Quiero escribir una macro para eliminar el cero en el decimal. por ejemplo, convertir 2.0
a 2
un número.
Este es mi intento de eliminar un cero pero no funciona y produce un error:
Missing number, treated as zero. \isinteger{1.5}
Missing = inserted for \ifnum. \isinteger{1.5}
Missing number, treated as zero. \isinteger{1.5}
¿Alguna idea?
Si solo desea imprimir un número entero como un número entero y un número no entero como un número no entero, y dado que ya está usandopgfmatemáticas, recomiendo usar \pgfmathprintnumber
. Se describe en detalle en el capítulo 98 de laTikZmanual, pero lo siguiente parece hacer lo que desea:
\newcommand{\isinteger}[1]{\pgfmathprintnumber[int detect,fixed]{#1}}
Esto imprime 1.5
y 1
, respectivamente.
Otra opción es utilizar \num
Una variante de la respuesta de David, si el objetivo es simplemente no imprimir ceros al final:
\fpeval{round(4*pi*3.4^3/3,0)} % round to integer
Tenga en cuenta que el fp
módulo de expl3
(que se utiliza aquí) es mucho más preciso que las utilidades de punto flotante PGF.
Puedo ofrecer una rutina ampliable \normalizenumber
para "normalizar" números.
Para explicar cómo\normalizenumber
funciona permítanme definir, además de lo que se define de la gramática de TeX en el TeXBook en notación Backus/Naur, una cantidad⟨separador decimal⟩:
⟨separador decimal⟩→. 12|, 12
Sintaxis de \normalizenumber
\normalizenumber⟨undelimited argument⟩
Caso 1:
Los tokens que se forman ⟨undelimited argument⟩
cumplen con el patrón.
⟨señales opcionales⟩⟨constante entera⟩⟨un espacio opcional⟩
En el caso 1
- ⟨señales opcionales⟩se convierten y se entregan como se describe a continuación.
- ⟨constante entera⟩con todos los ceros iniciales eliminados.
En caso de que la eliminación de todos los ceros iniciales produzca un vacío, se entrega un solo dígito.012
- ⟨un espacio opcional⟩es removido.
Caso 2:
Los tokens que se forman ⟨undelimited argument⟩
cumplen con el patrón.
⟨señales opcionales⟩⟨constante entera⟩⟨separador decimal⟩⟨constante entera⟩⟨un espacio opcional⟩
En el caso 2
- ⟨señales opcionales⟩se convierten y se entregan como se describe a continuación.
- el primero/izquierda⟨constante entera⟩se entrega sin todos los ceros iniciales.
En caso de que la eliminación de todos los ceros iniciales produzca un vacío, se entrega un solo dígito.012
- Si se eliminan todos los ceros finales del segundo/derecho⟨constante entera⟩no produce vacío, entonces⟨separador decimal⟩está entregado.
- el segundo/derecha⟨constante entera⟩se entrega sin todos los ceros finales.
- ⟨un espacio opcional⟩es removido.
En todos los otros casosLos tokens que lo forman ⟨undelimited argument⟩
se entregan sin cambios. Se
eliminan las llaves que delimitan el ⟨undelimited argument⟩
En todo casodebido a \romannumeral0
la expansión, el resultado se entrega después de dos pasos de expansión/al "golpear" \normalizenumber
dos \expandafter
Lo que acabamos de decir implica que, por ejemplo, \normalizenumber{1.}
regresa 1.
sin cambios porque el⟨argumento ilimitado⟩ 1.
ni es del patrón descrito para el caso 1 ni es del patrón descrito para el caso 2. \normalizenumber{1.000}
produce 1
—el⟨argumento ilimitado⟩ 1.000
es del patrón descrito para el caso 2.
Conversión de⟨señales opcionales⟩
En caso⟨señales opcionales⟩denotan un número no negativo, no se devuelve ningún token por ellos.
En caso⟨señales opcionales⟩denotan un número negativo, se devuelve un único token de carácter explícito para ellos. Si el valor absoluto del número a normalizar es 0, no obtendrá un signo; no lo obtendrá, pero obtendrá .-12
Expansión de \normalizenumber
's⟨argumento ilimitado⟩
en un bucle recursivo de cola examina su argumento en forma de token: si el primer token del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩no implica que el⟨argumento ilimitado⟩no cumple con el patrón del caso 1 ni cumple con el patrón del caso 2, entonces será eliminado del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩para la siguiente iteración y en la siguiente iteración \normalizenumber
"mirará" el primer token del resto⟨argumento ilimitado⟩.
