cómo crear un cuadro de alerta usando tcolorbox

cómo crear un cuadro de alerta usando tcolorbox

Intenté alinear el signo de exclamación y no pude centrarlo ni vertical ni horizontalmente, bueno, mi objetivo es que se vea igual que esta imagen. ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


\newtcolorbox[auto counter,number within=section]{caja}[1][]{
  enhanced jigsaw,colback=white,colframe=orang,coltitle=orang,
  sharp corners,
  detach title,
  underlay unbroken and first={\node[below,text=white,font=\sffamily\bfseries,align=center]
    at ([xshift=-11mm,yshift=-1mm]interior.north west) {\Huge \centering  \textbf{!}};},
  breakable,pad at break=1mm,
  code={\ifdefempty{\tcbtitletext}{}{\tcbset{before upper={\tcbtitle\par\medskip}}}},

The vertical alignment settings are only relevant for boxes which are larger than their
natural height, see Section 4.10 on page 53.

Como habrás notado, estoel cuadro tiene un títuloy parece tener un efecto en la alineación


Ajustar los puntos de anclaje, usarlos anchor=easty eliminarlos, \centeringasí como usarlo, [xshift=-22.5pt]produce el resultado deseado.



\newtcolorbox[auto counter,number within=section]{caja}[1][]{
  enhanced jigsaw,colback=white,colframe=orang,coltitle=orang,
  sharp corners,
  detach title,
  % What you need %%%%%%%%%%%%
  underlay unbroken and first={\node[below,text=black,anchor=east]
  at ([xshift=-22.5pt]interior.base west) {\Huge  \textbf{!}};},
  breakable,pad at break=1mm,
  code={\ifdefempty{\tcbtitletext}{}{\tcbset{before upper={\tcbtitle\par\medskip}}}},

One-line text.

The vertical alignment settings are only relevant for boxes which are larger than their natural height, see Section 4.10 on page 53.

The vertical alignment settings are only relevant for boxes which are larger than their natural height, see Section 4.10 on page 53. The vertical alignment settings are only relevant for boxes which are larger than their natural height, see Section 4.10 on page 53. The vertical alignment settings are only relevant for boxes which are larger than their natural height, see Section 4.10 on page 53. 

información relacionada