Estoy usando una plantilla de Overleafingrese la descripción del enlace aquí
Sin embargo, no tengo idea de dónde cambiar el diseño de la página. Quiero escribir más en mi Abstract
página, mientras que otras páginas mantienen la misma plantilla.
Si usara esto:
\usepackage[top=2cm,left=1.2cm,right=1.2cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}
Cambiará todas las páginas. Solo quiero Abstract
En la foto de abajo, quiero Abstract
mover la palabra un poco hacia arriba para poder escribir más. Sin embargo, otros títulos siguen siendo los mismos que los de la plantilla. ¿Puedo hacerlo?
Por ejemplo:
\include{structure/abstract} %-> page size larger
\include{structure/acknowledgements} %--> page remain in original size
\documentclass[12pt,oneside]{book} % Remove draft option to show figures (for final draft), otherwise keep for faster production
\usepackage{uorthesis} % Loads the LaTeX style package
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, dashed=false]{biblatex}
% \titleformat{\chapter}[block]
% {\normalfont\sffamily\LARGE\bfseries\filcenter}
% {\filcenter\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter\filcenter\\}{20pt}{\huge}
\titleformat{\chapter}[block] {\normalfont\sffamily\LARGE\bfseries\filcenter} {\filcenter\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter\filcenter\\}{20pt}{\huge}[{\titlerule[1pt]}]
% Put custom packages to be loaded here
% \usepackage{linguex} % For linguistic examples
% \usepackage{tikz} % For drawing
% Title page
% All subsequent pages must be numbered, title page is considered page i,
% front matter is numbered in lowercase Roman numerals
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DISSERTATION CONTENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Regular numbering starts now, first page of first chapter is page 1
% Body
% References
Archivo uorthesis.sty:
% This defines everything necessary for a thesis
% Master's/PhD at UoR (or anywhere else).
% Do what you will with this package
[2018/01/18 v0.01 LaTeX package for UOR thesis]
\setlist{nosep} % Removes too much vertical spacing in lists
\usepackage{booktabs} % makes tables look good
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % For page number in the upper right (required) and other running headers(optional)
\usepackage{setspace} % For double-spacing (required)
\usepackage{titlesec} % For keeping chapter/chapter titles single-spaced
\usepackage{etoolbox} % For the flag determining if front matter goes into the TOC
\usepackage{float} % Helps float images to the top
% Define custom colors
\definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.5}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=darkblue]{hyperref} % Adds hyperlinks in the pdf
\usepackage{csquotes} % Makes quotes look good
\usepackage[font=small,labelfont={bf,sf}, textfont={sf}, justification=centering]{caption}
%% Font setup
% \usepackage{lmodern}
% Header height (to avoid fancyhdr error)
% Header formatting for regular pages
% Header formatting for chapter title pages
% Formatting of chapter and chapter titles: keep them single-spaced in the midst of double-spaced text
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\Huge\sffamily\bfseries}{\thechapter{. }}{0pt}{\Huge}
\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} % subfigure option only if using subfigure package
\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\Huge \bfseries \sffamily} % ToC title
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\textsf{List of Figures}}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\textsf{List of Tables}}
% Flag for whether to add front matter to TOC
\toggletrue{fulltoc} % Change to \togglefalse{fulltoc} to remove front matter
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
%% End of file `uorthesis.sty'.