Nodos no definidos en una matriz de nodos matemáticos

Nodos no definidos en una matriz de nodos matemáticos

Hice este ejemplo en 2008 y compilé (

Intenté recompilar el código pero sin éxito y no encuentro el error.

Ahora algunos nodos no están definidos. Comenté las líneas con problema.



% l' unite
\newcommand{\myunit}{1 cm}
    node style sp/.style={draw,circle,minimum size=\myunit},
    node style ge/.style={circle,minimum size=\myunit},
    arrow style mul/.style={draw,sloped,midway,fill=white},
    arrow style plus/.style={midway,sloped,fill=white},

% les matrices
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter = )] at (0,0)
  a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1p}  \\
  \node[node style sp] {a_{21}};%
         & \node[node style sp] {a_{22}};%
                  & \ldots%
                           & \node[node style sp] {a_{2p}}; \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots  \\
  a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \ldots & a_{np}  \\
\node [draw,below=10pt] at (A.south) 
    { $A$ : \textcolor{red}{$n$ rows} $p$ columns};

\matrix (B) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter =)] at (6*\myunit,6*\myunit)
  b_{11} & \node[node style sp] {b_{12}};%
                  & \ldots & b_{1q}  \\
  b_{21} & \node[node style sp] {b_{22}};%
                  & \ldots & b_{2q}  \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots  \\
  b_{p1} & \node[node style sp] {b_{p2}};%
                  & \ldots & b_{pq}  \\
\node [draw,above=10pt] at (B.north) 
    { $B$ : $p$ rows \textcolor{red}{$q$ columns}};
% matrice résultat
\matrix (C) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter = )] at (6*\myunit,0)
  c_{11} & c_{12} & \ldots & c_{1q} \\
  c_{21} & \node[node style sp,red] {c_{22}};%
                  & \ldots & c_{2q} \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
  c_{n1} & c_{n2} & \ldots & c_{nq} \\
% les fleches
% \draw[blue] (A-2-1.north) -- (C-2-2.north);
% \draw[blue] (A-2-1.south) -- (C-2-2.south);
% \draw[blue] (B-1-2.west)  -- (C-2-2.west);
% \draw[blue] (B-1-2.east)  -- (C-2-2.east);
% \draw[<->,red](A-2-1) to[in=180,out=90]
%   node[arrow style mul] (x) {$a_{21}\times b_{12}$} (B-1-2);
% \draw[<->,red](A-2-2) to[in=180,out=90]
%   node[arrow style mul] (y) {$a_{22}\times b_{22}$} (B-2-2);
% \draw[<->,red](A-2-4) to[in=180,out=90]
%   node[arrow style mul] (z) {$a_{2p}\times b_{p2}$} (B-4-2);
% \draw[red,->] (x) to node[arrow style plus] {$+$} (y)%
%                   to node[arrow style plus] {$+\raisebox{.5ex}{\ldots}+$} (z)%
%                   to (C-2-2.north west);

\node [draw,below=10pt] at (C.south) 
    {$ C=A\times B$ : \textcolor{red}{$n$ rows}  \textcolor{red}{$q$ columns}};



ahora lo entiendo

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Con la primera línea comentada.

Latex Error: ./matrix-multiplication.tex:66 Package pgf Error: No shape named `A-2-1' is known.

Latex Error: ./matrix-multiplication.tex:66 Package pgf Error: No shape named `C-2-2' is known.

En 2008

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


No estoy seguro de si realmente se admite poner \nodecomandos en un matrix of nodesarchivo o matrix of math nodes. De todos modos, parece que lo usas para dar estilos a los nodos. Hay una manera más sencilla. En lugar de

\node[node style sp] {a_{22}};

sólo decir

|[node style sp]|  a_{22}

Este es el método documentado en el manual actual (v3.1.5) y funciona.



% l' unite
\newcommand{\myunit}{1 cm}
    node style sp/.style={draw,circle,minimum size=\myunit},
    node style ge/.style={circle,minimum size=\myunit},
    arrow style mul/.style={draw,sloped,midway,fill=white},
    arrow style plus/.style={midway,sloped,fill=white},

% les matrices
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter = )] at (0,0)
  a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1p}  \\
  |[node style sp]| a_{21}%
         & |[node style sp]| a_{22}%
                  & \ldots%
                           & |[node style sp]| a_{2p} \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots  \\
  a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \ldots & a_{np}  \\
\node [draw,below=10pt] at (A.south) 
    { $A$ : \textcolor{red}{$n$ rows} $p$ columns};

\matrix (B) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter =)] at (6*\myunit,6*\myunit)
  b_{11} & |[node style sp]| b_{12}%
                  & \ldots & b_{1q}  \\
  b_{21} & |[node style sp]| b_{22}%
                  & \ldots & b_{2q}  \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots  \\
  b_{p1} & |[node style sp]| b_{p2}%
                  & \ldots & b_{pq}  \\
\node [draw,above=10pt] at (B.north) 
    { $B$ : $p$ rows \textcolor{red}{$q$ columns}};
% matrice résultat
\matrix (C) [matrix of math nodes,%
             nodes = {node style ge},%
             left delimiter  = (,%
             right delimiter = )] at (6*\myunit,0)
  c_{11} & c_{12} & \ldots & c_{1q} \\
  c_{21} & |[node style sp,red]| c_{22}%
                  & \ldots & c_{2q} \\
  \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
  c_{n1} & c_{n2} & \ldots & c_{nq} \\
% les fleches
\draw[blue] (A-2-1.north) -- (C-2-2.north);
\draw[blue] (A-2-1.south) -- (C-2-2.south);
\draw[blue] (B-1-2.west)  -- (C-2-2.west);
\draw[blue] (B-1-2.east)  -- (C-2-2.east);
\draw[<->,red](A-2-1) to[in=180,out=90]
  node[arrow style mul] (x) {$a_{21}\times b_{12}$} (B-1-2);
\draw[<->,red](A-2-2) to[in=180,out=90]
  node[arrow style mul] (y) {$a_{22}\times b_{22}$} (B-2-2);
\draw[<->,red](A-2-4) to[in=180,out=90]
  node[arrow style mul] (z) {$a_{2p}\times b_{p2}$} (B-4-2);
\draw[red,->] (x) to node[arrow style plus] {$+$} (y)%
                  to node[arrow style plus] {$+\raisebox{.5ex}{\ldots}+$} (z)%
                  to (C-2-2.north west);

\node [draw,below=10pt] at (C.south) 
    {$ C=A\times B$ : \textcolor{red}{$n$ rows}  \textcolor{red}{$q$ columns}};



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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