Estoy escribiendo mi trabajo de investigación y tengo una tabla comparativa que no se extiende a la página siguiente. Aquí está el código. También soy muy nuevo en el uso de columnas tabulares al dorso. Por favor, hágame saber qué tiene de malo. También adjunto una imagen como referencia. Donde puede ver la tabla no se extiende a la página siguiente.
\caption{Related works Comparison table}
{\small %
\thead Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique and \&\ Model \\
Soccer Event Detection & Automatic systems for detection event in video & Detect Object from single video frame with a confidence scores and followed by event detection. Instead of resampling pixels and features and classify those proposals, which is computationally expensive. A method is used to combine the region proposal and classification into one. & Ball possession event and kicking the ball. & Event detection and Object Detection. \\
A Discriminative CNN Video Representation for Event Detection & The idea is to effectively leverage deep Convolutional Neural Networks to advance event detection, where only frame level static descriptors can be extracted by the existing CNN toolkits. & Performance can be significantly improved by taking advantage of an appropriate encoding method. Second, we propose using a set of latent concept descriptors as the frame descriptor, which enriches visual information while keeping it computationally affordable. & Event detection & VLAD Encoding, Fisher Vector encoding, CNN Latent Concept descriptors. \\
\end{document}[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Sugiero el siguiente rediseño para xltabular
garantizar que la tabla sea tan amplia como el espacio disponible y para permitir saltos de página en la mitad de la tabla. Además, utilicé pdflscape
para rotar la página a una orientación horizontal y cambié el ancho de las columnas para minimizar la cantidad de espacios en blanco innecesarios:
\caption{Related works Comparison table}
Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique \&\ Model \\
\caption{Related works Comparison table - continued from previous page}\\
Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique \&\ Model \\
Soccer Event Detection & Automatic systems for detection event in video & Detect Object from single video frame with a confidence scores and followed by event detection. Instead of resampling pixels and features and classify those proposals, which is computationally expensive. A method is used to combine the region proposal and classification into one. & Ball possession event and kicking the ball. & Event detection and Object Detection. \\
A Discriminative CNN Video Representation for Event Detection & The idea is to effectively leverage deep Convolutional Neural Networks to advance event detection, where only frame level static descriptors can be extracted by the existing CNN toolkits. & Performance can be significantly improved by taking advantage of an appropriate encoding method. Second, we propose using a set of latent concept descriptors as the frame descriptor, which enriches visual information while keeping it computationally affordable. & Event detection & VLAD Encoding, Fisher Vector encoding, CNN Latent Concept descriptors. \\