Detalle del trazado de una función con Tikz al dorso

Detalle del trazado de una función con Tikz al dorso

He creado 3 gráficos con el siguiente código:

\usepackage[a4paper, left=2.00cm, right=2.00cm, top=2.00cm, bottom=3.00cm]{geometry}


    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 2.05) edge (2.8, 2.05) node[anchor=north] {};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 2.05) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
    \shade[ball color = red] (0.5, 2.05) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 2.05);
    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 0.55) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
    \shade[ball color = red] (2.8, 0.55) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 0.55);
    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (1.65, 0) edge (1.65, 1.05) node[anchor=north] {$\frac{\alpha+\beta}{2}$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 1.05) edge (2.8, 1.05) node[anchor=north] {};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 1.05) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
    \shade[ball color = red] (1.65, 1.05) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 1.05);


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí Sin embargo, me gustaría tener los tres gráficos alineados verticalmente y me gustaría agregar algo de texto debajo de ellos, como en este ejemplo: ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

¿Cómo puedo hacerlo? gracias de antemano


Puede alinear el eje x de sus gráficos especificando una línea de base para las imágenes de TikZ. De esta manera no tienes que preocuparte si tienen diferentes tamaños y sus abscisas se alinearán automáticamente (lo que no sería el caso si simplemente las alinearas hacia abajo, como lo hacen los paquetes habituales para subfiguras):

\usepackage[a4paper, left=2.00cm, right=2.00cm, top=2.00cm, bottom=3.00cm]{geometry}


    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[mynode] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[mynode] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 2.05) edge (2.8, 2.05);
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 2.05) edge (2.8, 0.55);
    \shade[ball color = red] (0.5, 2.05) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 2.05);
    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[mynode] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[mynode] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 0.55) edge (2.8, 0.55);
    \shade[ball color = red] (2.8, 0.55) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 0.55);
    \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[mynode] {$\alpha$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[mynode] {$\beta$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (1.65, 0) edge (1.65, 1.05) node[mynode] {$\frac{\alpha+\beta}{2}$};
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 1.05) edge (2.8, 1.05);
    \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 1.05) edge (2.8, 0.55);
    \shade[ball color = red] (1.65, 1.05) circle (2pt);
    \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 1.05);

\subcaptionbox{A cat}{\hspace{.33\linewidth}}%
\subcaptionbox{A cat}{\hspace{.33\linewidth}}%
\subcaptionbox{A cat}{\hspace{.33\linewidth}}%


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


¿Cómo esto?



        \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 2.05) edge (2.8, 2.05) node[anchor=north] {};
        \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 2.05) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
        \shade[ball color = red] (0.5, 2.05) circle (2pt);
        \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 2.05);
    \caption{Caption for the first graphic.}
        \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 0.55) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
        \shade[ball color = red] (2.8, 0.55) circle (2pt);
        \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 0.55);
    \caption{Caption for the second graphic.}
        \draw[->] (-0.3, 0) -- (3.3, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
        \draw[thick, domain=0.5:2.8, smooth, variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x}, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (0.5, 0) edge (0.5, 2) node[anchor=north] {$\alpha$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (2.8, 0) edge (2.8, 0.5) node[anchor=north] {$\beta$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = Green4] (1.65, 0) edge (1.65, 1.05) node[anchor=north] {$\frac{\alpha+\beta}{2}$};
        \path[-, dashed, color = red] (0.5, 1.05) edge (2.8, 1.05) node[anchor=north] {};
        \path[-, dashed, color = red] (2.8, 1.05) edge (2.8, 0.55) node[anchor=north] {};
        \shade[ball color = red] (1.65, 1.05) circle (2pt);
        \fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5, 0) rectangle (2.8, 1.05);
    \caption{Caption for the third graphic.}
  \caption{Main caption for the three graphics.}

Some text below the graphics.


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Puede personalizar el ancho de cada subfigura cambiando el valor de 0.3\textwidth. Los \hfillcomandos distribuyen las subfiguras horizontalmente.


Vuelva a dibujar las ordenadas para que todas las imágenes tengan la misma altura:


    tl/.style = {anchor=center, yshift=-2.4ex},
    ln/.style = {draw, color=#1, densely dashed},
  Ball/.style = {ball color = red},
    \draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (3.2, 0) node[right] {$\mathbb{R}$};
    \draw[->] (0,-0.8) + (0,0.6) -- (0, 2.5) node[above] {$\mathbb{R}$};
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ya}{sin(2*0.5 r) + 1.2}           % 2*0.5 +1.2
\pgfmathsetmacro{\yb}{sin(2*2.8 r) + 1.2}           % 2*2.8  + 1-2
\pgfmathsetmacro{\yc}{sin(2*(0.5+2.8)/2  r) + 1.2}  % 2*(0.5+2.8)/2 +1.2
%%%% images
\subfloat[Caption for the first graphic.    \label{subfig:a}]%
\draw[thick, blue, domain=0.5:2.8, samples=100] plot (\x, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});

\path[ln=Green4](0.5, 0) edge ++ (0,\ya) node[tl] {$\alpha$}
                (2.8, 0) edge ++ (0,\yb) node[tl] {$\beta$};
\path[ln=red]   (0.5, \ya)  -|  (2.8, \yb);
\shade[Ball]    (0.5, \ya) circle[radius=2pt];
\fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5,0) rectangle (2.8, \ya);
\subfloat[Caption for the second graphic.    \label{subfig:b}]%
\draw[thick, blue, domain=0.5:2.8, samples=100] plot (\x, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});

\path[ln=Green4](0.5, 0) edge ++ (0,\ya) node[tl] {$\alpha$}
                (2.8, 0) edge ++ (0,\yb) node[tl] {$\beta$};
\path[ln=red]   (0.5, \yb)  --  (2.8, \yb);
\shade[Ball]    (2.8, \yb) circle[radius=2pt];
\fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5,0) rectangle (2.8, \yb);
\subfloat[Caption for the second graphic.    \label{subfig:c}]%
\draw[thick, blue, domain=0.5:2.8, samples=100] plot (\x, {sin(2*\x r) + 1.2});

\path[ln=Green4](0.5, 0) edge ++ (0,\ya) node[tl] {$\alpha$}
                (2.8, 0) edge ++ (0,\yb) node[tl] {$\beta$}
                (1.65,0) edge ++ (0,\yc) node[tl] {$\mfrac{\alpha+\beta}{2}$};
\path[ln=red]   (0.5, \yc)  -|  (2.8, \yb);
\shade[Ball]    (1.65,\yc) circle[radius=2pt];
\fill[OrangeRed1, opacity = 0.15] (0.5,0) rectangle (2.8, \yc);
\caption{Main caption for the three graphics.}

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

En comparación con su y otras soluciones, el MWE4 anterior tiene las siguientes diferencias principales:

  • comando definido para dibujar sistemas de coordenadas (para que todas las imágenes tengan la misma altura),
  • definición común de estilos de elementos de imagen
  • desafió las macros para los cálculos de las coordenadas y utilizadas en las imágenes,
  • \subfloatentornos usados ​​que son emulados por subcaptionla versión del paquete 3.1 o posterior.

información relacionada