Anuncios clasificados con cuadro tcolor.

Anuncios clasificados con cuadro tcolor.

Estoy intentando hacer un documento de anuncios clasificados en LaTex usando tcolor box. Soy nuevo en esto, así que ten paciencia conmigo. Aquí hay una captura de pantalla de lo que estoy tratando de emular.

Ejemplo de anuncio clasificado que estoy intentando emular

Esto es lo que he podido crear hasta ahora:

tcolor box intenta generar anuncios clasificados

Necesito poder tener una sola línea entre cada anuncio con un espacio mínimo y un borde invisible a cada lado. Sugiera cómo puedo modificar el código o si hay un código mejor que debería usar. Gracias.

Aquí está mi código LaTeX .tex:

\graphicspath{ {../images/} } 

An early version of an example document that eventually will render classified ads using \LaTeX , tcolorbox and multirow. Possibly ltablex too.
The page below is an example image of the look we are aiming for. The third page is going to attempt to render using LaTeX and specific extensions.


\section{First try example}

\begin{tcbraster}[raster equal height=rows,raster every box/.style={colframe=black!50!black,colback=white}]\begin{tcolorbox}[blankest]\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=1]\begin{tcolorbox}[natural height,
        space to upper,
        title={X-should be blank and the same dimensions as the orginal },
        halign lower=flush right,

        \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
        Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
        Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,
        \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos.
        Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$
        paid. Will pick up Free.
        Airway Auto Parts



        \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS!
        Cars from \$500! For listings:
        800-619-3790 ext.2938




Como la propuesta inicial se hizo con tcolorbox, aquí tenéis dos posibles soluciones con tcolorbox. Como ya propuso OP, estas soluciones se basan en tcbraster. El primero usa un tcbraster de una columna dentro de un entorno multicol y el segundo usa un tcbraster de tres columnas.

Los cuadros internos están definidos en classifiedestilo y son blankcuadros con márgenes superior e inferior agregados y un borde inferior.

¡Eso es todo!


\tcbset{classified/.style={enhanced, blanker, borderline south={2pt}{0pt}{black}, top=1mm, bottom=1mm}}

\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1, raster row skip = 0pt, classified]
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521

\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3, raster row skip = 0pt, raster equal height=rows, classified]
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


No estoy seguro de cómo desea que se vea toda su página, pero podría considerar usar una minipágina con solo una línea que separe sus anuncios. Algo como esto. Agregué solo texto aleatorio en las otras minipáginas, pero puedes continuar agregando más líneas entre cada una. Nuevamente, no estoy seguro de si esto es lo que estás buscando, pero podría ser un lugar para comenzar e investigar más:

\graphicspath{ {../images/} } 

 \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
        Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
        Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,

         \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
        Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
        Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,

         \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
        Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
        Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,

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