Actualmente estoy intentando enviar un artículo a la FPSAC. Hasta ahora todo bien, pero tengo la siguiente advertencia:
Overfull \vbox (3.26552pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
Sé dónde ocurre: es el título. La clase es la siguiente (que NO PUEDO cambiar por requisito del envío):
% Copyright 2018 Nicholas Beaton
\ProvidesClass{FPSAC2021}[2020/09/02 FPSAC 2021 Proceedings class]
\newif \if@submission
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% pulling the title information from source
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% pulling address information from source
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\long\gdef \@abstract{#1}
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\long\gdef \@resume{#1}
\def \@resumetitle{\relax}
\long\gdef \@resumetitle{Abstract}
\long\def \resumetitle#1{
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%%%%%%% BIBLATEX STUFF %%%%%%%
%\renewbibmacro{in:}{. In:}
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\long \gdef \@firsthead{\parbox{\textwidth}{\footnotesize \textit{S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire} XX (2021) \hfill \textit{Proceedings of the 33$^\text{rd}$ Conference on Formal Power} \newline Article \#\@articlenumber, \pageref*{LastPage} pp. \hfill \textit{Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Ramat Gan)}}}
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% {\small \itshape \@address \par}
% \vspace{6\p@}
% \if@submission{\small{\@received}}\fi%
% \if@revision{\small{; \@revised}}\fi%
% \if@finalversion{\small{; \@accepted}}\fi%
% \if@submission{\small{.}\vspace{0\p@}}\fi
% % \hrule \@height 1\p@
\def \@makeabstract{
\if@abstractgiven{\noindent{\textbf{Abstract.} \@abstract \par}}\fi
\if@resumegiven{\noindent{\textbf{\@resumetitle.} \@resume \par}}\fi
% \vspace{8\p@}
% \hrule \@height 1\p@
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\vskip \belowcaptionskip%
\newcommand \acknowledgments{\section*{Acknowledgments}}
\newcommand \acknowledgements{\section*{Acknowledgements}}
\newcommand \noabstract{\printkeywords}
% end of file
Ahora mi código se ve así:
\title{A new order on integer partitions}
\author{Étienne Tétreault \thanks{\href{mailto: [email protected]}{[email protected]}.}\addressmark{1}}
\address{\addressmark{1}Département de mathématiques, Université du Québec à Montréal}
\abstract{Considering Schur positivity of differences of plethysms of homogeneous symmetric functions, we introduce a new relation on integer partitions. This relation is conjectured to be a partial order, with its restriction to one part partitions equivalent to the classical Foulkes conjecture. We establish some of the properties of this relation via the construction of explicit inclusion of modules whose characters correspond to the plethysms considered. We also prove some stability properties for the number of irreducible occurring in these modules as $n$ grows.}
\keywords{Representation theory, plethysm, symmetric group}
¿Alguien sabe qué puedo hacer para deshacerme de esto sin cambiar la clase? No sé lo suficiente sobre clases personalizadas para entender exactamente qué sucede...
El problema proviene del encabezado, no del título, lo cual está bien. Sin alterar la clase, puede ampliar la altura de la cabeza en el preámbulo y la advertencia desaparecerá. (No es necesario cargar el paquete xcolor. Ya está incluido en la clase).
La clase está hecha a medida para el evento. Quizás deberías enviar un comentario a los organizadores, ya que el mismo problema afectará a otros participantes igualmente observadores.
%\usepackage{ytableau} % not needed for this MWE
%\usepackage{extpfeil} % not needed for this MWE
%\usepackage{bm} % not needed for this MWE
%\usepackage{xcolor} % not needed, already include in the class
\usepackage{kantlipsum} %dummy text
\setlength{\headheight}{16pt} % <<<< added
\title{A new order on integer partitions}
\author{Étienne Tétreault \thanks{\href{mailto: [email protected]}{[email protected]}.}\addressmark{1}}
\address{\addressmark{1}Département de mathématiques, Université du Québec à Montréal}
\abstract{Considering Schur positivity of differences of plethysms of homogeneous symmetric functions, we introduce a new relation on integer partitions. This relation is conjectured to be a partial order, with its restriction to one part partitions equivalent to the classical Foulkes conjecture. We establish some of the properties of this relation via the construction of explicit inclusion of modules whose characters correspond to the plethysms considered. We also prove some stability properties for the number of irreducible occurring in these modules as $n$ grows.}
\keywords{Representation theory, plethysm, symmetric group}
Esta es la salida usando
y esto sin él (como en su archivo original) y produciendo
Overfull \vbox (3.26552pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
Como puedes ver la paginación es exactamente la misma.