs.
\draw[|<->|, green] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) -- (label_for_Vertex_b);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b)!0.5!(label_for_Vertex_b)$) +(0.1,0)$){\textit{D}};
\draw[|<->|, green] ($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.5,0)$) -- ($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.5,0)$);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.6,0)$)!0.5!($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.6,0)$)$){\textbf{Want this to be \textit{D}}};




Para desplazar bloques completos, puedes ponerlos en scopes,


Esto le permite mover el último bloque 3 cm por debajo del anclaje sur de la etiqueta del borde.




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 %An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
 \draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);

 %Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 \draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
 \draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
 \path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
 at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
 \node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
 {$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
 &\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

\path ($(0,0|-edge label.south)+(0,-3)$) coordinate(auxp);
 %Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
 -- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
 \node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
 \node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] 
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Como se mencionóaquí, posiblemente se beneficiaría enormemente positioningal colocar los bloques entre sí. Esta respuesta está escrita bajo el supuesto de que existen algunas razones por las que no desea utilizarla positioning.

Aquí hay otro intento de hacerte feliz. El truco consiste en poner estas capas en pics y poner las fotografías ("falsas") en una matriz.

La distancia vertical entre estas capas/fotos está completamente fijada por column sep.

Si desea agregar anotaciones que no deberían alterar el tamaño de estas imágenes, use cualquiera de ellas overlayo agréguelas fuera de la matriz. Se pueden encontrar ejemplos de ambos en el MWE.




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1},

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

\matrix[row sep=4.5em]{%<- this defines the difference between pics
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) coordinate(lcompare);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] (bcompare) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 %Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
 \draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm,overlay] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
 \path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future
 at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
 \node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
 {$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
 &\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]
 %Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
 -- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
 \node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
 \node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] 
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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