Hay un \if
interruptor \ifnormalizenumberexpandarg
Si dices \normalizenumberexpandargfalse
, entonces \normalizenumber
no expande los tokens expandibles durante el examen y encontrar un token expandible implica que el⟨argumento ilimitado⟩ni cumple con el patrón descrito para el caso 1 ni cumple con el patrón descrito para el caso 2.
Si dices \normalizenumberexpandargtrue
, entonces en cada iteración encontrar que el primer token del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩es expandible desencadena "golpearlo" \expandafter
y en la siguiente iteración examina el resultado. Ampliando el primer token del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩puede afectar a los tokens posteriores del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩.
Úselo \normalizenumberexpandargtrue
con cuidado y con cierta sospecha:
si el primer token es desequilibrado \else
o \fi
desequilibrado \csname
, puede recibir todo tipo de mensajes de error extraños. Si el primer token se define para activar cosas que afectan a los tokens más allá de la llave de cierre del⟨argumento ilimitado⟩, entonces el flujo del programa puede volverse impredecible. Si el primer token está definido para entregarse solo, puede terminar en un bucle sin fin.
%% Paraphernalia:
%% \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@Removespace
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpace, \UD@ExtractFirstArg
\@ifdefinable\UD@Removespace{\UD@Exchange{ }{\def\UD@Removespace}{}}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is empty>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
\UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
\UD@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@firstoftwo}%
%% Check whether argument's first token is a catcode-1-character
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked has leading
%% catcode-1-token>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked has no leading
%% catcode-1-token>}%
\UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
\UD@firstoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@secondoftwo}%
%% Check whether brace-balanced argument starts with a space-token
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%% which is to be checked>'s 1st token is a
%% space-token>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%% which is to be checked>'s 1st token is not
%% a space-token>}%
{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@secondoftwo}%
{\expandafter\UD@secondoftwo\string{\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB.#1 }{}}%
\long\def\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB#1 {%
{\UD@Exchange{ }{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
%% Extract K-th inner undelimited argument:
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{<integer K>}{<list of undelimited args>}
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of indelimited args> :
%% Does not deliver any token.
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of indelimited args> :
%% Does deliver that K-th argument with one level of braces removed.
%% Examples:
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{0}{ABCDE} yields: <nothing>
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}{ABCDE} yields: C
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}{AB{CD}E} yields: CD
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{4}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: 004
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{6}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: <nothing>
% #1: <integer number K>
\expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}%
\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{ }{%
\expandafter\UD@CheckWhetherNull\expandafter{\UD@firstoftwo#2{}.}{ }{%
{\UD@firstoftwo{\expandafter}{} \UD@secondoftwo{}#1}%
%% Fork if argument, which must be a single token, is
%% 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/+/-/./,/<space token>/<expandable token>/<something else>
%% (total: 17 cases)
!#1!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{1}% <digit> 0_12
!0!#1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{2}% <digit> 1_12
!0!1!#1!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{3}% <digit> 2_12
!0!1!2!#1!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{4}% <digit> 3_12
!0!1!2!3!#1!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{5}% <digit> 4_12
!0!1!2!3!4!#1!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{6}% <digit> 5_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!#1!7!8!9!+!-!,!.!{7}% <digit> 6_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!#1!8!9!+!-!,!.!{8}% <digit> 7_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!#1!9!+!-!,!.!{9}% <digit> 8_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!#1!+!-!,!.!{10}% <digit> 9_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!#1!-!,!.!{11}% <plus or minus> +_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!#1!,!.!{12}% <plus or minus> -_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!#1!.!{13}% <decimal constant> ,_12
!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!+!-!,!#1!{14}% <decimal constant> ._12
\ifcat\noexpand#1 \expandafter\UD@firstoftwo\else\expandafter\UD@secondoftwo\fi
{15}% <space token> differing from explicit character token of catcode 10
% and charcode 32; removable as undelimited argument
{18}% something else which is not allowed
{17}% expandable token
}{18}% Case: #1 contains !_12 , therefore is something else which is not
% allowed
%% \normalizenumber{<argument>}
% #1 - argument to iterate
% #2 - leading zero if found
% #3 - optional minus sign
% #4 - argument untouched
% #5 - decimal separator not/already found - \UD@firstoftwo/\UD@secondoftwo
% #6 - zero-decimals collected so far
% #7 - sign-check on/off - \UD@firstoftwo/\UD@secondoftwo
% #8 - significant digits collected so far
\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#8}{\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#2}{ #4}{ #2}}{ #3#8}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <integer K>:
% Code for calculating \UD@ExtractKthArg's <integer K>
18% argument to iterate's 1st token has catcode 1, therefore is not
% allowed.
