Gran problema de espacios en blanco después del código Solidity: Advertencia del paquete xcolor: Definición de color incompatible en la línea de entrada 73. Contracción infinita del pegamento

Gran problema de espacios en blanco después del código Solidity: Advertencia del paquete xcolor: Definición de color incompatible en la línea de entrada 73. Contracción infinita del pegamento

Estaba usando el paquete Xcolor en mi documento de látex, pero luego lo comenté e incluso lo eliminé, pero sigo teniendo el problema de Xcolor. Creo que está almacenado en la versión binaria de mi documento. Ahora creé un nuevo documento para probar pero sigo teniendo el problema de xcolor. El problema ocurre en mi listado de Solidity. Mi código de mi documento de prueba es:

\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\history{Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.}
\title{Testing Involuntary }
\author{\uppercase{a A a, }
\IEEEmembership{Member, IEEE}}
\address[1]{dos, uuu, o, i, j (e-mail: [email protected])}
\address[2]{dos, iii, m,
, ooo (e-mail: [email protected])}
\tfootnote{This work.}
{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
\corresp{Corresponding author: ooo (e-mail: [email protected]).}
Smart Contracts (SCs)  
Attacker types, 
\cite{Ghost9} \cite{Ghost10} 
\cite{Ghost13} \cite{Ghost14} \cite{Ghost16}, \cite{Ghost17}
\cite{114}, \cite{117}
\subsection{Related Work}\label{ss:relatedwork}
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Solidity, label={lst:NREVicSCl1}, caption={tx.origin-based non-reentrant involuntary transfer: faulty 'tx.origin' condition does not protect Solidity's 'transfer', hence we call it involuntary transfer.}]
contract Victim{
    address owner;
    constructor() public {
       owner = msg.sender;}
    function transferTo(address payable receiver, uint amount) public {
       require(tx.origin == owner);
    function() external payable{}
\begin{IEEEbiography}[{\includegraphics[width=1in,height=1.25in,clip,keepaspectratio]{a2.png}}]{Aaa, Ph.D.} Aaaa is an Associate education.

Alguien por favor guíeme.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



Los errores tienen diferentes causas.

(1) El solidity-highlighting.texarchivo carga el xcolorpaquete que entra en conflicto con el colorpaquete, cargado por la ieeeaccessclase.

(2) ieeeaccessno proporciona facilidades para producir un título de listado formateado.

Esta respuesta proporciona el solidity-highlighting-ieeeaccess.texarchivo que se cargará en lugar de solidity-highlighting.texcuando se usa la ieeeaccessclase.

Ahora el listado captionse genera y formatea usando el paquete caption.


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\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\input{solidity-highlighting-ieeeaccess.tex} % changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    \history{Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.}
    \title{Testing Involuntary }
    \author{\uppercase{a A a, }
        \IEEEmembership{Member, IEEE}}
    \address[1]{dos, uuu, o, i, j (e-mail: [email protected])}
    \address[2]{dos, iii, m,
        , ooo (e-mail: [email protected])}
    \tfootnote{This work.}
    {Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
    {Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
    \corresp{Corresponding author: ooo (e-mail: [email protected]).}
        Smart Contracts (SCs)  
        Attacker types, 
    \cite{Ghost9} \cite{Ghost10} 
    \cite{Ghost13} \cite{Ghost14} \cite{Ghost16}, \cite{Ghost17}
    \cite{114}, \cite{117}
    \subsection{Related Work}\label{ss:relatedwork}
    \begin{lstlisting}[language=Solidity, label={lst:NREVicSCl1}, caption={tx.origin-based non-reentrant involuntary transfer: faulty 'tx.origin' condition does not protect Solidity's 'transfer', hence we call it involuntary transfer.}]
        contract Victim{
            address owner;
            constructor() public {
                owner = msg.sender;}
            function transferTo(address payable receiver, uint amount) public {
                require(tx.origin == owner);
            function() external payable{}

este es el archivosolidity-highlighting-ieeeaccess.tex

% Copyright 2017 Sergei Tikhomirov, MIT License

%% File solidity-highlighting-ieeeaccess.tex
%% To work with  ieeeaccess

%\usepackage{xcolor} % <<<<<<<<<<DO NOT USE together with ieeeaccess <<<<<<<<<<<<<

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\usepackage{caption} % added
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    keywords=[1]{anonymous, assembly, assert, balance, break, call, callcode, case, catch, class, constant, continue, constructor, contract, debugger, default, delegatecall, delete, do, else, emit, event, experimental, export, external, false, finally, for, function, gas, if, implements, import, in, indexed, instanceof, interface, internal, is, length, library, log0, log1, log2, log3, log4, memory, modifier, new, payable, pragma, private, protected, public, pure, push, require, return, returns, revert, selfdestruct, send, solidity, storage, struct, suicide, super, switch, then, this, throw, transfer, true, try, typeof, using, value, view, while, with, addmod, ecrecover, keccak256, mulmod, ripemd160, sha256, sha3}, % generic keywords including crypto operations
    keywords=[2]{address, bool, byte, bytes, bytes1, bytes2, bytes3, bytes4, bytes5, bytes6, bytes7, bytes8, bytes9, bytes10, bytes11, bytes12, bytes13, bytes14, bytes15, bytes16, bytes17, bytes18, bytes19, bytes20, bytes21, bytes22, bytes23, bytes24, bytes25, bytes26, bytes27, bytes28, bytes29, bytes30, bytes31, bytes32, enum, int, int8, int16, int24, int32, int40, int48, int56, int64, int72, int80, int88, int96, int104, int112, int120, int128, int136, int144, int152, int160, int168, int176, int184, int192, int200, int208, int216, int224, int232, int240, int248, int256, mapping, string, uint, uint8, uint16, uint24, uint32, uint40, uint48, uint56, uint64, uint72, uint80, uint88, uint96, uint104, uint112, uint120, uint128, uint136, uint144, uint152, uint160, uint168, uint176, uint184, uint192, uint200, uint208, uint216, uint224, uint232, uint240, uint248, uint256, var, void, ether, finney, szabo, wei, days, hours, minutes, seconds, weeks, years}, % types; money and time units
    keywords=[3]{block, blockhash, coinbase, difficulty, gaslimit, number, timestamp, msg, data, gas, sender, sig, value, now, tx, gasprice, origin},   % environment variables

%************************************** end solidity-highlighting-ieeeaccess.tex

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