Colocar leyenda en la esquina superior izquierda del gráfico de barras

Colocar leyenda en la esquina superior izquierda del gráfico de barras

Quiere colocar la leyenda en la esquina superior izquierda del gráfico de barras. A continuación está mi código



bar group size/.style 2 args={
    /pgf/bar shift={            
        -0.5*(#2*\pgfplotbarwidth + (#2-1)*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip})  + 
        (.5+#1)*\pgfplotbarwidth + #1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip}},%
bar group skip/.initial=2pt,
errbars/.style={error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit, error bar style ={thick},/pgfplots/.cd},
plot 0/.style={fill=blue, mark=none, postaction={pattern=dots},errbars},
plot 1/.style={fill=yellow, mark=none, postaction={pattern=north east lines},errbars},
plot 2/.style={fill=red, mark=none, postaction={pattern=horizontal lines},errbars},
plot 3/.style={fill=green, mark=none, postaction={pattern=vertical lines},errbars}

\begin{tikzpicture}[font={\large}, scale=.43, transform shape]
\begin{axis} [
xtick={100, 200, 300, 400, 500},
major x tick style = transparent,
ybar = 2*\pgflinewidth,
    ybar = 3pt,
bar width = 12pt,
    every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
    ymajorgrids = true,
ylabel={Number of Intents},          
symbolic x coords={100, 200, 300, 400, 500},
scaled y ticks = false,
    enlarge x limits = 0.15,
    enlarge y limits={value=0.15,upper},
ymin = 0,
minor y tick num=5,     
tick label style={font=\large},
legend style={at={(.5,-0.12)}, anchor=north, /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=.2cm}},      
legend columns = -1     
\addplot [fill=cyan, mark=none, postaction={pattern=grid},error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {  
    (100, 7.7) +- (2.920616373, 2.920616373)
(200, 16.08) +- (3.762127058, 3.762127058)
    (300, 23.24) +- (4.254691528, 4.254691528)      
(400, 29.72) +- (4.90322343, 4.90322343)
    (500, 38.02) +- (5.285792277, 5.285792277)
\addplot[fill=green, mark=none, postaction={pattern=north west lines},error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates { 
    (100, 92.3) +- (2.920616373, 2.920616373)       
(200, 183.92) +- (3.762127058, 3.762127058)
    (300, 276.76) +- (4.254691528, 4.254691528)    
(400, 370.28) +- (4.90322343, 4.90322343)
    (500, 461.98) +- (5.285792277, 5.285792277)
\addplot [fill=yellow, mark=none, postaction={pattern=north east lines}] coordinates {  
(100, 100)     
(200, 200)
(300, 300)     
(400, 400)
(500, 500)
\legend{Rejected, Accepted, Accepted with Negotiation}


Para colocar la leyenda en la esquina superior izquierda de su gráfico, debe eliminarla legend columns = -1de la lista de opciones del axisentorno para que las tres entradas de la leyenda se impriman una debajo de la otra. Puedes posicionar la leyenda usando at = {(0,1)}, anchor = north west. Finalmente, solía legend cell align = lefttener las entradas de la leyenda alineadas a la izquierda.

Aparte de eso, tal vez podrías limpiar algunas opciones y estilos que aplicas o defines, ya que no todos son realmente necesarios aquí:


    bar group size/.style 2 args={
        /pgf/bar shift={            
            -0.5*(#2*\pgfplotbarwidth + (#2-1)*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip})  + 
            (.5+#1)*\pgfplotbarwidth + #1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip}
    bar group skip/.initial=2pt,

\begin{tikzpicture}[font={\large}, scale=.43, transform shape]
\begin{axis} [
    xtick={100, 200, 300, 400, 500},
    major x tick style=transparent,
    bar width=12pt,
    ylabel={Number of Intents},          
    enlarge x limits=0.15,
    enlarge y limits={value=0.15, upper},
    ymin = 0,
    minor y tick num=5,     
    legend style={at={(0,1)}, anchor=north west, legend cell align=left},      
\addplot[fill=cyan, mark=none, postaction={pattern=grid}, error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {  
    (100, 7.7) +- (2.920616373, 2.920616373)
    (200, 16.08) +- (3.762127058, 3.762127058)
    (300, 23.24) +- (4.254691528, 4.254691528)      
    (400, 29.72) +- (4.90322343, 4.90322343)
    (500, 38.02) +- (5.285792277, 5.285792277)
\addplot[fill=green, mark=none, postaction={pattern=north west lines}, error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates { 
    (100, 92.3) +- (2.920616373, 2.920616373)       
    (200, 183.92) +- (3.762127058, 3.762127058)
    (300, 276.76) +- (4.254691528, 4.254691528)    
    (400, 370.28) +- (4.90322343, 4.90322343)
    (500, 461.98) +- (5.285792277, 5.285792277)
\addplot [fill=yellow, mark=none, postaction={pattern=north east lines}] coordinates {  
    (100, 100)     
    (200, 200)
    (300, 300)     
    (400, 400)
    (500, 500)
\legend{Rejected, Accepted, Accepted with Negotiation}

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

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