Mesa larga en entorno paisajístico.

Mesa larga en entorno paisajístico.

Necesito tener una tabla larga con 7 columnas, así que elegí el formato horizontal. Todo funciona bien excepto el texto de la última columna que no está en el lugar correcto. No puedo entender por qué el texto no respeta los márgenes de la página (el texto que escribí después de la tabla sí lo hace). En la imagen hay un ejemplo de esto.

Aquí hay algunas líneas de código para reproducir el problema:




\caption{EEG table} \\
\textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} &
\textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings} 

{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} 
& \textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings}\\ \hline 

{{\cellcolor[rgb]{0.714,0.714,0.714}}\textbf{Effective Connectivity}}   

\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 & 16 HS                                                                            & kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase                                                                                                                                                                                                      & 32                                                                      & 24 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & PSI                                                  & activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)                                                          & 10 HS                                                                            & imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase                                                                                                                                                               & 64                                                                      & 21 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF       & findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    & 9 HS                                                                             & imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                       & 22                                                                      & 9 electrodes used as nodes                                                                                                                                                                               & PDC                                                  & significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}  


\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Con el uso longtblrdel tabularraypaquete en lugar de longtalble, puede escribir un código más corto que proporcione una tabla mejor formateada. Al utilizar Xcolumnas, el ancho de la tabla es igual a \linewidth(= \textheight) y también se puede determinar la relación entre los anchos de las columnas, excepto para la segunda y la cuarta columna, en las que se conserva el ancho natural determinado con el contenido de las celdas. La segunda y la última columna tienen texto justificado, lo que en mi opinión da una mejor apariencia a la tabla.


caption = {EEG table},
  label = {tab:EEG}
                  colspec = {X[0.5,l,m] Q[c,m]
                             X[1.8,j,m] Q[c,m] X[0.7,l,m] X[0.3,c,m]
                  cell{2}{1} = {c=7}{c},
                  row{1,2} = {c, font=\bfseries},
                  row{2}   = {font=\bfseries, bg=gray!45},
                  row{odd[3]} = {bg=gray!15},
                  rowhead  = 1}
    &   Cohort  
        &   MI Task 
            &   NC  
                &   Network Nodes   
                    &   Met\-rics 
                        &   Main Findings   \\
Effective Connectivity
    &   &   &   &   &   &                   \\
Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 
    &   16 HS   
        &   kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase
            &   32
                &   24 electrodes as nodes
                    &   PSI
                        &   activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)
    &   10 HS 
        &   imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase
            &   64
                &   21 electrodes as nodes
                    & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF
                        &   findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    
    &   9 HS                                                                             
        &   imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                     
            &   22
                &   9 electrodes used as nodes
                    &   PDC
                        &   significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}

\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Estabas forzando que la tabla fuera más ancha que el bloque de texto con un texto explícito 1.089\linewidthen una columna múltiple, y la suma de los anchos y \tabcolsepespacios de las columnas era mayor que \linewidthlo que reduje \tabcolsepaquí.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



\noindent X\dotfill X

\caption{EEG table} \\
\textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} &
\textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings} 

{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} 
& \textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings}\\ \hline 

{{\cellcolor[rgb]{0.714,0.714,0.714}}\textbf{Effective Connectivity}}   

\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 & 16 HS                                                                            & kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase                                                                                                                                                                                                      & 32                                                                      & 24 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & PSI                                                  & activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)                                                          & 10 HS                                                                            & imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase                                                                                                                                                               & 64                                                                      & 21 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF       & findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    & 9 HS                                                                             & imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                       & 22                                                                      & 9 electrodes used as nodes                                                                                                                                                                               & PDC                                                  & significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}  


\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling



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