Escribir códigos de látex en tikz

Escribir códigos de látex en tikz

¿Es posible escribir LaTeXcódigos en tikz? Permítanme aclarar esto con un ejemplo: quiero crear el círculo unitario (esta parte ya está hecha) con un texto separado con código de látex con cosas como $\sin²+\cos²=1$ or $\tan(x)=\frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)}$combinadas con texto para explicar todo eso, a la derecha del círculo unitario, creo que esta usando


% Unit circle drawing part

\node[right] (1,0) {the latex code}


PERO, cuando publico el LaTeXcódigo con $\cos²+\sin²=1$etc, no forma una línea o espacio diferente. ¿Cómo puedo crear nuevas líneas si todo esto es posible? Intenté con lo anterior, usando double \for new line o $$code$$for new line pero tampoco funciona. ¿Ayuda?

este es el codigo



\draw[step=.5cm,gray,very thin] (-1.4,-1.4) grid (1.4,1.4);
\filldraw[fill=green!20,draw=green!50!black] (0,0) -- (3mm,0mm) arc
(0:30:3mm) -- cycle;
\draw[->] (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0) coordinate (x axis);
\draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) coordinate (y axis);
\draw (0,0) circle (1cm);
\draw[very thick,red]
(30:1cm) -- node[anchor=east,fill=white] {$\sin \alpha$} (30:1cm |- x axis);
\draw[very thick,blue]
(30:1cm |- x axis) -- node[below=2pt,fill=white] {$\cos \alpha$} (0,0);
\draw[very thick,orange] (1,0) -- node [right=1pt,fill=white]
{$\tan \alpha \color{black}=
\frac{{\color{red}\sin \alpha}}{\color{blue}\cos \alpha}$}
(intersection of 0,0--30:1cm and 1,0--1,1) coordinate (t);
\draw (0,0) -- (t);
\filldraw (15:2mm) node[green!50!black] {$\alpha$};
\foreach \x/\xtext in {-1, -0.5/-\frac{1}{2}, 1}
\draw (\x cm,1pt) -- (\x cm,-1pt) node[anchor=north,fill=white] {$\xtext$};
\foreach \y/\ytext in {-1, -0.5/-\frac{1}{2}, 0.5/\frac{1}{2}, 1}
\draw (1pt,\y cm) -- (-1pt,\y cm) node[anchor=east,fill=white] {$\ytext$};
\node[draw, align=right] at (2.7,0) {The $\color{green}\text{angle }\alpha$\\ is $30^{\circ}$ in the example  ($\frac{\pi}{6}$ in radians). \\ The $\color{red}{\text{sine of }\alpha}$ , which is the height\\ of the red line is\\  ${\color{red}{\sin \alpha}}=\frac12$ \\ By the Pythagoream Theorem,\\ we have \\ ${\color{blue}\cos^2 \alpha}+{\color{red}\sin^2 \alpha}=1$. \\ Thus the length of the blue line, \\ which is the$\color{blue}{\text{cosine of }\alpha}$,\\ must be\\ ${\color{blue}\cos \alpha}=\sqrt{1-\frac14}=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{3}$\\ This shows that $\color{yellow}{\tan \alpha}$, \\ which is the height of the orange line is \\  ${\color{yellow}{\tan \alpha}}=\frac{{\color{red}{\sin \alpha}}}{\color{blue}{\cos \alpha}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$}; \end{tikzpicture}


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Hay al menos dos posibilidades. El primero es el que has estado probando, siendo el texto deseado el contenido de un node. El segundo usaría el minipageentorno teniendo el dibujo a la izquierda y el texto a la derecha.

Seguí la primera solución y me apegué a su código, pero cambié el ángulo por razones de claridad.

El código

\documentclass[11pt, margin=1cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary[calc, math]


\tikzmath{ real \a; \a=60; }
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5, every node/.style={scale=.9}]
  \draw[step=.5, gray!80!blue!40, very thin] (-1.4, -1.4) grid (1.4, 1.4);
  %% axes
  \draw[gray, thin, ->] (-1.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0) coordinate (x axis);
  \draw[gray, thin, ->] (0, -1.5) -- (0, 1.5) coordinate (y axis);
  \foreach \x/\pos/\xtext in {-1/below left/-1,
    -.5/below left/-\frac{1}{2}, 1/below right/1}{%
    \draw[thick] (\x , 1pt) -- ++(0, -2pt) node[\pos] {$\xtext$};
  \foreach \y/\pos/\ytext in {-1/below left/-1,
    .5/above left/\frac{1}{2}, 1/above left/1}{%
    \draw[thick] (1pt, \y) -- ++(-2pt, 0) node[\pos] {$\ytext$};

  %% circle and trigonometry
  \draw[thin] (0, 0) circle (1);
  \filldraw[draw=green!50!black, fill=green!20]
  (0, 0) -- (.3, 0) arc (0: \a: .3)
  node[pos=.5, anchor=south west, green!50!black, inner sep=2pt]
  {$\alpha$} -- cycle;
  \draw[very thick, red]
  (\a:1) -- (\a:1 |- x axis) node[pos=.5, anchor=west] {$\sin\alpha$} ;
  \draw[very thick, blue]
  (0, 0) -- (\a:1 |- x axis) node[pos=.5, anchor=north] {$\cos\alpha$};
  (0, 0) -- (intersection of 0, 0--\a:1 and 1, 0--1, 1) coordinate (T);
  \draw[very thick, magenta]
  (1, 0) -- (T) node [pos=.5, anchor=west] {$\tan\alpha \color{black}=

  \path (2, .9)
  node[anchor=north west, align=left, text width=6.1cm] 
  {The {\color{green!50!black}angle} $\alpha$ is $60^{\circ}$ in the
    example ($\frac{\pi}{3}$ in radians).  \\
    The {\color{blue}cosine of} $\alpha$, which is the length of the
    blue line, is ${\color{blue}\cos\alpha}=\frac{1}{2}$. \\
    By Pythagoras' Theorem,
    ${\color{blue}\cos^2\alpha}+{\color{red}\sin^2\alpha}=1$.  Thus the
    length of the red line, which is {\color{red}sine of} $\alpha$,
    ${\color{red}\sin\alpha}=\sqrt{1-\frac{1}{4}}=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$. \\
    Hence $\color{magenta}\tan\alpha$,  which is the length of the
    magenta line, equals  

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