Usando la lista con el paquete tagstoc

Usando la lista con el paquete tagstoc

Estoy usando el paquete descrito.aquípara crear un artículo basado en etiquetas.

Tengo una lista de cadenas csv que se utilizan para crear una tabla y también me gustaría usar la primera instancia de la cadena csv como etiqueta.

\listadd\aka{DVM , Distillation with value matching, RL}
\listadd\aka{RL , Reinforcement Learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MARL , Multi agent reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{RND , random network distillation, Novelty RL }
\listadd\aka{DRL , Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MADRL , Multi agent Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{NLP , Natural language processing, NLP}
\listadd\aka{EM ,Emergent communication, EM}
\listadd\aka{LtT , Learning to teach , RL}
\listadd\aka{AA, Action advising , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TB, teacher budget, LtT }
\listadd\aka{CA, Continuous Actions, RL }
\listadd\aka{DA, Discrete Actions, RL}
\listadd\aka{NN, Noisy Nets , General }
\listadd\aka{SiA , Student initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{JiA , Joint initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TiA , Teacher initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{DDS , Dynamic difficulty scaling , Flow}
\listadd\aka{BB , Believable bots , Flow}
\listadd\aka{ToF , Theory of flow , Flow}
\listadd\aka{GBL , Game-based learning , Flow}
\listadd\aka{HRL , Hierarchical reinforcement learning , RL}

\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}


Los comandos addtagse addtagiteran a través de la lista, toman el primer elemento csv (con \readlist*\mylist{#1}) y declaretaglo utilizan. Cuando intento usarlo addtagsen el documento, aparece un LaTex Error: No counter '1' definedy parece considerar solo la última etiqueta. Por otro lado, si uso declaretagcomo:


Funciona bien.

¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?

Editar 1

Estoy editando para responder a la solicitud de más información.

Entonces, mi objetivo real es mantener una lista (también conocida como) de etiquetas con descripción y dominio relacionados (valores separados por comas).

Esta lista se utiliza para llenar un tabular con:

% create row with three elements
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[1] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[2] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[3] \\ \hline

% fill tabular

Y me gustaría que funcione con el tagstocpaquete hecho porRyan Reich aquí:


% Here's the package file

% Declare the master TOC.  This will contain:
% * A list of tags
% * A sequence of entries where tags are referenced
% and it will be used multiple times to generate lists of tag usage
\newlistof{tags}{tags}{All tags}
\renewcommand*\cfttagstitlefont{\Large\bfseries}% For example

% Use this in the preamble to make a new tag.
 \addtocontents{tags}{(#1) }%
% This is only true when printing the list of tags
% This makes sure that the list of tags is not printed most of the time...
% ...because it wraps the entire TOC from the preamble

% This is a rather inefficient way to selectively print particular tags.
% Presumably, I should just pop each tag from the list as I go,
% but etoolbox doesn't seem to handle stacks.  Probably I'm missing something.
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\@gobbletwo
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\l@section

% These are hooks for the user
% This prints all the references to a particular tag.
% Effectively, it's a partial ToC for that tag.
% This prints the snippets, placed (with repeats) beneath their tags.
% It also prints a list of defined tags, more or less as an excuse
% to have \listoftags handle the .tags auxiliary ToC file.

% This is how to proclaim a snippet, which is what gets tagged.

% In case of no hyperref
% This is how you place a tag beneath a snippet.
 \phantomsection% In case of hyperref


\renewcommand*\listoftagstitle{Snippets tagged with \currenttag}
% Preferred way to declare tags.  They will be printed in this order.

Entonces, para agregar todas las etiquetas de la lista con un comando personalizado como el que probé:

\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}


Pero cuando lo uso todo se vuelve loco y el último elemento de la lista (HRL) se repite 22 veces (los elementos de la lista).

Espero que esto aclare la cosa.

Editar 2

Estoy agregando un documento de trabajo que puedes consultar.



% Here's the package file

% Declare the master TOC.  This will contain:
% * A list of tags
% * A sequence of entries where tags are referenced
% and it will be used multiple times to generate lists of tag usage
\newlistof{tags}{tags}{All tags}
\renewcommand*\cfttagstitlefont{\Large\bfseries}% For example

% Use this in the preamble to make a new tag.
 \addtocontents{tags}{(#1) }%
% This is only true when printing the list of tags
% This makes sure that the list of tags is not printed most of the time...
% ...because it wraps the entire TOC from the preamble

% This is a rather inefficient way to selectively print particular tags.
% Presumably, I should just pop each tag from the list as I go,
% but etoolbox doesn't seem to handle stacks.  Probably I'm missing something.
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\@gobbletwo
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\l@section

% These are hooks for the user
% This prints all the references to a particular tag.
% Effectively, it's a partial ToC for that tag.
% This prints the snippets, placed (with repeats) beneath their tags.
% It also prints a list of defined tags, more or less as an excuse
% to have \listoftags handle the .tags auxiliary ToC file.

% This is how to proclaim a snippet, which is what gets tagged.

% In case of no hyperref
% This is how you place a tag beneath a snippet.
 \phantomsection% In case of hyperref


\renewcommand*\listoftagstitle{Snippets tagged with \currenttag}
% Preferred way to declare tags.  They will be printed in this order.


% create row with three elements
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[1] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[2] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[3] \\ \hline

% fill tabular

\listadd\aka{DVM , Distillation with value matching, RL}
\listadd\aka{RL , Reinforcement Learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MARL , Multi agent reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{RND , random network distillation, Novelty RL }
\listadd\aka{DRL , Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MADRL , Multi agent Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{NLP , Natural language processing, NLP}
\listadd\aka{EM ,Emergent communication, EM}
\listadd\aka{LtT , Learning to teach , RL}
\listadd\aka{AA, Action advising , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TB, teacher budget, LtT }
\listadd\aka{CA, Continuous Actions, RL }
\listadd\aka{DA, Discrete Actions, RL}
\listadd\aka{NN, Noisy Nets , General }
\listadd\aka{SiA , Student initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{JiA , Joint initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TiA , Teacher initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{DDS , Dynamic difficulty scaling , Flow}
\listadd\aka{BB , Believable bots , Flow}
\listadd\aka{ToF , Theory of flow , Flow}
\listadd\aka{GBL , Game-based learning , Flow}
\listadd\aka{HRL , Hierarchical reinforcement learning , RL}

\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}




% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor}
% If you use beamer only pass "xcolor=table" option, i.e. \documentclass[xcolor=table]{beamer}

\textbf{Aka} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Field} \\ \hline
\caption{List of acrimonious with corresponding description and field}


\placetag{SiA}\placetag{NN}\placetag{TiA }


\placetag{MADRL}\placetag{HRL}\placetag{TiA }

Something else


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