16% explicit character token of catcode 10 and charcode 32; not
% removable as undelimited argument
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 1st argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 1, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 0_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 2nd argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 2, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 1_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 3rd argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 3, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 2_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 4th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 4, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 3_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 5th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 5, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 4_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 6th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 6, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 5_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 7th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 7, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 6_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 8th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 8, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 7_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 9th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 9, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 8_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 10th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 10, thus #1's
% 1st token is <digit> 9_12
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 11th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 11, thus #1's
% 1st token is <plus or minus> +_12
\expandafter{\UD@firstoftwo{}#1}{ #4}{%
}{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 12th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 12, thus #1's
% 1st token is <plus or minus> -_12
\expandafter{\UD@firstoftwo{}#1}{ #4}{%
}{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 13th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 13, thus #1's
% 1st token is <decimal constant> ,_12
\expandafter{\UD@firstoftwo{}#1}{ #4}{%
\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#2#8}{ #4}{%
}{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 14th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 14, thus #1's
% 1st token is <decimal constant> ._12
\expandafter{\UD@firstoftwo{}#1}{ #4}{%
\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#2#8}{ #4}{%
}{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 15th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 15, thus #1's
% 1st token is a <space token> differing from explicit character
% token of catcode 10 and charcode 32 and is removable as
% undelimited argument
{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 16th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 16, thus #1's
% 1st token is a <space token>, more precisely an explicit
% character token of catcode 10 and charcode 32 and is not removable
% as undelimited argument
{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 17th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 17, thus #1's
% 1st token is expandable.
{ #4}%
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>'s 18th argument:
% \UD@ExtractKthArg's 1st argument yields the number 18, thus #1's
% 1st token is not allowed with numbers that can be normalized.
\UD@firstoftwo{ #4}%
% End of \UD@ExtractKthArg's <list of undelimited args>.
% Test \normalizenumber by applying it inside the definition-text of \test:
\makeatletter\let\sptoken= \@sptoken\makeatother
The following either comply the pattern described in case 1 or comply the pattern described in case 2:
01: \Test{\normalizenumber{-\sptoken\sptoken-\sptoken++\sptoken00000.0000\sptoken}}
02: \Test{\normalizenumber{-\sptoken\sptoken-\sptoken++\sptoken - 8\sptoken}}
03: \Test{\normalizenumber{+-+00000}}
04: \Test{\normalizenumber{-++++0}}
05: \Test{\normalizenumber{---00000.000010000}}
06: \Test{\normalizenumber{--+-0003.9}}
07: \Test{\normalizenumber{+-+00087}}
08: \Test{\normalizenumber{+ -+00024}}
09: \Test{\normalizenumber{--87.0000}}
10: \Test{\normalizenumber{+--0015.00000010000700000}}
11: \Test{\normalizenumber{+98.0000 }}
12: \Test{\normalizenumber{4.50000}}
13: \Test{\normalizenumber{2.50000 }}
14: \Test{\normalizenumber{7,4}}
15: \Test{\normalizenumber{67}}
16: \Test{\normalizenumber{-15}}
17: \Test{\normalizenumber{-+ +-+ 15 }}
18: \Test{\normalizenumber{67,0000}}
19: \Test{\normalizenumber{67,0000001}}
20: \Test{\normalizenumber{68,0000 }}
21: \Test{\normalizenumber{2,80000}}
22: \Test{\normalizenumber{7,50000 }}
23: \Test{\normalizenumber{1,50000 }}
The following don't comply any of these two patterns:
24: \Test{\normalizenumber{}}
25: \Test{\normalizenumber{--++}}
26: \Test{\normalizenumber{--++}}
27: \Test{\normalizenumber{-1.}}
28: \Test{\normalizenumber{3.7.0000 }}
29: \Test{\normalizenumber{8,5,0000 }}
30: \Test{\normalizenumber{8,9.0000 }}
31: \Test{\normalizenumber{9.3,0000 }}
32: \Test{\normalizenumber{A.0000}}
33: \Test{\normalizenumber{1{1}1}}
34: \Test{\normalizenumber{{1},6}}
35: \Test{\normalizenumber{1,}}
36: \Test{\normalizenumber{7,~ / 8()}}
37: \Test{\normalizenumber{1{1}1}}
\verb|\def\macroa#1#2{- - + -00012\macrob}%|
\def\macroa#1#2{- - + -00012\macrob}%
32: \Test{\normalizenumber{\macroa{7}{8}}}
33: \Test{\normalizenumber{\macroa{7}{8}}}